Dante Culpepper - Future Hall of Famer or Washed-Out? | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Dante Culpepper - Future Hall of Famer or Washed-Out?

If you add Culpeppers rushing yards into his passing numbers... Culpepper is STATISTICALLY the greatest QB in NFL History.

Shouldn't we put him through another training camp and see what he can do, before throwing him in the trash? Is it fair to judge an injured player?

"DC ran the ball more then 60% of the time before the injury."
--464 rushes, 2741 passes - 14.5% rushes (5.5 rushes/game - 30 yards/game)

Stats do not tell us he's the greatest in history. They only tell us that he had some pretty good regular season games. That's it. Let's not stretch the truth here.
You are leaving out the fact that his prior stats were not gained by solely throwing the ball and I would say DC ran the ball more then 60% of the time before the injury. Now that he can no longer run he is no good.

60% of the time? Show me that stat please. How about 2471 career pass attempts against 464 career rushing attempts? What the hell are you talking about?

If you add Culpeppers rushing yards into his passing numbers... Culpepper is STATISTICALLY the greatest QB in NFL History.

Shouldn't we put him through another training camp and see what he can do, before throwing him in the trash? Is it fair to judge an injured player?

"DC ran the ball more then 60% of the time before the injury."
--464 rushes, 2741 passes - 14.5% rushes (5.5 rushes/game - 30 yards/game)

^ yea that give him the first 2 games ...before we send him packing
Huh? What are you talking about? No QB can throw for more than 3,000 yards in a season if he ran 60% of the time? If you are going to playa hate atleast do it with the right stats and not something you made up.

He only managed to throw the ball because the opposing D could not effectvily pass rush him because he was good at scrambling.

Regardless of his passing yards he still ran the ball 60% of the time. If his arm is so good then what happened this year?
60% of the time? Show me that stat please. How about 2471 career pass attempts against 464 career rushing attempts? What the hell are you talking about?

When I say 60% I include scrambling behind the line of scrimage, don't believe me then watch one of his old Minnesota games and count up how many times he has to dance around in order to throw the ball. He can't just line up and throw like a normal QB.
He only managed to throw the ball because the opposing D could not effectvily pass rush him because he was good at scrambling.

Regardless of his passing yards he still ran the ball 60% of the time. If his arm is so good then what happened this year?

I'm going to repeat myself here. Huh? What are you talking about? The most he has ever run in a season was 106 times. That same season he threw 549 times. If that's 60% run-to-pass then you are using some new kind of math.

What happened this year? Too many things to going into but bottom line is...he was not ready. Physically and mentally.
When I say 60% I include scrambling behind the line of scrimage, don't believe me then watch one of his old Minnesota games and count up how many times he has to dance around in order to throw the ball. He can't just line up and throw like a normal QB.

You mean like Drew Bledsoe? If you are including scrambling in your percentage then Dan Marino scrambled just as much as Daunte. And we all know Dan Mariono is not considered a scrambling quarterback.
You are leaving out the fact that his prior stats were not gained by solely throwing the ball and I would say DC ran the ball more then 60% of the time before the injury. Now that he can no longer run he is no good.

CP played 10 less games than Brady and still has the same amount of yards. So if he ran 60% of the time imagine what his stats could be if he threw it 60% of the time. And I know Brady doesn't run.:rolleyes2
We could debate this all year the FACT is that DC during the course of his career at Minnesota, which I had to watch b/c my girl was a Vikings fan, he could not line up stay in the pocket and throw the ball. He always had to run up to the line and throw or dance around and throw the ball, which were all short 5-10 yard passes, the Vikings RB's and WR's deserve the real credit for gaining the extra yardage for DC.

I say he sucks, is washed up and never really had a good passing arm, if ya'll want to defend him then go for it. Just expect a BIG I told you so when he is cut from the team.
I say he sucks, is washed up and never really had a good passing arm, if ya'll want to defend him then go for it. Just expect a BIG I told you so when he is cut from the team.

Name 5 guys playing today with better passing arms.

* Culpepper + rushing - 280 yards/game, 1.99 TD's/game, 1.06 ints per game
Kurt Warner - 278 passing/game, 1.69 TD/game, 1.12 ints per game
Marc Bulger - 271 passing/game, 1.58 TD/game, .98 ints per game
Culpepper - 250 passing/game, 1.63 TD/game, 1.06 ints per game
Brett Favre - 243 Passing/game, 1.75 TD/game, 1.15 int/game
Steve Young - 231.6 Passing/game, 1.62 TD/game, .75 int/game

I believe 250 passing/game is #5 all-time behind Warner, Bulger, Manning and Marino. It's interesting to see Warner and Bulger are so good.
culpepper will be the comeback player of the year in 2007 write it down!
Don't waste your breath man, most people on here will just ignore your facts.

Hall of fame Qbs don't suck for two straight seasons. Some of you are living in a dream world. We can hope that Daunte magically starts playing at a high level again but don't count on it.
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