Are you watching the same videos as me? Can anyone honestly watch a video of Foster and Bess and not be more excited over Foster?
Foster Video:
Bess Video:
I just can't understand why so many of you are so high on Bess and much fewer of you on Foster. Please let me know why. Between the two, who is more likely to succeed in the NFL and why?
I have been looking for more information from rookie camp- all I've heard is Foster did well the first day. From the second day I have not heard anything except he lined up against Billingsby (sp?).
Foster Video:
Bess Video:
I just can't understand why so many of you are so high on Bess and much fewer of you on Foster. Please let me know why. Between the two, who is more likely to succeed in the NFL and why?
I have been looking for more information from rookie camp- all I've heard is Foster did well the first day. From the second day I have not heard anything except he lined up against Billingsby (sp?).