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Great Article On Tanny

I think most of his supporters here are like me- we believe he's a good QB who might even be great, but we dont truly know until he has a decent supporting coach and cast.

pretty much what every qb needs as NFL proves by the rising and falling of the same QBs over time.

I think he has decent coaching now, competent receivers, and (cross fingers) a decent OL.

If he steuggles this year, I have no problem with Fins moving on, and I doubt most of the THill fans feel different.

We all want to win!

the thing that perplexes me is that in 2016 those things (coaching and supporting cast) started coming together, and yet THills rise seems to have been fogotten or dismissed by a few hoping to be proved "right". we'll see...
I wouldn't be shocked if we move on from Tannehill after this season if he's mediocre. This season could easily go either way. At a certain point you have to do something right? but I still think that when you add as many pieces as we did this year, and you still have a defense that looks like Swiss cheese... you're expecting a lot out of the O to cover for a D that surrenders the early lead.
The article says basically the same thing what we all have been saying. I dont think he will ever be on the same level of Wilson or Luck but he can still be a productive QB and at this point as much hate as he is getting, I think he is under appreciated as well and I have been guilty of it as well. It's going to be hard for some of us to be patient the first half of season to let Tannehill shake off some rust. I'm expecting to see some rust early on but I'll probably be complaining again by week 3 or 4.
The article says basically the same thing what we all have been saying. I dont think he will ever be on the same level of Wilson or Luck but he can still be a productive QB and at this point as much hate as he is getting, I think he is under appreciated as well and I have been guilty of it as well. It's going to be hard for some of us to be patient the first half of season to let Tannehill shake off some rust. I'm expecting to see some rust early on but I'll probably be complaining again by week 3 or 4.

I honestly think Luck has been ruined and might never reach the peak of his ceiling. I wouldn't be surprised if Tannehill has a better career from this point on.
I honestly think Luck has been ruined and might never reach the peak of his ceiling. I wouldn't be surprised if Tannehill has a better career from this point on.
Anytime anybody puts lucks name at the top of the QB list for this class, i'm puzzled, what has he done lately? are we only judging by pedigree? Also I would put Wilson at the top of the list, and any QB from this class that wants to knock him off that pedestal has a long way to go.
Anytime anybody puts lucks name at the top of the QB list for this class, i'm puzzled, what has he done lately? are we only judging by pedigree? Also I would put Wilson at the top of the list, and any QB from this class that wants to knock him off that pedestal has a long way to go.
Sounds like his recovery is coming along well

Dearest mother — The Raven men lunged at our unit with their beaks, and while some damage was inflicted, no longterm harm occurred. My sidearm was true, save for one ricochet. Our trusted sniper, Sgt. Vinatieri, made an impressive shot that dazzled all who witnessed. — Andrew
Anytime anybody puts lucks name at the top of the QB list for this class, i'm puzzled, what has he done lately? are we only judging by pedigree? Also I would put Wilson at the top of the list, and any QB from this class that wants to knock him off that pedestal has a long way to go.

Agreed, Wilson had a pretty damn good season last year and nobody can take it away from him by saying his run game or defense bailed him out. They didn't even have a 500 yard rusher save for Wilson himself the defense was not top 10, and his oline has been horrible just like its been his entire career. I wouldn't be surprised if after Brady and Rodgers retire he takes up the mantle as a top 3 QB.
Agreed, Wilson had a pretty damn good season last year and nobody can take it away from him by saying his run game or defense bailed him out. They didn't even have a 500 yard rusher save for Wilson himself the defense was not top 10, and his oline has been horrible just like its been his entire career. I wouldn't be surprised if after Brady and Rodgers retire he takes up the mantle as a top 3 QB.
I mean who's better than him? As I clarified earlier, eventually all scrambling QBs get that hit that knocks them to earth. Of course i'm still waiting for father time to catch brady too, so who knows.
I mean who's better than him? As I clarified earlier, eventually all scrambling QBs get that hit that knocks them to earth. Of course i'm still waiting for father time to catch brady too, so who knows.

Yeah I guess you're right I'd be hard pressed to not put him in the top 3 right now.
Looks pretty darn rusty. Still has that feel for the pocket though. Always will.

Ball floated on him a few times nosed down on him a few times . I can’t believe the colts did nothing at tight end. Everything 84 gives them is scheme driven

Luck's arm really concerns me, as a football fan. He's a lot of fun to watch but I'm afraid he's been Chad Pennington'ed.
it depends on if Tannehill stays healthy as to where he’s gonna finish in that class.

I think some eyes are about to be opened when it comes to what he is capable of handling at the los when we unleash this tempo of play and let him drive.

People gonna find out there isn’t much he can’t do. And gase gonna let him have a whole lot of freedom.
Luck's arm really concerns me, as a football fan. He's a lot of fun to watch but I'm afraid he's been Chad Pennington'ed.

Yeah but it’s always looked like he pushed the ball more than he threw it. But I’d want to see him drive some deep post etc or some routes that require the ball be on a line before I labeled that arm cooked.

If they don’t throw vertically outside the numbers then that will be an obvious tell cause it’s always been a pro style pa vertical in concept offense minus the dump.

If teams defend him only between the numbers that will be your dc tell. Ravens did it to us with Pennington in the play off game
I heard Lamar Jackson is playing to contact in the pros. Same thing I saw at Louisville. That will never last if he doesn’t learn to slide and get down and save his body.

They will kill him at this level. Helmet rule or no helmet rule
Russell Wilson was gift wrapped a half decade now Kirk cousins has been in Minnesota. Andrew luck is in for a long tough year in Indy. Will miami and tannehill flip the first 5 year script of its qb?

I’d rather be ryan than Andrew luck in 18 I know that
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