Yankees break ground on $1 Billion Stadium | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Yankees break ground on $1 Billion Stadium

I hate the yankees but I love baseball. I consider myself to be a traditionalist so I hate the fact that they are going to tear down the house that Ruth built. It should be considered a national landmark.
Get Up And Go said:
I hate the yankees but I love baseball. I consider myself to be a traditionalist so I hate the fact that they are going to tear down the house that Ruth built. It should be considered a national landmark.

From what I heard (might not be true), there going to keep the original Yankee Stadium up, there not going to tear it down. It's supposed to sit across the street from the new stadium. I don't know if it's true but that's what I heard!
I defeniatly need to go to yankee stadium before it blown up.
The Yankees are to offset the loss of the parks by building new parkland including three ballfields at the site of the current Yankee Stadium.-from article above
FinsNYanksFan13 said:
From what I heard (might not be true), there going to keep the original Yankee Stadium up, there not going to tear it down. It's supposed to sit across the street from the new stadium. I don't know if it's true but that's what I heard!

could be true...but I also heard the opposite, that they were gonna knock it down. But who knows, I guess we'll find out soon enough.
it is sad to see "the house that ruth built" go but wow, this new yankee stadium....i cant wait


"The design will even go further back to recreate some of the original park's features. It will have the tall cathedral windows, auxiliary outfield scoreboards, a right-field Yankees bullpen and a frieze on the roof, which is commonly known as the façade and was a feature of the original stadium."
Damn, does anyone else think that Steinbrenner is also a drug dealer?
I am sure they will keep the momuments and stuff. George puts his money where his mouth is so I am sure it will be an awesome new stadium.
old stadium isnt staying they are putting a park where the current one is..they are replacing the park they are building the new one on
Forget how pretty the new Yankee Stadium is going to look. Why, precisely, are the taxpayers of the City and State of New York being forced to so richly subsidize the most profitable operation in Major League Baseball, and possibly the most profitable operation in professional sports, at a time when the state as a whole is in economic downturn and its residents and businesses greatly overtaxed?

The Yankees will trumpet the claim that the city and state are only contributing $200 million towards infrastructure, which amounts to a meager 20% of the overall cost. But, they're getting a tremendous amount of tax breaks, which in the long run will likely more than compensate them for the cost of building the stadium. It's one thing for a small market team to ask for a publicly-funded stadium on the grounds that they need the revenue to compete (I think that argument's bull**** anyway, but never mind that), but for the Yankees to ask for, and get, public funding is patently absurd. As a New York taxpayer, I'm absolutely furious over this. Thank God the Legislature had the good sense to put the kibosh on that $2 billion stadium in Manhattan for the Jets, which would have been built almost entirely with public money.
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