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Hall of Famer
Dec 1, 2009
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Tampa Bay
Pats had no plan to or ability to run and Jets ran fairly well. What a feat by the Jets. pun intended
As much as I hate the stupid Jets...HAHAHA! My hate for the Patriots is wayyyy more, soooooo excited they're done!
did anybody else see that look in bradys eye... late in the fourth while they were driving down by 14... it's the same look I saw in the superbowl against the giants.

I didn't see the fire he usually had. I thought he quit the last time I saw it, and I thought he quit tonite. call me crazy, because I am sure he is the consumate pro, but he looked ho hum on a couple of the close up shots I saw of him.

a real downside to this is we have to listen to rex ryan lipping off for another week.
another year with no video of opposing teams defense, another year without a superbowl seeya cheaters. Bad thing I still hate the jests
love to see the cheats loose but now the freekin jets are still playing in their second afc championship game,n i hate the jets more the the pats
The Pats are a well coached team and play way over their heads. I stated a month ago that aside from Brady, I wouldn't even put their overall talent level among the top 5 in the league.
Defensively, they have gotten by with clever gameplans by Bellicheck, NOT by talent. I don't believe Merriweather nor McCourty are pro bowl players. Wilfork and Mayo are their best defenders and I don't believe Mayo is a better player than Dansby. Ninkovich is a journeyman caliber player.
On offense the WR's are solid, but unspectacular. The running backs are below average. O-line is a solid, but unspectacular blue collar group.
Bellicheck is the best coach in the league at disguising his team's weaknesses.
Their overall lack of talent across the board caught up with them today IMO.
When they went 14-2 during the regular season it seemed like they were doing it with mirrors.
Still, I'm glad the Jets won because I feel the Pats with Brady and Bellicheck had a better chance of advancing to the SB and winning it than the Jets do. I will be rooting hard for the Steelers next week and I hope they blow out the Jets.
It seems like a no win situation. I don't want either AFC team to win the super bowl this year.
It seems like a no win situation. I don't want either AFC team to win the super bowl this year.

You and me both. Can't stand either team and especially can't stand the rapist that Pitt calls it's QB. I can at least respect Sanchez, dude is 4-1 and he's now beat Brady, Rivers, Manning, Palmer and lost to Manning for an overall record of 4-1. All on the road.... That's impressive.

I don't like the Steelers either, but I don't want to see the Jets in the SB
As of right now, Aaron Rodgers is in a zone. He was unbelievable yesterday. He's better than Brady right now. He's just as accurate, but he also has quickness and mobility in the pocket.
I'm on the Packers bandwagon right now. I'm rooting for Rodgers mostly because of the way he dropped in the draft and then having to sit on the bench behind the retiring-unretiring narcissist (Favre) for 3 yrs. The guy handled himself with class the entire time.
Watching him take apart the Falcons yesterday, I could only wonder what if?
the steelers better **** the jets up, or as much as i hate this, the inevitable may actually happen, which will leave me in a suicidal situation.

i dont want these ****ers winning a superbowl before we win another one, or better, i dont want them ever winning one again even when we do win one.

i really hope the steelers **** the jets up.
Patriots looked like a bunch of girls tonight. The only time of year I cheer for the Pats and, just like the Dolphins, they let me down. Belichick thinks he can win Super Bowls with a bunch of rookies and first/second year players. At least when he was winning them he had veterans in his rotation. Nobody is a leader on that team, and Brady can't do it all by himself.

0-3 in the last three playoff games for the Patriots (SB 42, '09 Wild Card and today)
I really feel like this is the beginning of the end for the Belichick-era Patriots. Brady will be 34 years old opening day next year, and I don't feel like he has that Brett Favre itch to keep playing until he destroys his shoulder. They may have a few more winning seasons and division titles and such but I think this was their shot to win the Super Bowl again this year, and they straight up blew it.

I expect guys like Logan Mankins to hit the free agent market too. Why do you think Belichick has thousands of draft choices? Because he doesn't want to pay his proven veterans and instead restocks with rookies.
the steelers better **** the jets up, or as much as i hate this, the inevitable may actually happen, which will leave me in a suicidal situation.

i dont want these ****ers winning a superbowl before we win another one, or better, i dont want them ever winning one again even when we do win one.

i really hope the steelers **** the jets up.

Like I said - broken record :lol:
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