Bills fans should start sweating the Gregg Williams gate | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Bills fans should start sweating the Gregg Williams gate


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Sep 25, 2003
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Gregg Williams Involvement in Bounty Scandal Could Spell Trouble for Bills

"And that was all before the Washington Post reported that Williams did essentially the same thing while he was the defensive coordinator at Washington. That news, combined with the chatter around the league that bounty systems were a common practice means that there’s a decent chance that something like that was going on when Gregg Williams was the head coach of the Bills."

"With that in mind, there’s a few ways Buffalo could get roped into this mess. The NFL is not effing around with this, as evidenced by the time and money spent on a 3 year investigation yielding a 18,000 document report. Note: not word, document. That’s an absurd level of depth that shows that the NFL is not going to let anyone off the hook because they forgot what time Kinkos closes. "

"And if it does turn out that Williams installed a similar system in Buffalo, it will be the 3rd such story and presumably with much less evidence available considering Williams was last coaching in Buffalo over a decade ago."
I am not sure anyone remembers Gregg Williams era in Buffalo.
so greg williams is no longer a great DC cus he broke the rules in order to be avg. Is that what is in conclusion here?
The conclusion is that Greg Williams might have used bounties for years to motivate his players. His defenses were pretty good despite his motivational practices. Buffalo might get roped in, but I doubt the league will kick a lowly Buffalo while it is down.
I think any discipline on the agenda will affect New Orleans owner financially to some extent, and Greg Williams to a greater extent...possibly a long suspension or worse. The head coach of New Orleans will feel the pain too, probably some heavy fines.
Williams probably did it when he was with the Bills, though I highly doubt the Bills organization has anything to worry about. Williams himself is in big trouble and it will have an impact on the Saints and Rams. Saints will receive heavy sanctions and the Rams might be scrambling to find a new DC.
Williams probably did it when he was with the Bills, though I highly doubt the Bills organization has anything to worry about. Williams himself is in big trouble and it will have an impact on the Saints and Rams. Saints will receive heavy sanctions and the Rams might be scrambling to find a new DC.

Had we hired Fisher this would have been another Miami mess at this point. Let's hope the luck is turning for Miami finally, first the coin flip and now they dodged this bullet. Now let's hope our third good thing comes in a QB!
so greg williams is no longer a great DC cus he broke the rules in order to be avg. Is that what is in conclusion here?

Of course that our board conclusion lol. Hell we dont even know what we have in Coyle but of course he is a top DC already.
You ever notice how all our hires are better than the rest of the league .
Of course that our board conclusion lol. Hell we dont even know what we have in Coyle but of course he is a top DC already.
You ever notice how all our hires are better than the rest of the league .

What I do notice is your Pavlovian Reactional tendency to pile on anything Fins and defend anything non-fins. Conversely, if we had hired Fisher and Williams was ours, you'd be the first one throwing him under the bus even faster than you did Randy Starks in South Beach.
What I do notice is your Pavlovian Reactional tendency to pile on anything Fins and defend anything non-fins. Conversely, if we had hired Fisher and Williams was ours, you'd be the first one throwing him under the bus even faster than you did Randy Starks in South Beach.

Yoour opinion doesnt make it valid. YOu are among the first to pile on anything around the league so thats your mo. The fact would be I would not be happy that Williams engaged in such things but the fact is he is a very good Dc much more proven than our current one. This offseason the only dolphin player I have said anything bad about has been Brandon|" I need a woman to fight with" Marshall. Please show anything negative I have said about The Philben hire, I praised that hire but of course I only say negative stuff about the phins. Maybe the fact is we have been a bad team for three years has escaped your grasp so of course I have had plenty of negative to say about a team that cant even have a .500 record and you know what its justified 4 out of 5 losing seasons is not worthy of praise to me sorry if thats a positive thing for you, thats kind of sad.

Now in your world calling a guy that has played for three teams since he came into the league in 2007 a jouneyman is an insult when its actually just what that kind of player is called but of course thats negative in your eyes.

I call things as I see them I have no agenda but just because we have some guy that likes to hit women as our wide receiver Im not going to act like he is a good person.
Also I never once defended Williams . I find it funny when coaches sign elsewhere they all of a sudden are not that good. I remember so many on this board jumping on the McCoy bandwagon then conveinently crucifying him for his comments. At least Im consistent I hated McCoy as a canidate from the beginning. I never once said I wanted Fisher that was our owner that was in love with him. Of the canidates that we interviewed I though Philben and Zimmer were the best canidates, that never changed. I always liked Mularkey as a canidate and he was on our list but was smart enough not to wait around and be the possible second choice when he had a job offer.

I will come out on record and say that if Williams put bounties on players as accused there should be some action by the league its chidish and unprofessional.
Yoour opinion doesnt make it valid. YOu are among the first to pile on anything around the league so thats your mo. The fact would be I would not be happy that Williams engaged in such things but the fact is he is a very good Dc much more proven than our current one. This offseason the only dolphin player I have said anything bad about has been Brandon|" I need a woman to fight with" Marshall. Please show anything negative I have said about The Philben hire, I praised that hire but of course I only say negative stuff about the phins. Maybe the fact is we have been a bad team for three years has escaped your grasp so of course I have had plenty of negative to say about a team that cant even have a .500 record and you know what its justified 4 out of 5 losing seasons is not worthy of praise to me sorry if thats a positive thing for you, thats kind of sad.

Now in your world calling a guy that has played for three teams since he came into the league in 2007 a jouneyman is an insult when its actually just what that kind of player is called but of course thats negative in your eyes.

I call things as I see them I have no agenda but just because we have some guy that likes to hit women as our wide receiver Im not going to act like he is a good person.

Sorry to burst your bubble but in retrospect maybe Williams was good but not that good, just like the spygate Patriots who could have lost to the Rams if not for videotaping and Barry Bonds who didn't need steroid help but ended up making a mockery out his reputation and every slugging record. Like Florio says, same with spygate, if BountyGate didn't help, Williams wouldn't have ring-led it. AFAIC, his record and abilities are now forever tarnished.

Now I was referring to your proclivity to defend someone who's not a fin, and as a counterpoint, throw a fin like Marshall or our new DC under the bus. IMO it's not germane what others on our team may or may not have done or accomplished to the criticisms of that person right or wrong in a vacuum . Irrelevant but it's what you do as if by reflex. How about a discussion in your company where Serviceman A contends that despite what some believe "Joe Blow is NOT the most skilled and dependable infantryman in the company (whether he is or isn't) and Serviceman B replies, "He's proven himself in combat conditions and I'd sure rather have him guarding my back than DLockx" True or not, it's not relevant and you should not have been brought into that conversation to make the other's point by making him look superior by comparison. :idk: It is what it is.
When did I throw our new DC under any bus? marshall is a low character guy no matter who he plays for that has been proven over and over again.
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