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High Praises for John Beck

Tyler, I don't think that most coaching staffs care one bit about what others think about the moves that they make. If he was asked a direct question about Beck, he could have answered without praising or bashing him....
They seldom do though unless the player is giving no effort. If the player is trying the coach will say something positive 99% of the time whether they are good or not.
They seldom do though unless the player is giving no effort. If the player is trying the coach will say something positive 99% of the time whether they are good or not.

Yeah, they would say that he is working hard, trying to learn the offense, etc., etc......

They would tend to be very general in their assessment of the player. They would not say some of the things that Harbaugh said unless they were true. That wasn't coach speak. That was him telling what he saw of Beck during that particular session. No battles have been won yet. Beck just had a decent practice. That's all....
1. As everyone has said coaches talk players up not down to the media. That is a fact. You want to say Harbaugh would not of made the comments if they were not true, OK, I will buy that but I will also say that he is only going to comment on positives about his players right now. You are not going to hear him publically come out and say "Beck drags his *** on the field and if he dosnt learn how to hussle he will be unemployed soon" Beck might hear that inpractices and the locker room but a reporter isnt going to be told that.

2. CC and JH are both high on Beck or they would not of brought him in. I dont know the terms of the deal but that would give a fair indication of how high they are on him. If they signed him to a 4yr deal that says they have confidence in him, if its a 1yr deal they are iffy on him.

3. Beck had a nice practice.......... Well damn I hope so. He has certainly had enough training over the last 2 seasons to pull off a good day in May.

I wish him the best and hope he has a sucessfull career in the NFL. Our staff might have made a misstake releasing him, I'll admit I was shocked that they did. I think for us it came down to roster spots and how much they like White. Someone had to go and that someone was Beck. We are not Tampa, who likes carrying 4 qb's on thier roster.

Parcells also has a good reputation among the players he is known for being tough but fair. He released Beck at a time when he could find a job. This is the time of year players are signed and given a shot, no roster restrictions. Sure it costs them a few bucks to give the guy a look but thats it. I wont be surprised if Beck is named 2nd behind Flacco and I wont be surprised if he is unemployed in Sept. Either way Parcells gave Beck a fair shake. Why this is significant is because it goes to Parcells credability with our guys. How he handled past players goes a long way toward how future players handle us.
Has anyone heard any coach say anything negative about a player this time of year?

Yes, I have. When players come into camp poorly conditioned and other situations. It's not that big of a deal. Beck had a nice day. Harbaugh acknowledged it. It doesn't really mean a lot right now to the outcome of the Raven's depth chart. Beck has to keep having good practice sessions in order to have a shot at something. It's too early to tell right now but it at least looks like he will get a good shot to show what he can do....
Parcells made a mistake on Beck, he should have at least waited till at least seeing how much he has impoved since last year. With what Beck learned last year with all the tape watching and learning the game like he did he will be alot better. We will regret not keeping him you will see!
Parcells made a mistake on Beck, he should have at least waited till at least seeing how much he has impoved since last year. With what Beck learned last year with all the tape watching and learning the game like he did he will be alot better. We will regret not keeping him you will see!
Last year the starting job was his to lose entering the offseason...and he lost it. Henne would have opened the season had Penny not fallen in our laps. If I were you, I wouldnt hold my breath while waiting on him to prove Parcells wrong.
Last year the starting job was his to lose entering the offseason...and he lost it. Henne would have opened the season had Penny not fallen in our laps. If I were you, I wouldnt hold my breath while waiting on him to prove Parcells wrong.

I'M not holding my breath Parcells has been wrong before and i think he made a mistake again imo.
Last year the starting job was his to lose entering the offseason...and he lost it. Henne would have opened the season had Penny not fallen in our laps. If I were you, I wouldnt hold my breath while waiting on him to prove Parcells wrong.

I don't think Beck was ever the clear choice to be the starter and there was no decision on who was the starter by the time that Pennington was released. Neither McCown, Beck or Henne showed enough to distance themselves from the pack. That's why they went after Penny.
I don't think Beck was ever the clear choice to be the starter and there was no decision on who was the starter by the time that Pennington was released. Neither McCown, Beck or Henne showed enough to distance themselves from the pack. That's why they went after Penny.
Either way, Beck couldnt beat out a journeyman QB and a rookie
Nor could the journeyman or rookie beat out Beck prior to Pennington's arrival. What does that prove? :confused:
Actually the rookie did beat him out. The depth chart showed that. And it proves that all this talk of what a big mistake we made in letting Beck go is crazy. All Im saying is we arent going to regret cutting a guy who couldnt play any better than McCown and a rookie.
Actually the rookie did beat him out. The depth chart showed that.

The rookie beat him out after Pennington was on board. Also, using your logic, Beck beat out the journeyman, right? I'm still not so sure that Henne clearly beat out Beck as they were pretty close prior to that but I will give you a pass on that. The FO made a decision and I was fine with that decision.

And it proves that all this talk of what a big mistake we made in letting Beck go is crazy. All Im saying is we arent going to regret cutting a guy who couldnt play any better than McCown and a rookie.

It sounds like you need to be directing your posts to others. You have not seen me post anything saying that letting Beck go was big mistake. If you can find me stating something like that, please show me.

You also have not seen me post anything stating that we will regret the decision to let Beck go. Although, it is possible that may be the case at some point. Beck was essentially a rookie when in his second year. He was not being groomed to play immediately during his first season. Henne also didn't really beat out McCown or Beck. What does that say about him? Before Penny became a Dolphin, all three QBs were pretty close to one another.
The regretting it part was more directed towards finman38.

As for the competetion last year, how can you say Beck was essentially a rookie? He WASNT a rookie. He is like 58 years old and played in real games the year before. He was at best on par with a rookie and slightly better than a crappy journeyman. Im not sure what you are trying to say...thats what happened though. He couldnt take the starting job when it was his if he played well.

As for Henne, he really was a rookie. I wouldnt expect him to win the competition, although it looks like he did anyway. I think its pretty likely that Henne started week one had we not gotten Penny. The chances of Beck starting week one were almost zero.
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