"Win and win now!" | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

"Win and win now!"


Old Skool Fin Fan
Mar 1, 2006
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Kissimmee, Fla
Wasn't this what Wayne said he wanted to happen and that the Fins would be agressive in finding the right players anhd coaches? Is Miami even mentioned w/ ANY of the upper level FA's? Another off-season snore fest.
Some of you will bang on me for this, but there are some good/great players available and again,the front office seems to think that there are 31 days in Feb and March 2nd is still a few days away!
time for MR.Wayne to step up to the plate.....and make things happen.
I am wondering why we are always in the bottom half of the league when it comes to available salary cap money. It seems like some teams have a lot of $$$ available every year and we don't. It looks to me like we have front office people who don't know how to manage the salary cap!! :tantrum:
Don't know who these good/great players are. This is one of the weakest free agent classes in recent memory. Glad to see we're not going to overspend on average players like the rest of the league. Also happy to see the way we've handled our cuts and restricted free agent tenders. I think everything is going great.
First, what does Wayne know about football?

Second,Would you be happy with spending 80 mil on one player?
Wasn't this what Wayne said he wanted to happen and that the Fins would be agressive in finding the right players anhd coaches? Is Miami even mentioned w/ ANY of the upper level FA's? Another off-season snore fest.
Some of you will bang on me for this, but there are some good/great players available and again,the front office seems to think that there are 31 days in Feb and March 2nd is still a few days away!

and exactly who do you want to get? clements for 80 million? dockery for close to 50 million? we werent going to throw around money foolishly. the 49ers can because of the cap space they had. buffalo signing dockery to that contract is already looked at as a questionable move in terms of money. porter wont even talk to teams until sunday or monday and we had no interest in steinbach. adalius thomas we were never in the running for. so just because we havent snapped up anybody in the first 24hrs of free agency doesnt mean all that much right now. dielman has said he wants to talk to us and some other teams before signing so we still have a shot. this isnt madden and all we need to do is be patient.
Wasn't this what Wayne said he wanted to happen and that the Fins would be agressive in finding the right players anhd coaches? Is Miami even mentioned w/ ANY of the upper level FA's? Another off-season snore fest.
Some of you will bang on me for this, but there are some good/great players available and again,the front office seems to think that there are 31 days in Feb and March 2nd is still a few days away!

The Sky is Falling......too many Chicken Littles running around. Let these other teams flush $$$ down the toilet like the 49ers with Clement. We gotta be smart.

wayne is always saying win and win now. yet the better teams in the league have not been built that way. i dont think we should either.
and exactly who do you want to get? clements for 80 million? dockery for close to 50 million? we werent going to throw around money foolishly. the 49ers can because of the cap space they had. buffalo signing dockery to that contract is already looked at as a questionable move in terms of money. porter wont even talk to teams until sunday or monday and we had no interest in steinbach. adalius thomas we were never in the running for. so just because we havent snapped up anybody in the first 24hrs of free agency doesnt mean all that much right now. dielman has said he wants to talk to us and some other teams before signing so we still have a shot. this isnt madden and all we need to do is be patient.

Finally, somebody with common sense!
Don't know who these good/great players are. This is one of the weakest free agent classes in recent memory. Glad to see we're not going to overspend on average players like the rest of the league. Also happy to see the way we've handled our cuts and restricted free agent tenders. I think everything is going great.

Finally a voice of reason. Why do we have to spend the little money we have on one or 2 players.

Hello people!!!! Saban didnt teach you anything?
FA doest make or break you! The draft does. If anything we need to find a way to get more picks and pay those players. Let Mueller work his magic.
Don't know who these good/great players are. This is one of the weakest free agent classes in recent memory. Glad to see we're not going to overspend on average players like the rest of the league. Also happy to see the way we've handled our cuts and restricted free agent tenders. I think everything is going great.

This concept of "overspending" is very ovverated.. Every year salaries increase, its not like all of a sudden its gonna change...The "overspending" thing is just a smoke and mirrors tactic to coverup the TIGHTWADS in the league. In a few years, these contracts being signed right now will seem like bargains...

Huizenga never gets it right, he talks about not wanting to "overspend"...
but what happened with CHAMBERS, MCMICHAEL, JENO JAMES, KEVIN CARTER, ETC....didn't we overspend for those players?

Even when were the first choice of a player like DREW BREES, we still blow it over a little bit of money (please dont bring up the injury EXCUSE)...it was about MONEY...

glad to see the reasonable people of Finheaven posting intellectual and insightful comments:rolleyes:

seriously, you guys act as if this is Madden. Let me tell you all something, If we don't get a chance to talk to a player, they won't sign with us. It doesn't matter what Wayne says, you can only spend so much. The salary cap isn't optional; this isn't like baseball there is no luxury tax for going over the cap. We go over the cap, we get penalized.
This concept of "overspending" is very ovverated.. Every year salaries increase, its not like all of a sudden its gonna change...The "overspending" thing is just a smoke and mirrors tactic to coverup the TIGHTWADS in the league. In a few years, these contracts being signed right now will seem like bargains...

Huizenga never gets it right, he talks about not wanting to "overspend"...
but what happened with CHAMBERS, MCMICHAEL, JENO JAMES, KEVIN CARTER, ETC....didn't we overspend for those players?
Even when were the first choice of a player like DREW BREES, we still blow it over a little bit of money (please dont bring up the injury EXCUSE)...it was about MONEY...


I agree with you to a certain degree on the "overspending" thing. Salaries are getting ridiculous, and some time or another we're going to have to spend ourselves. I'm just glad we're not doing it NOW. It's a WEAK free agent class. Sure, maybe Dielman, maybe Porter. I could live with giving Porter some big numbers, but I'm not sure Dielman is going to be worth the contract he's going to get. Steinbach is already making more than the GIANT contract Steve Hutchinson got last year. I'd pay money like that for the top players at their position, but not the top players at their position for THIS free agent class.
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