Drafting Mallett Would Be A Huge Mistake....HUGE! | Page 28 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Drafting Mallett Would Be A Huge Mistake....HUGE!

I am sure some of you haters are already trying to pull some strings to get me banned (silence me)......well I will be here until then “IF” it should happen. Can't win an argument so you want to silence me......
I was warned before I got here that that might happen....
I am sure some of you haters are already trying to pull some strings to get me banned (silence me)......well I will be here until then “IF” it should happen. Can't win an argument so you want to silence me......
I was warned before I got here that that might happen....

The quarterback is a part of the offense. Guess what? That needs to be fixed more than any other position on the offense. Henne sucks.
The QB is ONE PEICE and the current QB we have is sufficient enough for next year. It's the other parts that need upgrading...like RB, OG, Speedy WR, TE, and RB again, another OG THEN QB......
Once the team surrounding Henne is fully in place and he craps out then we just have that ONE PART TO FIX.....but with a veteran QB as a contingency this year if Henne just bombs out (no evidence that he will) then we will have someone to fill in....and we all will know that QB is the ONLY option to look at in round one next year...
All I know is the Mallett band wagon just got a flat.......I can see many people with common sense jumping off that wagon....but some are now so upset that I have validation that Mallete is not a good choice that it's now time to dig in and attack the messenger....
People are strange......
All I know is the Mallett band wagon just got a flat.......I can see many people with common sense jumping off that wagon....but some are now so upset that I have validation that Mallete is not a good choice that it's now time to dig in and attack the messenger....
People are strange......

You sit there and say Henne is a good quarterback, and you want to call us "strange?" Look in the mirror.
All I know is the Mallett band wagon just got a flat.......I can see many people with common sense jumping off that wagon....but some are now so upset that I have validation that Mallete is not a good choice that it's now time to dig in and attack the messenger....
People are strange......


Henne is a good QB, he is better than most but not as good as the top QB's. More than half the NFL teams can say that. Henne has not reached his peak to say what he will ultimately turn out to be...

His biggest misfortune was to land on a team that had a Head Coach who is learning on the Job, who had very average assistant coaches and a very old outdated OC......that crippled Henne and his growth IMO. So I want to see him one more year before I am willing to say I had enough.

Why this opinion is upsetting to some of you is really confusing to me....I can see how some can disagree but to act like it's way in left field is just not right.

Great News! I have decided to move on from here I can see I do not fit in here and I had no intention to anger anybody here or get angry myself. We are from a different world......I will seek another place to dwell.

Good bye...

no need to leave dude. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I assure you, some of the same people bashing you have been proven wrong in their assessments as well over the years. People love to attack others when their views do not fit their own. Its the reason so many people choose to be mainly lurkers instead of jumping in and becoming VIP members. Ive seen good people over the years give up on this board and go elsewhere due to being attacked from all sides. stand your ground, because in the end, its a forum, and opinions are like hiney-holes, everyone has one. doesnt make them right or wrong, just makes them members. welcome to the site..
Wow, that was painful to wade through. I would like to think that we could all share our opinions, irrespective of the number of prior posts. In retrospect, I think a more appropriate title for this thread would have been "Drafting Mallett OR Ingram At #15 Would Be A Huge Mistake". A lot of experts including Todd McShay and Tony Pauline (on Joe Rose this morning) agree that Mallett is not a top 15 prospect. In fact, Tony Pauline said that if the Dolphins can't trade out of 15 then we shouldn't be surprised if they take the top defensive player on their board (e.g. Aldon Smith, CB from Colorado or Nebraska). If the Dolphins can trade back into the late 20's and recoup their 2nd rounder, then they can work another trade with teams such as the Bengals, Cardinals, Titans, etc. that passed on a QB with their 1st rounder and desperately want to move up to land a QB. The Dolphins could then stockpile a lot of picks and fill a lot of needs. If the worst case scenario is that the Dolphins go with Henne and bring in a veteran, it's not the end of the world. My issue with Henne is that he regressed from two years ago to last year. I still remember the great comebacks he had at home against the Jets & Patriots in 2009. Some, if not much, of that is attributable to poor coaching and play calling and might be correctable. Besides, this year's class of QB's, while deep, does not promise the sure success of the class of Rivers, Manning & Roethlisberger. To draft Mallett at #15 is to claim he is on the level of Roethlisberger who went #11. Not a chance.
I missed the part where experimenting with recreational drugs = a crackhead. I'm more shocked when people haven't experimented with recreational drugs.
What's up with all the changes in font size, Markeyh. It reminds me of those serial killer notes sent to police with words cut out from different news print. Kind of creepy.
Great News! I have decided to move on from here I can see I do not fit in here and I had no intention to anger anybody here or get angry myself. We are from a different world......I will seek another place to dwell.

Good bye...


Thank goodness. See ya!
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