*** Hey look, a Tebow thread (Merged x4) *** | Page 13 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

*** Hey look, a Tebow thread (Merged x4) ***

Tebow has more wins then phins last 4 years. Tebow phobia is rampant amongst the losers. phins last playoff win was when?
With all the talent and hope this offseason has brought the team, plus finally having a young, talented QB that could be a cornerstone for a decade to come...and some people actually still want ****ty ass Tim Tebow to invade and bring his circus with him? You're not Dolphin fans.
oh no...beli will get whatever he's got to offer out of him...probably some goalline wildcat plays that work to perfection knowing the way things go with them
I hope Tebow sees the field all the time. Anything that gets Brady off of it, I am down.
I am waiting for the Patriots to pick him up, Put together a selection of wildcat plays for him and kill us with him for the next ten years.

Remember you heard it first here on roller derby.
Always thought he would become a weapon in NE if they signed him. Interesting.
It will just cause distractions in Foxboro.....this is worse than us signing Ocho Stinko.
I have nothing against the guy...in fact he is a great person. I just happen to think he is a terrible QB. He needs to be an HBack.

I guess my biggest issue is if Miami, Jacksonville or San Diego signed him in similar manner they would be deemed dumb by the media. However, because it is the Pats, it is a smart, heady move.
I see no reason for them to make this move.... I mean are you going to ever take Brady off the field for him to run some wildcat? Probably not.... They have like 4 solid TE's so he won't get any playing time there... Maybe he is Woodhead's replacement?
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