Williams = Antonio Gates? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Williams = Antonio Gates?


And away he goes...
Club Member
Apr 27, 2004
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Does anyone know how these two stack up size wise? I can see Mike Williams becoming one helluva red zone player. If I'm not mistaken, Gates didn't even play colegiate football...so that throws the "year off" argument out the window with Williams (IMO). If we go wit ha receiver, I think I would rather see us draft Williams than Edwards.
Phinadict said:
Does anyone know how these two stack up size wise? I can see Mike Williams becoming one helluva red zone player. If I'm not mistaken, Gates didn't even play colegiate football...so that throws the "year off" argument out the window with Williams (IMO). If we go wit ha receiver, I think I would rather see us draft Williams than Edwards.

Gates is heavier and just a touch slower. Williams has better hands..although Gates has good hands as well. Williams is a WR. The only time I could ever envision him as a TE is latter in his career if he couldn't handle his weight as he ages (which happens), but I don't think it will happen.
I would compare Matt Jones to Gates before I would Williams. I do believe the Gates' success has helped Jones' draft status quite a bit this year.

Jones runs a 4.4 - 4.37 and a 40 in Verticle, no Compairson to gates, if Jones reaches Full Pontenial at 6'6, most feared Wr Hands Down
Phinadict said:
Does anyone know how these two stack up size wise? I can see Mike Williams becoming one helluva red zone player. If I'm not mistaken, Gates didn't even play colegiate football...so that throws the "year off" argument out the window with Williams (IMO). If we go wit ha receiver, I think I would rather see us draft Williams than Edwards.

WR and TE are differnt positions. the TE are covered by safeties and OLBs, they can use his body like a B-ball player to make cetches. a WR is covered by CBs, who are just as fast and agile as they are.
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