Cutler agrees to sign for fins | Page 7 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Cutler agrees to sign for fins

Alright coach Gase now let's get to work. Got another guy that knows the offense. Best case scenario. As for Tannehill get your surgery and restructure or else.
Had to convince a interception machine out of retirement, and give him 10 million to boot. Genius.

In his year with Gase, though, Cutler had 21 touchdowns and 11 interceptions. His quarterback rating was 92, which is his career high. I think he'll be okay here, but agree with Digital that offense will likely have hot and cold stretches. Cutler isn't great, but he offers more than Moore (that sounds funny) IMO.
I seriously doubt we are gonna see any tempo out the gate with this guy showing up 4 weeks prior.

So much for the upside of that
I really was not expecting up tempo even with Tanny in there till that o-line showed it could handle it which I don't believe they can. QB is not the only problem with this team imo. Hope I'm wrong of course but Cutler might play good and the defense could let us down. Time will tell

Ozzy rules!!
Not sure what the rule is, but is it too early to start talking about the 2018 draft? ;-)
Is what it is I guess. Get the surgery tomorrow Ryan

2018 can't get here fast enough.

4 weeks to get on the same page with the skill guys.

Better hope Tunsil stays healthy and is effective and Puncey playes a good chunk of the season and we get somewhat adequate play from the rest of that line if we attempt to be competitive.
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I don't hate the move only because he has familiarity and rapport with Gase, otherwise I would hate it. Hope he can get in football shape quick. I still say Kaepernick would have had the higher upside over all giving us some options next year if he performed well. Cutler is a 1 year rental and nothing else.

Oh well, at least we don't have to worry about a situation where Moore goes down and we are watching some scrub sandwich for the rest of the season. Now at least if Cutler goes down Moore is still there.

Agree with you on Kaepernick. But he would also have a learning curve that we shouldn't see with Cutler.
Cutler's here, so I'm going to support him and hope for the best. The man's got arm talent, that cannot be denied. Let's hope it didn't deteriorate after that shoulder surgery.

That said, I'm pretty disappointed and perplexed with how Gase has handled this situation. In Gase I trust, but this just leaves me shaking my head. Your franchise QB still hasn't made a decision on his injury yet, the guy who saved the season last year and helped push us into the playoffs is ready to step up, and yet he's scrambling to make a text message agreement with Cutler. I'm just not huge on the message that sends to both Tannehill and Moore.

I don't think I've disliked a Gase decision yet, but this just doesn't seem like the way you should conduct yourself.

Gase HAD to get another QB -PERIOD. Miami was caught with our pants down -again!

It retrospect it was obvious Miami should have stockpiled at lest one young option to turn to if this happened.

We still NEED that.

We need a young healthy upstart QB to compete with Tannehill if he ever returns.

So why not have turned over every stone when last season ended?

Anyhow Gase put himself on the learning curve.

It seems so obvious now what he overlooked and we got crushed!

I predict IR for Cutler by week 6 and Moore is vulnerable to injury too - so honestly we need another young QB that can function now if need be.
To the people that are so upset by this please share your alternative. Who is was available you would prefer? Or did you want to stick with Brandon Doughty being a play away from being our QB?

I, like most, assume Jay is here to start, but nothing is gauranteed. Moore has a huge advantage of chemistry with the team, knowledge of the offense, and being in better physical shape having done OTA and the start of camp. If Matt wins the job 10 million is not a lot for a quality back up who can handle 100% of the offense. If Jay is our day 1 starter he won the job from a very capable back up, and had a very good season with Adam 2 years ago. The football gods gave us lemons and I 100% believe Gase made the best lemonade he could have at this time.
Cutler on Sunday agreed to a one-year deal worth $10 million plus incentives, per a league source. As $5 million of that is base salary, it strongly suggests the Dolphins expect him to be the starter ahead of Matt Moore.

Only place we see 5 base so far.

Can you imagine this place if Moore beats him out as ourstarter and we're paying a backup $10 million to sit on his azz?
I don't understand why so many are apoplectic about this. This would not be the 1st time a team loses its projected starter and signs an older veteran on a short term deal. The phins don't have the luxury of a young promising backup on the roster and Moore has never been viable as a multi game starter.
Morrall, DeBerg came in for Griese and Marino respectively. This is the ideal situation right now. They get a veteran who who has significant starting experience and also happens to know the offensive system and won't have any demands or leverage after this season.
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