I talked to Rosenhaus's brother and Wale... | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

I talked to Rosenhaus's brother and Wale...


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Mar 19, 2004
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Saw them yesterday at Shula's steak after the minicamps. Don't know if its true, but they said they were looking for something like what Todd Wade received, 6 yrs 30 mill 10 mill signing bonus. That's nowhere near what Kearse wanted, and it seemed like Wale was real anxious to be out there. Some fans started chanting, "Don't hold out, Don't hold out," he was getting kinda embarrased. Anyway, I don't think thats an absurd contract that he wants, if anything he'll still be underpaid. I'm sure he's asking for a little bit more and they wouldn't just leak what they wanted, but it seems like they want to get a deal done since they know they got called on their bluff (10 teams ready to trade for him on draft day? LOL good one Drew). I'd rather get Chambers and McMichael done first, then Wale, but I don't want to rent him for a year and lose him for nothing. By the way, Wale is extremely nice and articulate, really loves the fans so please don't give him a hard time with the contract issues, man is just trying to get him and his family taken care of. One injury and it could all be over for him, so I understand why he's doing what he's doing. Last but not least, they said things are starting to pick up cause the draft is over and his demands are a little less.
Hmmm... I wonder if there's anyway to pay part of the signing bonus next year? That's the biggest obstacle and yeah, otherwise, that ain't bad at all.
Wow!! Thats pretty cool being able to walk over to Drew and Wally's table and discuss terms of a new contract. :rolleyes: :)
Aqua, do you know who would have to go in order to get those 3 signed? I read somewhere that Seau,Madison,Knight and a few others would have to be let go in order to sign Mcmichael Chambers and Wale. I would definitely rather have three rising superstars than players obviously past their prime (Seau,Madison). And plus Surtain is gonna want big money so we gotta work something out with him, but does he really need to pull a Ty Law right now? I know you're not the highest paid corner, but you're pretty damn close and wouldn't you rather be on a winner, Pat? Sometimes I wonder.
Wow!! Thats pretty cool being able to walk over to Drew and Wally's table and discuss terms of a new contract.

LOL its more like me yelling at them asking questions and them getting embarrased and telling me to come closer so I'm not yelling across the restaraunt. :roflmao: Wish I had the connection like that though...they simply know me as "Screeching Dolphins Fan" now.
I bet they can get Chambers and Ogun done this year, somehow. McMike still has two years left on his contract so there's no push on him right now.
I bet they can get Chambers and Ogun done this year, somehow. McMike still has two years left on his contract so there's no push on him right now.

I could have swore that him and Chambers were drafted the same year, didnt they both sign four-year deals?
They both signed four year deals. McMike was drafted season before last.
$30 million over 6 years is an extreme bargain for one of the top 5 defensive ends in football.
Finsflurry said:
Wow!! Thats pretty cool being able to walk over to Drew and Wally's table and discuss terms of a new contract.

LOL its more like me yelling at them asking questions and them getting embarrased and telling me to come closer so I'm not yelling across the restaraunt. :roflmao: Wish I had the connection like that though...they simply know me as "Screeching Dolphins Fan" now.

Heh!! :lol:
McMichael actually wants a new contract (he hired Rosenhaus) but there is no way he will get one since there are two years left on his deal.

We need to get Chambers and Ogunleye locked up. It seems like Ogunleye wants to be in Miami next year, so I think that something will get worked out soon. Also, I thought Ogunleye was in New York with family this weekend??
Finsflurry said:
LOL its more like me yelling at them asking questions and them getting embarrased and telling me to come closer so I'm not yelling across the restaraunt. :roflmao: Wish I had the connection like that though...they simply know me as "Screeching Dolphins Fan" now.

It's that tactful, low-key line of questioning that gives us Miami fans our reputation. :rofl:

Great stuff.
Finsflurry said:
Saw them yesterday at Shula's steak after the minicamps. Don't know if its true, but they said they were looking for something like what Todd Wade received, 6 yrs 30 mill 10 mill signing bonus. That's nowhere near what Kearse wanted, and it seemed like Wale was real anxious to be out there. Some fans started chanting, "Don't hold out, Don't hold out," he was getting kinda embarrased. Anyway, I don't think thats an absurd contract that he wants, if anything he'll still be underpaid. I'm sure he's asking for a little bit more and they wouldn't just leak what they wanted, but it seems like they want to get a deal done since they know they got called on their bluff (10 teams ready to trade for him on draft day? LOL good one Drew). I'd rather get Chambers and McMichael done first, then Wale, but I don't want to rent him for a year and lose him for nothing. By the way, Wale is extremely nice and articulate, really loves the fans so please don't give him a hard time with the contract issues, man is just trying to get him and his family taken care of. One injury and it could all be over for him, so I understand why he's doing what he's doing. Last but not least, they said things are starting to pick up cause the draft is over and his demands are a little less.

My main question is whay was Drew's brother out with Ogun?
Drew's brother is big part of the firm. He's actually credited with negotiating two contracts by NFLPA for players who are currently active (Drew has 42 active deals). Jason is also a CPA and member of the Florida Bar. Most, if you see Drew somewhere, you'll see Jason there too. At least that's always been the case when I've seen them out. :lol:
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