Why no offensive coaches ? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Why no offensive coaches ?


FinHeaven VIP
Club Member
Feb 24, 2005
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The Dolphins have listed two defensive coaches and a special teams coach to interview. The defensive side of the team with Nolan is good. We need offensive minds Gruden (even if its Jay) Billick, Obrien, Philbin, Carmichael etc, Think offense.
That is what an offensive coordinator is supposed to do. The head coach delegates.
TBH, the head coach's speciality shouldnt be of concern... Think Cam Cameron, did he really fix our offense? How about Nick Saban the D guru? Billick is a offensive minded coach, but would you say the Ravens won that Super bowl with that great offense driven by Dilfer?
Chud developed Rivers and now Newton. That offense in Carolina is sick. Make it happen
I want a head coach who will be able to develop a close bond with a young QB ala Harbaugh / McCarthy / Payton. The HC and QB in today's NFL need to be 2 peas in a pod. Without that relationship, the team can't succeed.

Unfortunately, Stephen "Droopy" Ross is still trying to buy a clue...

We may not be interviewing OC's becuase the ones this FO wants are still coaching, I.E. Philben and Charmichael.
Chud developed Rivers and now Newton. That offense in Carolina is sick. Make it happen

Chud did not develop Rivers. He was TE coach in 05-06 and 09/10. Rivers was coached by Brian Schottenheimer and John Ramsdell as QB coaches, and Cam Cameron and Clarence Shelmon as OCs.

As for some of the guys on your list (like Carmichael and Gruden) they can't interview till a bye week or their team is eliminated from the playoffs.
We need to interview more special teams coaches screw coordinators . In fact we got a real hungry young quality control coach on our staff named Sparano
The problem here is that you are assuming they are trying to improve the team. That's a huge assumption to make at this point...
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