Why Isn't what PittB.'s player Wallace did not getting any outrage | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Why Isn't what PittB.'s player Wallace did not getting any outrage


Scout Team
Sep 11, 2004
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I mean he stuck his finger up Randy's butt. He kept on doing it like he was raping him. I mean, come on.
Because it happens all the time in a scrum... But it's just another example of how football is so different from other workplaces, and how the Martin thing was just stupid. If someone stuck their finger up another employees butt in the real world, they would be sued and arrested.
Because it happens all the time in a scrum... But it's just another example of how football is so different from other workplaces, and how the Martin thing was just stupid. If someone stuck their finger up another employees butt in the real world, they would be sued and arrested.

Proctologist get away with it all the time....
Well considering sanchez tried to cram his noggin up the old stink shoot, I wouldn't classify this as bad.

The bigger slap in the face is that the Randy Starks butt plug incident and Arizona Cardinals player stepping on Rams player hand got air time as part of ESPN's CMON MAN! segment basically laughing at the incidents.
Why Isn't what PittB.'s player Wallace did not getting any outrage.I mean he stuck his finger up Randy's butt. He kept on doing it like he was raping him. I mean, come on.

Um there are 4-5 threads merged into 2 currently...We did our outrage.Our outrage doesn't change what the NFL will do or not do.The video is out there and the NFL does fine players on missed calls like this.It's on multiple news outlets on dozens of sports commentator twitters.....should we call the president????
I mean he stuck his finger up Randy's butt. He kept on doing it like he was raping him. I mean, come on.

Even worse than fisting Starks, what about this A hole's full speed spear into the back of Koa Misi well after the play???? That's about as dirty as it gets. Can't we get any mother f in respect from the league????
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