you know hwat i just came to realize...if miami was SOOO high on Cutler, why didnt tehy trade up for him? I mean, we offered a trade to move up and get Ngata with the browns but they wanted to much so we didnt but hten for a QB that we were supposably so high on we didnt even do anything about it.
Its as if our team lacks the ability to capitalize on the most important position in the darn game!
If we are so high on quinn, why would we offer a trade if we didnt last year but did on a stupid D lineman that we drafted about 3 of in late rounds, had traylor and had NO DAMN QB! was it b/c we got culpepper and had complete faith in him? I think so, but it just randomly crossed my mind.
What did Denver give up again to move up? and what was there original position?
I think taht move will pay off very damn well for denver. Time for miami to grow some balls and take a risk, if we fail so what! we have4 failed for 18 years already, whats another fail going to do? Isn't like we have tried to "fix" those mistakes we keep making em over and over again.
Its as if our team lacks the ability to capitalize on the most important position in the darn game!
If we are so high on quinn, why would we offer a trade if we didnt last year but did on a stupid D lineman that we drafted about 3 of in late rounds, had traylor and had NO DAMN QB! was it b/c we got culpepper and had complete faith in him? I think so, but it just randomly crossed my mind.
What did Denver give up again to move up? and what was there original position?
I think taht move will pay off very damn well for denver. Time for miami to grow some balls and take a risk, if we fail so what! we have4 failed for 18 years already, whats another fail going to do? Isn't like we have tried to "fix" those mistakes we keep making em over and over again.