Why the teams ahead of us will not draft Quinn... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Why the teams ahead of us will not draft Quinn...


Corporate Time-Stealin' Weasel
Feb 25, 2005
Reaction score
Oviedo, Fl
1. Oakland....Can go in several directions but the most likely are Russell or Johnson. Personally, I would try to drop down a bit if I were Oakland and stockpile some pics.

2. Detroit...the current staff has already committed big $$$ to Jon Kitna & Josh McCown. They have busted on several recent top-5 draft picks and cannot afford another blunder. Detroit should definitely drop down a few spots if possible.

3. Cleveland...they have also commited draft picks to QB's recently and have major OL issues with the potential retirement/career-ending inj. of L. Bentley. Not to mention, the lack of an impact RB....Peterson or Thomas with this pick.

4. Tampa...Gruden is brutal on QB's and cannot afford to carry Simms, Garcia, Gradkowski, AND Quinn on the roster. Johnson at #4.

5. AZ....has their franchise QB with Leinhart.

6. Washington...used a #1 on Jason Campbell two years ago and Gibbs needs to win now. Defense is their pick here.

7. Minnesota...Childress traded up last year to take Travaris Jackson in Rd. 2. This team desperately needs a veteran presence on this team...not another in-experienced QB. I actually think that Joey Harrington may end up in MN...plus their WR's are miserable so taking a QB this high will still leave the WR cupboard bare.

8. Houston...taking Carr #1 and paying him HUGE $$$ has put this franchise behind the 8-ball but the fact reamins that they have no idea how good Carr can be....their OL has arguably been the most pathetic in the NFL since their arrival. Carr is young, athletic, and already on the roster....OL is an area they have to address before attempting to rebuild with another BIG $$$ rookie QB.

9. Quinn will be available for Miami if they are interested....IMO, Brady Quinn will be a Miami Dolphin and we will draft OL with both second round picks. A major infusion of youth is needed on this team and there is no better place to begin than with a QB and some lineman.
I'm praying it works out like that.
Only team that won't get Quinn is Arizona. All the other teams could very well take him, though Minny, Tampa, and Wash are less likely than the other 4.
1. Oakland....Can go in several directions but the most likely are Russell or Johnson. Personally, I would try to drop down a bit if I were Oakland and stockpile some pics.

2. Detroit...the current staff has already committed big $$$ to Jon Kitna & Josh McCown. They have busted on several recent top-5 draft picks and cannot afford another blunder. Detroit should definitely drop down a few spots if possible.

3. Cleveland...they have also commited draft picks to QB's recently and have major OL issues with the potential retirement/career-ending inj. of L. Bentley. Not to mention, the lack of an impact RB....Peterson or Thomas with this pick.

4. Tampa...Gruden is brutal on QB's and cannot afford to carry Simms, Garcia, Gradkowski, AND Quinn on the roster. Johnson at #4.

5. AZ....has their franchise QB with Leinhart.

6. Washington...used a #1 on Jason Campbell two years ago and Gibbs needs to win now. Defense is their pick here.

7. Minnesota...Childress traded up last year to take Travaris Jackson in Rd. 2. This team desperately needs a veteran presence on this team...not another in-experienced QB. I actually think that Joey Harrington may end up in MN...plus their WR's are miserable so taking a QB this high will still leave the WR cupboard bare.

8. Houston...taking Carr #1 and paying him HUGE $$$ has put this franchise behind the 8-ball but the fact reamins that they have no idea how good Carr can be....their OL has arguably been the most pathetic in the NFL since their arrival. Carr is young, athletic, and already on the roster....OL is an area they have to address before attempting to rebuild with another BIG $$$ rookie QB.

9. Quinn will be available for Miami if they are interested....IMO, Brady Quinn will be a Miami Dolphin and we will draft OL with both second round picks. A major infusion of youth is needed on this team and there is no better place to begin than with a QB and some lineman.

I like the way you weave dreams, I hope that is the way it goes down with one caveat, if a really nice receiver like Sydney Rice is there in round 2 I hope we grab him.
Thats being quite idealistic. I would love to have Quinn as well, but I don't expect it to happen at this point. Detroit and Cleveland could very well take him and if they both pass Minnesota or Houston would likely take him. If he manages to get out of the top five, we'd probably have to trade up to get him, which I'd prefer to avoid.
If we are somehow able to land Quinn at #9, then our first 2nd round pick must be a Sidney Rice. Talk about a nice young QB-WR combo for many years to come. If we aren’t able to land Quinn, then we need to take Landry with our #9 pick and must take Stanton with our first 2nd round pick. That would be our last chance to get him, he wont be around after that.

I think this draft will be mostly all offensive which I like. I am really looking forward to this draft and I think we will all be in for a real treat.
The title of the thread asks 'Why the teams ahead of us will not draft B Quinn". Your analysis failed to mention one key point: That those teams are not going to be fooled into thinking , like many fans apparently, that B Quinn will be a star.
Don't believe the hype. B Quinn is the second best QB in a not very strong QB draft. If he didn't play for ND, we would be talking about a latef irst to early second round prospect, not the next coming of Tom Brady.
I like it, but it isnt realistic. Someone will be taking Quinn before us and the most likely is Houston. It would be a perfect scenario for them to groom him with carr starting the season.....then the put him in mid year.

Before Houston, the only team I can see is Detroit, but I don't think Millen will pull the trigger.
With all the recent talk, I am a firm believer that Quinn will not be dropping to us. Texas has already expressed interest in him and don't believe Carr is the guy for them anymore. Although you may wonder how much of the interest is a smokescreen, possibly try to get teams to trade with them.? Also the Vikes should be taking a deep interest in him without an elite QB now or future. Although I havn't heard much with them and Quinn. As for the Lions...WHO THE HELL KNOWS!
Every team in the top-10 has to express interest in EVERY player that may warrant that high of a selection....If Houston doesn't show interest in Quinn then that could weaken their position when trade talks take place.

Who know's....this thing could play out a million different ways. I just believe that we have a legit shot at Quinn at #9.
Every team in the top-10 has to express interest in EVERY player that may warrant that high of a selection....If Houston doesn't show interest in Quinn then that could weaken their position when trade talks take place.

Well I know every team shows interest, I understand that, but I have heard they are taking quite a long look at him, as they should.
I don't see Cleveland, Minny and Houston all passing on B. Quinn....Cleveland seems the best fit as he is from Ohio. :rolleyes:
Well I know every team shows interest, I understand that, but I have heard they are taking quite a long look at him, as they should.

True...and I understand that any one of the teams ahead of Miami could grab Quinn. But I also believe that there are solid reasons why they won't. As far as Houston goes, unless the unload Carr, they have way too much invested in a young player that they have yet to protect (OL issues) to draft another QB in the top-10, IMO.
I can't wait for the draft!!!!!
Only one "sure thing" in this draft and that is Calvin Johnson. Joe Thomas might be considered that too.... I see the more accurate passer with also the quicker release being drafted first between Quinn & Russell....which I think is Quinn.
Has Levi Brown just fallen out of the picture for us???
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