so hold say Davis has 4 picks but then you say Smith tracks the ball better? does that make sense?
The Picks that Davis had were beacuse of his athletic ability...The first one he made was on Lee Evans ...It was an awful throw by Trent Edwards.. (was late)
Davis was not even out of his back pedal...The 2nd was against Moss..Davis was in great coverage Jumped Tipped the Ball and Picked it again great athletic ability..
3rd( Again great athletic ability on another jump ball...
4th (Good hustle tip drail scenerio)
Davis has gotten beat a few times when has not turned around to track the Ball... Against Steve Smith and Against Randy Moss..
I am saying that Davis makes up for lack of Ball tracking with Athlectic abiltiy thats why he has more picks...Plus he takes more chances IMO...
Smith has gotten burned a bunch of times...Tb burned him once..Jax burned him..(maybe Wilson's fault not sure) He got burned in the ATL game.. He was practically pushed to the ground in the NE game by Aiken( no call made)
Smith has been more consistent, Davis has been more of a playmaker...Highlight reel type guy..
This was the Knock on Davis coming out of the Draft