Why is'nt Jimmy Johnson a HC? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Why is'nt Jimmy Johnson a HC?


Practice Squad
Jan 4, 2004
Reaction score
Belhaven, NC east coast
Does Jimmy not want to coach or teams just hasnt offered him a job? Even thought I was'nt satified with Jimmy he did draft some talented players. I think we would have done better with Jimmy if he stayed a few more years sh*& we had decent records with Wanny the first 2 years. I think JJ would be a good coach if the right team made a offer. I just dont get why he aint coaching. :confused: :dolphins: Be easy its just a question.
he is retired - after that jacksonville blow out he just couldnt take it anymore
Jimmy is'nt a coach because he is filthy rich.

He can sit on his boat and fish everyday as opposed to having to get up and go to work everyday.

The only time the guy puts on shoes is to go and work for FOX once a week...I'd gladly take that life over the headache of running a NFL team.
igor79 said:
he is retired - after that jacksonville blow out he just couldnt take it anymore
i try and forget that game. thinking of it makes me sick
JJ spent his life putting coaching first, and family second, to the point of a divorce, ignoring birthdays etc. When his mother died, it seemed to wake him up to the other more important parts of life, and led to him quitting for a day a year before he actually did (Wayne H and Marino convinced him to carry on).

As such I think he just seemed to decide that he'd spent enough time coaching and needed to spend time actually living life :) Fox pays him large amounts of cash for not a lot of work, so I imagine life is pretty good.

I'd imagine its possible he could go into a team's front office at some point, but barring a total change of heart, he looks to be done as a coach.
He even said on Fox's pregame show that he wants to finsih up his job with them. He was offered a ridiculous amount of money to coach the Texans and turned it down to stay. He just plain out doesn't wanna coach. I can't blame him either.
In an interview Jimmy said almost every owner in the NFL has offered him a job and he has turned them all down. Then he made a very antimated statement that he was not interested in coaching again ever.

He just loves his life being rich in the FL Keys. He made a comment that he doesnt even wear shoes in the summer.
Noland said:
Does Jimmy not want to coach or teams just hasnt offered him a job? Even thought I was'nt satified with Jimmy he did draft some talented players. I think we would have done better with Jimmy if he stayed a few more years sh*& we had decent records with Wanny the first 2 years. I think JJ would be a good coach if the right team made a offer. I just dont get why he aint coaching. :confused: :dolphins: Be easy its just a question.

I herd the Texans were trying to get him to come out of retirement but he didn't want to. He gets to fish all day long and swim in money because he's filthy rich. To give you an idea think about Scrouge Mcduck.
unifiedtheory said:
Jimmy is'nt a coach because he is filthy rich.

He can sit on his boat and fish everyday as opposed to having to get up and go to work everyday.

The only time the guy puts on shoes is to go and work for FOX once a week...I'd gladly take that life over the headache of running a NFL team.

I dont blame him if i could set on a yacht and fish all day in South Florida at that and drink drinks on the rocks I would to. it must be nice thinking about that I dont understand why FA's dont want to sign with the fins. I think that will change now that Saban was successful his first season
I'll just more or less echo what everyone else has already posted. I've read several times that Jimmy was extremely driven early in his career, putting it ahead of everything else like someone else already mentioned. His desire, as expressed by friends who heard him say it often, was to become financially successful and career satisfied, to the point he could live a life of leisure later on. Mission accomplished.
Yeah he is sipping those foofie drinks with the umbrellas in them in the Florida Keys and not wearing shoes......that's the life. I wouldn't call the pre-game show on Fox "work either.
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