Why no Superbowl? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Why no Superbowl?


Pro Bowler
Sep 7, 2003
Reaction score
Now dont think I am saying we will get to the Superbowl, but is funny how reading a lot of posts have people saying we might reach the playoffs but no Superbowl is possible this year? I think we all know once you reach the playoffs that anything can happen.

btw, Im not saying we arent going either.
It all depends on our division. I think we started to close the gap with the other teams with just our draft and or the lack of some teams draft!!

The Patriots: its gona be hard to go to 3 in a row ,the odds are against them.
The Jets: well the Jets are the Jets--Will the kicker pay off
The Bills: A rookie QB and lack luster draft and same weak O-line.
I seam to like our chances in our division it all starts there..
The question in my mind is getting to playoffs. I think we have a better shot at making playoffs than we did say oh 4 months ago. Once we get to playoffs, ANYTHING is possible. It seems like it's been so LONG since we've reached playoffs... but IF we can ge there the only thing on my mind is SUPERBOWL. I really think we'll come close this year, hopefully our division collapses and we SEIZE the opportunity.
painnotpleasure said:
The question in my mind is getting to playoffs. I think we have a better shot at making playoffs than we did say oh 4 months ago. Once we get to playoffs, ANYTHING is possible. It seems like it's been so LONG since we've reached playoffs... but IF we can ge there the only thing on my mind is SUPERBOWL. I really think we'll come close this year, hopefully our division collapses and we SEIZE the opportunity.

I agree, If we dont take care of the division were not going to the playoffs. I think we did just enough to make the other afceast teams worry about what were going to do. if we can get past them anything can happen Division first! though
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