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Bonds exposed

Barry's a sack of **** and always has been...only this time he's a lying sack of ****. His numbers were so good that he didn't need to juice, but the greedy f*ck still wanted more. He'll get his eventually, and on that day I will celebrate
CirclingWagons said:
Barry's a sack of **** and always has been...only this time he's a lying sack of ****. His numbers were so good that he didn't need to juice, but the greedy f*ck still wanted more. He'll get his eventually, and on that day I will celebrate

What about McGwire who just refused to talk about the past? Barry used juice, who cares? I thought everyone already knew that when his grand jury testimony was leaked. We look at all the numbers these guys have and who knows who else used the juice. If Selig is gonna investigate Bonds he better investigate every player their even was a hint that they juiced. I don't know how Selig can suspend Bonds, he didn't fail a test if he were to suspend him for what he did in the past, then Sheffield better be suspended too for admitting using roids as well as Giambi. I think the books coming out are just a desperate attempt to make money off of a guy who isn't well liked. Apparently a part of the 2nd book that came out talks of Bonds telling Griffey that he's gonna start juicing, then Griffey denies that conversation ever happened. This is a PR nightmare for baseball but how do they suspend a guy because of what he did a couple years ago and then not suspend Giambi and Sheffield who also juiced a couple years ago?
BAMAPHIN 22 said:
Selig reportedly considering suspending Bonds

Bud Selig wants to read the book before making any decisions about Barry Bonds, but he is apparently is considering a wide range of responses, including suspension, one report said.

"It's even worse than I thought," Selig said, the Chicago Tribune reported Thursday, citing an unnamed source who discussed the situation with him.

Selig wouldn't rule out suspending Bonds, the Tribune reported, citing a "highly placed MLB source." Although Selig is known for not acting quickly, he could issue a suspension before the Giants' home opener April 3, the Tribune

Suspend him for what??????????? Do they have a bad or failed urine sample? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They can't touch Bonds. The only way Bonds gets in trouble is with the IRS and that is something Selig has no control over.

If Selig trys to suspend Bonds, the Union will be all over him and you will see a war like never before. They have zero evidence to suspend Bonds on. Sorry, yes, a book and an ex-girlfriend doesn't count as evidence to suspend someone.

The ONLY thing Selig can do is come out and say any records held by McGwire, Sosa, and Bonds will not be recogonized. Which means that Maris still holds the single season home run record and Aaaron is still the home run king. It is the ONLY card Selig has to play and I don't think he has enough balls to play that card. Cause then he would need to go back and pretty much "edit" the record book in every category and it would open a mess I'm not sure he wants to do. But if Bud has a hard-on for Bonds in the worst way, its the only move he can make.
MikeO said:
NOT to mention he wasn't the ONLY one in this time period to do them, so if your gonna make him the poster boy, then you must go back in this time period and investigate EVERYONE!!! To single him out is wrong on many levels.

It sounds like I am defending the guy, but when damn near 75% or more of the league is using steriods in this time frame, to single him out is a joke on all levels! EVERYONE WAS DOING IT!

this first statment is patently inaccurate... i dont recall Barry Bonds testifying before congtress last year, do you? even though the investigation of he and Giambi's dealers (BALCO) was the cause of this scandal coming to light, the fact is, until now he has been given a free pass, because baseball doesnt know how to handle the situation.

the book isnt out yet, but the sports illustrated with excerpts fro it is... ive read it. there is no doubt.

spineless commisioner Selig said the other day that they wont suspend him unless he is charged with tax evasion (for the more than 80 grand in autograph show cash he used to help buy his mistress a house, that was never reported to the IRS) or perjury for his sworn statements regarding using steroids... Selig is clearly signaling the Feds the ball is in their court. stay tuned.
MikeO said:
Pete Rose was the ONLY manager betting on games!! Bonds wasn't the ONLY one who did steroids though!:shakeno:

Let's go investigate EVERY player from that time frame and punish them!!! You can't just do 1 person and ignore everyone else. Probably over 50% of the league was on the roids in this time frame. Let's go get everyone. Why just 1 player?

because he is about to break arguably the most sacred records in sports... and Hank Aarron deserves better. baseball owes him at least that much. and so does Roger Maris for that matter.

McGwire has lost all credibility, so has Sosa, both of whom passed Maris mark of 61 homers... its Barry's turn to pay the piper, take all his ill gotten financial gains and go away forever.
Ray Finkle said:
Well IF he lied under oath he's going to jail. It doesn't matter who he is or how much money he makes. If there's proof he lied he's going to be in jail. It's a U.S. Law, there's no exceptions because he's a famous person etc.

as much as i would like for what you said to be true, check out the case of Bill Clinton. :)
CharlestonPhan said:
this first statment is patently inaccurate... i dont recall Barry Bonds testifying before congtress last year, do you? even though the investigation of he and Giambi's dealers (BALCO) was the cause of this scandal coming to light, the fact is, until now he has been given a free pass, because baseball doesnt know how to handle the situation.

the book isnt out yet, but the sports illustrated with excerpts fro it is... ive read it. there is no doubt.

spineless commisioner Selig said the other day that they wont suspend him unless he is charged with tax evasion (for the more than 80 grand in autograph show cash he used to help buy his mistress a house, that was never reported to the IRS) or perjury for his sworn statements regarding using steroids... Selig is clearly signaling the Feds the ball is in their court. stay tuned.

He hasn't been given a free pass. He has PASSED his piss tests up until this point. So they can't get him on having a bad sample. He wasn't asked to testify infront of congress last year so you can't blame him for that. And I don't call going in front of a GRAND JURY as "getting a free pass" :shakeno:

And the "book" isn't anything more than a scorned lover and a bunch of people who don't like Bonds giving THEIR side of a story! Hardly credible.

And once agian, we can't forget......without a failed urine sample, you can't suspend him. PERIOD!
MikeO said:
He hasn't been given a free pass. He has PASSED his piss tests up until this point. So they can't get him on having a bad sample. He wasn't asked to testify infront of congress last year so you can't blame him for that. And I don't call going in front of a GRAND JURY as "getting a free pass" :shakeno:

And the "book" isn't anything more than a scorned lover and a bunch of people who don't like Bonds giving THEIR side of a story! Hardly credible.

And once agian, we can't forget......without a failed urine sample, you can't suspend him. PERIOD!

I agree. Everybody is jumping on Bonds and how can Selig suspend him? For things that happened a couple seasons ago, like I posted previously Giambi and Sheffield would also be suspended and basically every current player would have to be investigated to see if they ever took steroids. Without steroids Barry Bonds was the best player I seen play, with steroids he's probably the best player I will ever see play. For Bonds atleast the most damaging thing is that people are going to forget how good he was before the juice. Everybody looks back at the roids issue and thinks it was terrible for baseball but for Bud Selig it was not a bad thing and all the homeruns actually brought many people back to baseball, IMO. Most fans were captivated by Sosa/McGwire and the homerun record but turned away at the thought that these guys were crushing balls and there heads seemed to be balloons everybody turned there heads. If Bonds breaks the record and they put an asterik next to his name it's garbage IMO, is Ruth gonna get an asterik next to his name for playing in a segregated league?
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