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Clean House !!

Drafting is only half the problem in Miami. I believe this organization has had a history of prioritizing talent above scheme. Meaning "we have problems doing x so get player y for $z/z rd pick, to win us some games." Couple that with talent evaluators that have historically missed and it's just a **** show.
Yes but it was an all star roster. A roster that went 16-0 with Brady the year before. In addition, they lost most times they played winning teams. The AFC east had a soft schedule in 2008 as well which was discussed in great lengths on here when we won the division. The 2008 Fins would blow the 2017 fins out and that Matt Cassell led Pats team was better than the 2008 fins. Pennington would have dinked and dunked this defense into submission and Burke would have no answers for the wildcat.
I'm not sure that you're countering my point.
So many things need to happen, few of which I suspect will as long as Tbum is calling the shots.

Top 3?

1. I'm a Tannehill supporter, but we need to draft someone in the 2nd or 3rd and have someone to plug in if he goes down/develop for 2-3 years down the road or even as eventual trade bait.
2. Cut guys that are either not producing or are vastly overpaid for their positions(Alonso, Branch and Suh stay because of the cap hit, but are vastly overpaid)...Pouncey/Julius Thomas and one or two others need to go for space. I'm okay with resigning Landry at 10 mil, but not a penny more, I love him but not for a slot receiver.
3. Fix the oline. For the love of God please. Pouncey must go, sign a vet for 2 mil per, and draft a guy later to compete with Brendel. Best player wins. Move Tunsil to left guard, he showed elite at guard last season, but I don't think he has it to play left tackle. To many false starts, and he has issues with speed rushers. Sign a vet in the offseason and maybe even draft one in the 1st round if our pick is that high(it will). Move Jesse Davis to right tackle, move on from James who is avg and not worth 9 mil+. Draft a guard with the Ajayi pick. Let the pick, Asiata, Brendel, Steen and every undraft FA guard you can sign fight it out for the right guard spot.

And if I could get a prayer, let Ross sell the team.
So many things need to happen, few of which I suspect will as long as Tbum is calling the shots.

Top 3?

1. I'm a Tannehill supporter, but we need to draft someone in the 2nd or 3rd and have someone to plug in if he goes down/develop for 2-3 years down the road or even as eventual trade bait.
2. Cut guys that are either not producing or are vastly overpaid for their positions(Alonso, Branch and Suh stay because of the cap hit, but are vastly overpaid)...Pouncey/Julius Thomas and one or two others need to go for space. I'm okay with resigning Landry at 10 mil, but not a penny more, I love him but not for a slot receiver.
3. Fix the oline. For the love of God please. Pouncey must go, sign a vet for 2 mil per, and draft a guy later to compete with Brendel. Best player wins. Move Tunsil to left guard, he showed elite at guard last season, but I don't think he has it to play left tackle. To many false starts, and he has issues with speed rushers. Sign a vet in the offseason and maybe even draft one in the 1st round if our pick is that high(it will). Move Jesse Davis to right tackle, move on from James who is avg and not worth 9 mil+. Draft a guard with the Ajayi pick. Let the pick, Asiata, Brendel, Steen and every undraft FA guard you can sign fight it out for the right guard spot.

And if I could get a prayer, let Ross sell the team.
Miami cannot develop guards. Sign one for God's sake and stop getting rookies and unproven guys to develop.
Miami cannot develop guards. Sign one for God's sake and stop getting rookies and unproven guys to develop.
So, we're back to having the highest paid average oline in the league again? That's exactly what I'm trying to avoid. 1st round left tackle(low hit)...Tunsil left guard(low hit)....low hit vet and draft pick. Jesse Davis(low hit)....and go with the best option left at right guard. Now you have a low cost oline that is average at least and if your left tackle and center step up could be even above average for 1/2 the cost of Ndamonkung Suh.

Now you can afford to make moves at other skill positions and/or defense
We need to trade down to accumulate as many picks as possible. Cleaning house should start with Suh as his HUGE contract. There is NO justification for a 28 million $ DT when our defense struggles every year since his arrival-FACT!!! Wake needs to restructure. Branch and Kiko were terrible contracts, irresponsible to say the least, but that is what you get when you have Tannebaum running the ship, the Jets are just starting to clean up the mess he made up there in NY. Pouncey is gone, no loss there. J.Thomas is out (get him a ride, because he will take forever if by foot).

When do we start to look at the coaching staff???
- The offense is horrible (under Gase). Maybe we should look for an Offensive Coordinator. Won't happen while Gase is here.
- We NEED to hire a REAL defensive coordinator, not a poke and hope assistant such as Burke and Joseph (notice Denver is struggling big time under Joseph). Go out and get a Phillips or someone that is proven, enough trying to find the next great one through assistants. Does Gase find it intimidating that a proven defensive coordinator may well have more insight than him?

There needs to be changes, and such decisions upon these changes should not be left for Gase to make. They should be for the new GM. This season is sickening and the problem is that it doesn't look to be any better next year because we may well be stuck with the same players next season due to the IRRESPONSIBLE contracts given to players such as Kiko and Suh and Branch. Not to mention the same coaching staff. Not a good mix for the '18 season.
I'm definitely not a fan of "blowing it up" like many are. We have had nothing but change over these last 10 years.....multiple coaches, GM's, QB's, Coordinators...etc and it has gotten us nowhere. Blowing it up yet again, will simply have us back here in a couple of years revisiting the same issues again.

What we need, IMO, is some experience on this coaching staff. Burke is getting abused on defense. It isn't entirely on the is the scheme. TE's have huge performances against us and it is due to flaws on in our coverages as well as poor LB play. Yesterday, how many times did we see wide open receivers over the middle as our team played zone. Offenses simply run two receivers into one zone and at least one is uncovered. These are coaching issues in my opinion.

I also think Gases play calling needs significant work. Our running game in particular lacks imagination and effectiveness. The passing game is mostly on QB and Oline play.....and both are terrible. We can't score and we can't stop anyone from scoring. If either one was better, we would be competitive, but with both being broken, we have no chance.

So I look around that league at some of the other teams that are successful this year. Pittsburgh has had what....6 head coaches in their existence and we have had 6 in the last 15 years. New Orleans has had a few tough years lately, but they stuck with their guy and it has paid off. New England, Seattle, Dallas...etc. have continuity and are constantly good or competitive in most years. Everyone wanted Ron Rivera fired a couple of years, he is as solid a HC as there is in the NFL.

Contrast all that with San Francisco, Cleveland, Tampa Bay, Chicago, Jets or yes.....even the Dolphins.

I realize this isn't popular after the negative turn this season has taken, but last year, we were in a winning streak at this time and the site was full of "I believe in Gase threads". I'm of the opinion that you made a commitment to Gase and you need to see it through. He proved he can win last year, and has regressed this year.....but as far as I'm concerned, he is our guy for the next two years minimum. We do need coaching and player question.....but we need to build something in Miami and it isn't going to happen if we keep going back to square one every couple of years.
Ren it was nice in DFW, you shoulda been outside. Got a ton of yard work done yesterday! :)
House cleaned by noon. Just in time to sit out on the back deck, watching college football on my outdoor TV, with burgers on the grill. ;)
Tannenbaum should have fired himself

As for patience,I've been a Dolphin fan for 48 years and at 60 years old
patience is no longer in my vocabulary...tic toc tic toc

May I just say kudos for your loyalty, and if there's anyone over 60 with a better avatar than you, I'd be surprised!
I think the biggest cleaning we need is the talent evaluators and TBUM gone. The players we draft are poorly scouted.
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