Not a Poll: So.... who do you want us to sign post June 1st? | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Not a Poll: So.... who do you want us to sign post June 1st?

I know that Risner is a VERY popular choice, but how good is he really?

Denver let him walk after his rookie contract expired. Then Minnesota after one year. Neither team seemed to value him.

His Pff scores for the past few years have been 57.1, 61.1, 68.5, and 61.3... not great. He's never had to switch positions much... almost all of his snaps at LG.

Are we just falling in love with the IDEA that he's an upgrade, rather than a career average to below average guy.

A guard who many feel is poorly suited to zone blocking?

To me, I'm not sure that he's better than Wynn... more sturdy, I guess, but better?
I'm convinced most here like to live in an echo chamber and the more a name is said the more cling to it without doing any due diligence.
I don't, necessarily, disagree about wanting to keep Holland, but top Safeties really aren't all that cheap.

The top 5 salaries are north of 16m per.

That’s cheap in todays nfl. We just saw our former DT who I don’t even think is a top 10 DT get 27 million and our former guard who isn’t top 10 get 20 million. I’ll gladly pay 20 million for an elite safety.
Calais Campbell might be worth bringing back to Miami as part of the rotation even if I feel like that's more of a fun signing than an effective one.
That’s cheap in todays nfl. We just saw our former DT who I don’t even think is a top 10 DT get 27 million and our former guard who isn’t top 10 get 20 million. I’ll gladly pay 20 million for an elite safety.
Has Holland shown to be elite?
Justin Simmons, Quandre Diggs, or Eddie Jackson
OBJ or DJ Chark
Andrus Peat (sign Connor if/when healthy)
Has Holland shown to be elite?

Graded as the #4 in 2021 and #3 in 2023. Considering he’s played in 3 different defensive systems in 3 years, I’d say that’s pretty elite. Imagine what he’d do if we could keep a DC longer than a year. He did struggle in 2022 ranking 64th however that’s no suppose as Boyle didn’t have a clue and was trying to piece together what Flores had left. Under legit coaches and systems like fangio and Flores, Holland been an elite safety
There is no evidence of this, and if there is then post the link. The only evidence we do have is that his knee injury was much worse than first reported and it could be career ending. Unless you’re related to CW and have inside info, just post facts Jack, with credible links.

There's more on his waiting to sign, if you search on Google.

He will be back, unless his medical is worse that expected and he has to retire, than obviously he's not going anywhere.
He is seriously talking retirement. His knee injury must have been catastrophic.

I don’t get this one makes no sense. It’s an ACL tear it could be completely torn and it’s still 9-12 month recovery. He tore it in December so being ready for September may be tough, he’ll find a home mid to late season. Unless there’s information not being released about further injury beyond an ACL then it looks like speculative reporting by some beat writers that don’t have a clue.

There's more on his waiting to sign, if you search on Google.

He will be back, unless his medical is worse that expected and he has to retire, than obviously he's not going anywhere.
Anything tying him directly to the Dolphins, or actual quotes from him about not wanting to move his family, etc. that you posted?
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