Why so down on Culpepper? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Why so down on Culpepper?


Seasoned Veteran
Jul 25, 2005
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im just curious to why alot of people turn their heads to the sound of culpepper coming? i mean did he not lead the league in passing in 04. Sure you all say he had randy moss, but in my eyes randy moss has been in a downclimb for a few years. Also if you remember, when was the last 1000k running back culpepper had to feed the ball to. So those who find stats to not like culpepper, just think about how good he would be in our system, not what he did last year, last year was a very very bad year for the vikings. He was the only guy on the offensive side of the ball who could do anything. So all i would like to say is before you all jump ship if brees goes elsewhere, just think how good culpepper would be down here with a TE, probowl WR and a good running back(maybe two we dont know yet.) Just like to throw this on the table to lighten to the talk and get our minds off NO :dolphins:
what the hell? this isnt even the FORUM dude
Uhhh two things.
First and foremost this is absolutely the wrong place for this thread. You really need to move it out of the GM forum
2a-I have heard just as many people praise Pepper as throw barbs
2b- Do we want to give a draft pick for a guy that wont be able to walk for a few more months.
2c- He did fumble and int his way into much critisizm
2d- He had the backup (80 year old Brad Johnson) come in and do what he couldnt while he was healthy last year.
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