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ARod Trade Watch

News: The Contra Costa Times is the latest paper to conjure up an Alex Rodriguez trade scenario.
Impact: The Times suggests that if the Yanks are willing to eat most of A-Rod's contract, they could send him to the A's for Eric Chavez and one of Rich Harden or Dan Haren and possibly some prospects. The A's, the paper suggests, could insert Rodriguez at short and have Bobby Crosby slide over to third base. Expect a lot of these trial balloons over the coming weeks.

It seems like all of these trade rumors are essentially the same thing.

1. A lesser 3b
2. A young up and coming pitcher
3. Some prospects.

IMO even with all of AROD's warts that is a STEAL for whoever makes this deal.
I've heard no speculation on this, mind you, but an A-Rod for Carlos Zambrano deal would make a lot of sense all around.

BTW, a Santana, Figgins and B-prospect for A-Rod would be a steal for the Angels. I can't believe Brian Cashman would be that dumb. Santana + Weaver is much more equitable, though I suspect the Angels would insist on including some salary ballast in that deal.
phunwin said:
I've heard no speculation on this, mind you, but an A-Rod for Carlos Zambrano deal would make a lot of sense all around.

BTW, a Santana, Figgins and B-prospect for A-Rod would be a steal for the Angels. I can't believe Brian Cashman would be that dumb. Santana + Weaver is much more equitable, though I suspect the Angels would insist on including some salary ballast in that deal.

There is NO WAY the angels trade 2 hot pitchers for Arod.

My prediction is that santana will go somewhere this offseason for a bat.
phunwin said:
I've heard no speculation on this, mind you, but an A-Rod for Carlos Zambrano deal would make a lot of sense all around.

No, it wouldn't. The Cubs would be awful. There is no scenario in which they can give up Zambrano without getting an equal pitcher back. They have no legit top prospects, Wood will be gone, Prior's never healthy, and a rotation of Rich Hill, Sean Marshall, Carlos Marmol, Glendon Rusch, and a FA, even with A-Rod in the lineup, would get decimated.
RWhitney014 said:
No, it wouldn't. The Cubs would be awful. There is no scenario in which they can give up Zambrano without getting an equal pitcher back. They have no legit top prospects, Wood will be gone, Prior's never healthy, and a rotation of Rich Hill, Sean Marshall, Carlos Marmol, Glendon Rusch, and a FA, even with A-Rod in the lineup, would get decimated.

Your not looking at the "business" side of the trade.

You can throw AROD out there for 81 home games a year. He will probably hit 50+ home runs in that ballpark and be the NL MVP!!

Zambrano will probably ger around 30 starts and only half or so will be at home.

Arod will sell more product (hats, tickets, shirts, jerseys) than Zambrano ever will. Arod will give the Cubs franchise a player to market on a national level.

Either way the Cubs stink. It's just who do you want to "stink" with. Arod or Zambrano?
Here's another business aspect to the trade: unless I'm horribly mistaken, Zambrano is going to command a massive contract very soon. I think this is his last arbitration year, which means that the Cubs could easily lose him after this year to a higher bidder. Or, alternately, they're stuck giving a long term, big money contract to a pitcher. Long-term contracts for pitchers are often a crapshoot, even ones as good as Zambrano. By cashing out now at the peak of Zambrano's value, they'd get Rodriguez, a player who's at the absolute nadir of his value. Last year at this time, if the Cubs had offered Zambrano for A-Rod, the Yanks would have giggled and hung up. From a value perspective, it makes sense.

Moreover, they could either move Rodriguez to SS, or trade Aramis Ramirez for some pitching if need be.
Ramirez can't be traded really. He can opt out of his contract now and become a FA
MikeO said:
Ramirez can't be traded really. He can opt out of his contract now and become a FA

My bad. Then A-Rod moves back to SS and the Cubs have the best left side of the infield in team history.
MikeO said:
Your not looking at the "business" side of the trade.

You can throw AROD out there for 81 home games a year. He will probably hit 50+ home runs in that ballpark and be the NL MVP!!

Zambrano will probably ger around 30 starts and only half or so will be at home.

Arod will sell more product (hats, tickets, shirts, jerseys) than Zambrano ever will. Arod will give the Cubs franchise a player to market on a national level.

Either way the Cubs stink. It's just who do you want to "stink" with. Arod or Zambrano?

The Cubs are fine on the business side of things. I go to school in Evanston, a 20-minute drive from the stadium, and everyone is still wearing Cubs gear. They are fine on attendance, despite what your article says. Bottom line for the Cubs is that they need to win, and pitching wins in baseball with rare exception. Even Boston's 2004 Murderers' Row was buoyed by Pedro, Schilling, Lowe, and Foulke. Without Zambrano, the Cubs have no dependable arms, and if they don't win, it won't matter if A-Rod has star power or not.
phunwin said:
My bad. Then A-Rod moves back to SS and the Cubs have the best left side of the infield in team history.

I think moving A-Rod back to SS would be a wise move if a team trades for him. He's a great player but how much can the Yankees really ask for? He's a HOF player but a team isn't going to throw away the farm system for Mr. May. I think overall fans resent A-Rod because of the jack he's making whether it's fair or not. If he does go to the Cubs when they're one of the worst teams again A-Rod is going to be the guy fans criticize. Alfonso Soriano is the biggest player on the FA market and I believe more teams would want Soriano than A-Rod.
djfresh47 said:
I think moving A-Rod back to SS would be a wise move if a team trades for him. He's a great player but how much can the Yankees really ask for? He's a HOF player but a team isn't going to throw away the farm system for Mr. May. I think overall fans resent A-Rod because of the jack he's making whether it's fair or not. If he does go to the Cubs when they're one of the worst teams again A-Rod is going to be the guy fans criticize. Alfonso Soriano is the biggest player on the FA market and I believe more teams would want Soriano than A-Rod.

ARod has to drop 15 to 20 pounds though if he wants to play SS. He put on a lot more weight once he moved to 3rd and due to that doesn't have the range he once did.
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