Brown baggin' it? | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Brown baggin' it?

FinFan24 said:
if ur point is to send a message....wouldnt a simple sign suffice?
Negative, captain....I'll send my message without saying a thing...And it'll be great...
I'm putting hair on top of my bag and every time a play goes like grap (which s/b 90% of the time) I'm going to rum my hands through my hair.
Cannonboy said:
I'm putting hair on top of my bag and every time a play goes like grap (which s/b 90% of the time) I'm going to rum my hands through my hair.

Now THAT will be funny. :lol:
BringBackShula said:
I don't think so, Old Timer...I love this franchise more than anything....It's about sending a message. I'm not embarrassed of being a Dolfan....But if some of those brown bags get seen by any media, and or Wayne, it's gonna be great for our cause. The point is, we don't want Wannstedt here anymore! And we gotta do things like this to make it well known...I don't give a rat's @$$ who has a problem with it. Come see me if there's any problem...I'll be wearing a blue 84 chambers jersey and a brown paper bag. Holler at me.:mad:
I'm sure Wayne will really care about your bag especially after dropping $400 on tickets, and countless more on Chicken strips and sodas. :roflmao:
I'm sorry, but as angry and frustrated I am with the organization, from Wayne down to the waterboys, going to the games with brwn paper bags is ridiculous. That will show the rest of the country that Miami fans really are spoiled, immature children. Our first bad year in a long time, and we are going to act like little babies angry at dad(wayne). That's silly, not to mention counter-productive seeing as how were filling his stadium. You wanna send a message? Stay home. Putting the bag on shows that we can't handle rebuilding, something that most every franchise goes thru. I will be at the game on Sunday, bagless. Maybe a little hopless, but bagless nontheless.
Smacks said:
If anyone Brown bags it you'll fall lower than a Jet fan in the Kotite era...Miami isn't a losing franchise..yes we will have a losing season but have some pride in your team and keep the brown bags at home
Very well said.
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