With the Ronnie Brown injury I figured I would let Jets fans cheer us up! | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

With the Ronnie Brown injury I figured I would let Jets fans cheer us up!


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Jan 8, 2009
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JETS fans react to Rex The Cry Baby Ryan

I hear he's the official spokesman for kleenex.
If he doesn't get this team turned around i'll give that fat ******* something to cry about!

Is it just me or am the only one who prefers chairs being thrown, players getting benched, etc. instead of this Broadway play type crap by Ryan (crying). Give me a break with that ****.

It's not just you. Crying won't motivate anyone to win or play harder. Maybe he wants the team to get in touch with their feminine side.

After thinking about this I have to say I can't believe this is happening to us it just adds insult to injury, as if we did not have a bad history to begin with now we have the crying game being played out in front of our eyes, I hope he turns this around because this takes being a long suffering Jet fan to a totally different level. :(

That's the key Freemac we have to win and actually we have to win this weekend. If we go to Foxboro and Brady hands us our a$$es you can bet there is going to be trouble and the media around here is going to rip him a new one. As a matter of fact so will the fans and it's going to make the crying BS a bigger topic than you can imagine. How many times do you think every player on this team is going to be asked about their head coach crying over the course of the week...It's really not a good thing for the team. There is absolutely no upside. It just looks like he is getting in touch with his feminine side.

i think anyone who has ever played football can understand completely. it is a verryyyy emotional game, we should consider ourselves very lucky to have a coach like this

Most of the Jet Fan Base really do come across like idiots. Any of you who have tried to truly speak about something you were emotionally tied too it brings you to tears. It does not make you less of a man.

I hear you but do you think this is good for the team. If we keep losing it's a bad thing. This isn't his first outburst. What if he loses this week and breaks down at the press conference. I can't support this if he doesn't get his act together. I've been a faithful fan for 35 years and I'm not jumping ship but this isn't helping.

You're kidding right? A coach who can't keep it together 10 games into his career as a head coach?

Wrong time to be crying... right time to get after it! He built these guys up to think they were the next coming, and now he's crying and making the players feel guilty because they aren't yet.

Too much intensity too soon with this guy. He's gonna burn out or be turned out.

I hope your right Vilma but we looked pretty bad against a mediocre Jags team and the Patriots ripped a decent colts defense Sunday night. We better hope we can score 30 if we want to win Sunday because the Pats are a much better team right now than they were in week 2 and we have a head coach that looks like he is ready to pee his pants.

too many internet gangsters on this board. makes it a little harder for me to defend against "jets fans are *******s" when people say it in real life

There's a strong possibility that he was just sweating a whoooole lot.

honestly though, i dont think anybody should have let any of this information out of the locker room, just more **** we have to deal with as jet fans.

n fairness Rex had just finished showing the team the Movie Terms of Endearment to show them that if they stick together as a family, they can get through anything.

I was balling after my wife made me watch that. It could have been worse, imagine if they watched Old Yeller or Bambi?

Myers in the Daily News put it best - Ryan overestimated the talent on this team, and underestimatied the history of losing in this franchise. He has got to get his act together and start being a leader.

Good lord,does this guy got a giant clitoris or what.
Nail in the coffen this week big rex,pats by 4 td's.

[cue fat joke about somebody stealing his lunch from the fridge]

This is old news. The Jets have been making grown men cry for the last few decades now. pure perfection.

WTF is this... I STILL make fun of TO and Mike Schmidt for their crying press conferences....

We believe in the team too Rex.... but we cry for different reasons....

Rex Ryan is a big fat ****. He should be tearing into this guys not tearing up over them. Fire his ****in *** and bring in someone with a brain. Oh and someone who isnt a gay **** bag.

This just make us look even more stupid...

Pittsburgh has the terrible towel, and the Jets have the crying towel !!!!!!!!!!!

Fat men get emotional. It's a glandular thing

I don't talking tough

I don't mind an emotional coach

But you can't do both. Talking smack to the whole league and then crying after you lose 5 of 6 just makes you look pathetic.

Crying after winning a championship is ok, but crying after a loss is just gay.

After his speech I bet he ate an entire bag of Hershey kisses. Mmmm Chocolate

You have to think there are players on this team that are going to be making fun of him if we lose this weekend. I have to work with Patriot fans and I'm already hearing it from them. Revis already hinted that he felt uncomfortable watching him cry.

***. (filler)

I can't support RR crying when we lose. That is *****-made. We need to turn this thing around in a bad way.

They are losing close games, and could easily have won last week. Nobody needs to be ****ing crying.
It was a team meeting, not a press conference, so unfortunately none exist.

Unless Belichick forgot to take one of his locker-cams down.

hahah. I remember when the Jet's fans were talking about how happy they were he was their coach. remember that? That was funny as hell:lol:
Yeah I was pretty down with the Ronnie injury, but thegangreen.com cheered me up!
While we can only speculate on how horrific it all was, what we do know for sure is that, according one eyewitness, a palpable emotional vibe caused some of the softer players on the Jest roster to swoon and sigh uncontrollably. One player allegedly even crossed his legs.

Eventually the room filled to the bursting point with pure unadulterated man-love... not seen in public since this:


I can always count on douche bag Jest fans to cheer me up!
A New York Jest security guard with over 20 years working at the stadium said that beer commercial doesn't even scratch the surface of the estrogen Ryan emitted into the air. He said the vibe hit more of a tragic note, and seemed to resonate with the players on a more personal level, like this:

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