ralexand said:Vick etc. and how they look in practices this week. Is practice off limits to media or do they just not care?
I think the OTA days are off limit. Plus, they spend four of the six hours inside the classrooms learning the playbook.ralexand said:Vick etc. and how they look in practices this week. Is practice off limits to media or do they just not care?
Dubfire said:did you just start following the dolphins?
ever since Saban took over, its like a prison down there. very little gets out.
Beware the double negative... Beware, beware....:DWhy isn't the local dolphins media not reporting
And on the 14th day of OTA, Saban created press conferences? And, lo, there was much reporting of information?:DDolfan1000 said:I checked the Miamidolphins.com archives, and discovered that last season, on the 14th day of OTAs, they posted some press conferences.
So expect the same this year.