Bill Parcells - Say What You Will | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Bill Parcells - Say What You Will


The Fixer
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Jan 29, 2008
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out in the Ding Weeds
Say what you will about Bill, hate him or love him, this whole fiasco and circus otherwise known as the Miami Dolphins would not have transpired the same way if he was still director of operations of the Miami franchise.

The way this coaching search was conducted or misconducted wreaks of someone (Ross) who knows nothing about a pro football franchise. BP would have handled this situation behind closed doors and it would have been handled much differently, professionally and not like a circus monkey looking for a banana handout.

This fan always has and always will subscribe to the philosophy that you stand up look a man in the eye and conduct business face to face in a no bull**** manor, much like Bill does. This smoke and mirrors bull**** is for the birds and it is no wonder why no respectful coach would want to work for Ross and his entourage of *** clowns.

Steven Ross right now you are the weakest link. :hclap:
I don't believe that. Football passed that guy back around 6 years ago.

I wasn't happy when they hired him, mainly cause he is the past not the future.
How do we know Parcells has severed all ties with the team, for all we know Ross called him and asked him what to do. He is still getting paid so maybe Ross wanted his money's worth.
Had we kept Cam Cameron and Randy Mueller after our 1 - 15 season, care to guess who they would have drafted #1 overall?

My Educated Guess is Matt Ryan.

Painful to think about huh?
How do we know Parcells has severed all ties with the team, for all we know Ross called him and asked him what to do. He is still getting paid so maybe Ross wanted his money's worth.

We don't know that for sure, but recently there have been a few articles implying Bill hasn't had any real contact with the powers that be for quite some time. Plus it seems like Ross has been leaning on Peterson for advice. The Tuna was not a Ross hire, he was Huizenga hire.
I blame most of this nightmare on bill parcells.He saw the writing on the wall months ago,didnt like what he saw,then he weasels out of town with no help to the two other clowns.He didnt want to take the blame for drafting a LT over a franchise QB and so on and so on.Like i have wrote in other posts this mess is due to the fat weasel parcells.
I blame most of this nightmare on bill parcells.He saw the writing on the wall months ago,didnt like what he saw,then he weasels out of town with no help to the two other clowns.He didnt want to take the blame for drafting a LT over a franchise QB and so on and so on.Like i have wrote in other posts this mess is due to the fat weasel parcells.

It was his writing on the wall.
Had we kept Cam Cameron and Randy Mueller after our 1 - 15 season, care to guess who they would have drafted #1 overall?

My Educated Guess is Matt Ryan.

Painful to think about huh?

This is so dumb! God forbid we draft a Pro Bowl and possibly the best LT in the NFL. Damn, Parcells really screwed this up! Hopefully next year he can make it back to the Pro Bowl playing with two good shoulders. Not only did parcells pick the safest player, he picked the right player. Matt Ryan is a really good NFL QB but the NFL begins and ends up front and nobody in the Dolphins situation would have picked him. Get over it, we won 11 games with Pennington. Go get a veteran QB and add to our OL in this draft.
I am happy Sparano told him to pound sand after that mess......I was losing respect for him they way he allowed them run all over him......I am no longer a Ireland fan, how can he be a part of that? well i guess we dont know what kind of advise he was giving Ross and if Ross just went Danny Synder all on his own........I hope that was the case
I blame most of this nightmare on bill parcells.He saw the writing on the wall months ago,didnt like what he saw,then he weasels out of town with no help to the two other clowns.He didnt want to take the blame for drafting a LT over a franchise QB and so on and so on.Like i have wrote in other posts this mess is due to the fat weasel parcells.

It is clear to me know why Parcells left town, he knew what kind of owner Ross was and he wanted nothing to do with it. I could only imagine what he was saying in the draft room.
If Bill Parcells was still running this team we'd have 51 LB's, 1 LT, and 1 K.

Thank god he's not.
Bill Parcells ran out on this franchise after he fouled this franchise up. If you think Ireland is to blame, Parcells brought in Ireland. If you think Sparano is to blame, Parcells brought in Sparano. Either way, Parcells is to blame. Citing Parcells as some stand-up, no b.s. guy is frankly b.s.. He ran out on the Patriots, then went to a division rival, then skipped out on the Jets, then he skipped out on us. He should find employment in Buffalo and he can make the unique claim of skipping out on the entire AFC East.
Parcells was the ringmaster of this clusterf*ck,he just left before the final act.
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