I would like to hear more opinions of CK and Boomer about our draft plans. | Page 15 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

I would like to hear more opinions of CK and Boomer about our draft plans.

Jake Long

The more the debate over who we should take, the more obvious that Jake Long should be the pick. Unless we're picking at the top of another draft, we won't get a chance at this quality OT. Good coaching can help to hide weaknesses, but there are certain athletic traits that just can't be coached. Same reason you might have the best RB coach, but he can't make a 4.8 guy into a 4.4 guy.

Why does Jake Long remind me of Flozell Adams? Is it just me?
Yup , i feel ya.

I'm sure BP,JI,TS have all had the same thoughts as you 100 of times.I think even if they are sold on Beck, they still have to take one of the top 3 QB's in the draft.Otherwise they are setting there self up to fail and i'm betting:hi5::beer1: thats over with in Miami.

We have so many needs I feel we should take Jake Long this year and if Beck doesn't work out, we will be drafting near the top next year. That will give us another chance to draft the top QB or another impact player first and a QB second.

But, if Beck becomes a Romo, then we have saved a "wasted" draft pick (a QB that won't get a chance to play) and can fiill another hole on the team, hopefully at OL or CB IMHO.

We have so many needs I feel we should take Jake Long this year and if Beck doesn't work out, we will be drafting near the top next year. That will give us another chance to draft the top QB or another impact player first and a QB second.

But, if Beck becomes a Romo, then we have saved a "wasted" draft pick (a QB that won't get a chance to play) and can fiill another hole on the team, hopefully at OL or CB IMHO.

Jake Long this year . . . and next year, if we still suck . . . we still aren't going QB . . . we will draft Michael Crabtree . . . we'll figure out this QB thing one day
After watching Matt Ryan play several times, I am comfortable saying his accuracy is on level with John Beck's. It's hard to imagine unless you've been exposed to SEVERAL Boston College games...but his supporting cast in the WR department really was garbage. Ryan's deep accuracy is actually something to behold.

You seem to like Ryan more than a month ago, perhaps after watching more footage, anyway you thinking we should take him at 1 ?
I don't think Bo Pellini would have banned Nicks from the Pro Day if that arrest was the ONLY incident in his past, and I think past history is exactly why one player was not allowed at the Pro Day and the other player was.

Also, Matt Roth got into trouble for getting into bar fights with bouncers. I mean, do you consider that the same as failure to obey an officer of the law? I don't. Just like I don't consider stealing to be the same as speeding.

I don't see Nicks playing at Guard, I see him at Left or Right Tackle. He's too good a talent to play at Guard unless you've already got quality Tackles...and we don't.

First CK...Pellini wasn't there in the past...second, if anyone has a problem it has to be Purify....he's on probation and is in alot more trouble than Nicks. I wasn't there...but according to the reports...there were 75 other people at that house...having a loud party...is that a killing offense? He was arrested for not leaving the house...but he was staying at the house...would you leave?

Police arrested Nicks on suspicion of being an inmate of a disorderly house and failure to disperse after he wouldn’t leave.

Inmate....one who dwells with another or others...an inhabitant.

What a bogus charge.

He was released soon afterwards...and as far as I know...all he got was a ticket...WOW! Pellini made him an example for the future players on the team...but he may have chosen the wrong guy...Purify should have been the guy.

"Purify last summer was arrested on a pair of alcohol-related offenses and ultimately sentenced to one year of probation and fined $1,250."

Roth had fights...as far as I know...that can't be said of Nicks.

Parcells says he doesn't want "problem children" on the team...I don't buy that for a minute...what he doesn't want are players who cause problems and aren't play makers. Parcells has a past of having problem children...that made plays.

Now..as for what position he can and can't play...your right...he'd be a very good right Tackle...but I believe he has the size and speed to also play at RG...if needed. Which makes him worthy of consideration..at the 57th pick...IMHO.
You seem to like Ryan more than a month ago, perhaps after watching more footage, anyway you thinking we should take him at 1 ?

Nope. The question was where is Matt Ryan in relation to John Beck. The answer is, same accuracy, about the same arm, most of the same intangibles, but taller and younger.
CK What TE's if any in do you see the Dolphins picking in this years draft and in which round?
CK and Boomer, I have to tell you that hearing your analyses is one of my favorite things about Draft season. I was wondering who each of you think we'll be taking with our 4 picks on in the first 3 rounds?
CK What TE's if any in do you see the Dolphins picking in this years draft and in which round?

They have had their eye on Kellen Davis of Michigan State, as well as Jermichael Finley of Texas and Martin Rucker of Mizzou. Martellus Bennett and Brad Cottam are absolutely Bill Parcells types. But, Dustin Keller might be more of the H-Back type that Dan Henning is looking for. Yet, they've been sniffing around Jermaine Wiggins lately and if they sign him, I would not handicap the Fins taking a TE early.

This is a strong TE draft. The more I watch the TEs play, the more I think so.

Martellus Bennett is the best all-around TE in the draft. He's tall at like 6'6" and 260 pounds. He ran a 4.68 in Indy, has what amounts to probably a 38 inch vertical. He proved in Indy that on his big frame he can get down the field in a hurry, but he's a natural jumping athlete and rebounder, a former basketball player at TAMU that decided to focus on football. His experience at TAMU has mostly been blocking...couldn't be helped. They were a running offense down there, under Franchione. Fortunately for Bennett that means he might be the most accomplished blocker in the draft. But in the passing game is where he has tremendous upside with his great height, great athleticism, natural rebounding skills, I love how he gets body separation in traffic. Rumors had it he was ticked at Franchione and wanted to leave because of his under-use in the passing game. But, after researching more and seeing interviews, I think he takes just as much pride in his run blocking as his pass blocking. Where he griped was he felt like they sat him on the bench too long. He's a character, definitely a comedian. Not quite a Jeremy Shockey who will rub people the wrong way, more like a Rex Hadnot.

Fred Davis is also a VERY accomplished blocker, that's one thing I don't think people realize about him is he was known mostly as a blocker that needed to get more involved in the passing game, and he got so involved in the passing game and looked like such a good athlete with deep speed and natural instincts, good hands, etc...that people forgot he was a good blocker. What I like about Fred Davis is how he was used in the USC offense. He was definitely used in a variety of ways, lining up all over the field and executing all kinds of assignments. I think of him as the most experienced and pro-ready guy among the Tight Ends. Just ask Karl Dorrell about Fred Davis, he knows from playing him at UCLA. Their defensive coordinator went on record before playing USC saying the one guy on USC's offense that they really felt they had to account for on every play was Fred Davis. Some people probably prefer their TEs to be more on the 6'6" side, where Davis is more 6'3"...could be more suited for H-Back.

Dustin Keller is a Dallas Clark clone. He might be more athletic, which is mind boggling. He's a little lighter. He runs about 6'2" and 245. He ran a 4.53, jumps around 42 inches, broad jumped nearly 11 feet, put up the bar 26 times...I mean, there aren't actually that many differences between Keller's stuff and Vernon Davis' stuff. Primarily just Davis' clocking 4.38 at 254 pounds while Keller clocked 4.52 at 242 pounds. You watch the way Keller was used at Purdue, and he screams at you H-Back, if his height dimensions didn't already scream that at you. He did some of his best work at Purdue from the backfield as an upback. He has the speed to put an entire defense behind him. I think Bill Parcells NORMALLY would like a guy that is big, 6'6" and like 260 or 270 pounds...but if you asked Dan Henning, he might say...give me Keller. I don't know. It's hard to say.

Brad Cottam is exactly what Parcells would want. Big country boy is 6'8" and 270 pounds, yet he ran a 4.63 in the 40 and can clear about 37 inches vertically. This is a big, athletic animal. As big and as athletic as they come. Soft hands, great strength to be a good blocker. He practiced for and played in the Senior Bowl and showed he could play with quality people. But, only one touchdown in his college career. The story on him is injury after injury kept him from reaching his potential at Tennessee. If a guy was injury prone in college you should never be surprised if he's injury prone in the pros. The upside is he could be the next Jason Witten. The downside is he could be the next Joe Toledo.

I've recently been watching more of Kellen Davis and I have to say he's a very underrated prospect. He's 6'7" and 262 pounds, ran a 4.59 in Indy, has a 34 inch vertical, can clear about 10 feet in a broad jump, and you look at his body and how it's built and he is very impressive. Many people think of him as an underachiever. For certain, prior to 2007 he really wasn't delivering on his talent level. However, in 2007...I believe he could have been a LOT better than he was if the coaching didn't get in the way. He caught for 500 yards and 6 TDs in 2007 but he could have done a lot better. The problem was, he's such a good athlete that Michigan State used him as a Defensive End on obvious passing downs. And you know what? He's damn good! When you watch him, you can't escape thinking of Jason Taylor. I know Gosder Cherilus had genuine problems with him in pass rush in the bowl game. Thing is, you can't have a single guy playing iron man football like this. It wears him down. He was taking nearly every snap on offense, probably 90%, and then taking like 30% of the snaps on defense...in that game against BC. And let me tell you playing DL will wear you out more quickly then TE. What you ended up with was a highly compelling athlete for the first 20 minutes of the game, then over the next 30 minutes you had a guy that just looked tired. Too tired to do the little things. He got back into that BC game during the last 10 minutes purely out of adrenaline because MSU made some big plays and got back in the game and made it tight. At some point you've got to pick a position for him. Is he going to be a DE? Or is he going to be a TE? Pick the position, and let him flourish. I think he will.

I don't have much to say about Rucker. He's a good athlete, good in the passing game, but not by any means an accomplished blocker. Jermichael Finley I have even less to say as I've rarely ever focused on watching him play.
They have had their eye on Kellen Davis of Michigan State, as well as Jermichael Finley of Texas and Martin Rucker of Mizzou. Martellus Bennett and Brad Cottam are absolutely Bill Parcells types. But, Dustin Keller might be more of the H-Back type that Dan Henning is looking for. Yet, they've been sniffing around Jermaine Wiggins lately and if they sign him, I would not handicap the Fins taking a TE early.

This is a strong TE draft. The more I watch the TEs play, the more I think so.

Martellus Bennett is the best all-around TE in the draft. He's tall at like 6'6" and 260 pounds. He ran a 4.68 in Indy, has what amounts to probably a 38 inch vertical. He proved in Indy that on his big frame he can get down the field in a hurry, but he's a natural jumping athlete and rebounder, a former basketball player at TAMU that decided to focus on football. His experience at TAMU has mostly been blocking...couldn't be helped. They were a running offense down there, under Franchione. Fortunately for Bennett that means he might be the most accomplished blocker in the draft. But in the passing game is where he has tremendous upside with his great height, great athleticism, natural rebounding skills, I love how he gets body separation in traffic. Rumors had it he was ticked at Franchione and wanted to leave because of his under-use in the passing game. But, after researching more and seeing interviews, I think he takes just as much pride in his run blocking as his pass blocking. Where he griped was he felt like they sat him on the bench too long. He's a character, definitely a comedian. Not quite a Jeremy Shockey who will rub people the wrong way, more like a Rex Hadnot.

Fred Davis is also a VERY accomplished blocker, that's one thing I don't think people realize about him is he was known mostly as a blocker that needed to get more involved in the passing game, and he got so involved in the passing game and looked like such a good athlete with deep speed and natural instincts, good hands, etc...that people forgot he was a good blocker. What I like about Fred Davis is how he was used in the USC offense. He was definitely used in a variety of ways, lining up all over the field and executing all kinds of assignments. I think of him as the most experienced and pro-ready guy among the Tight Ends. Just ask Karl Dorrell about Fred Davis, he knows from playing him at UCLA. Their defensive coordinator went on record before playing USC saying the one guy on USC's offense that they really felt they had to account for on every play was Fred Davis. Some people probably prefer their TEs to be more on the 6'6" side, where Davis is more 6'3"...could be more suited for H-Back.

Dustin Keller is a Dallas Clark clone. He might be more athletic, which is mind boggling. He's a little lighter. He runs about 6'2" and 245. He ran a 4.53, jumps around 42 inches, broad jumped nearly 11 feet, put up the bar 26 times...I mean, there aren't actually that many differences between Keller's stuff and Vernon Davis' stuff. Primarily just Davis' clocking 4.38 at 254 pounds while Keller clocked 4.52 at 242 pounds. You watch the way Keller was used at Purdue, and he screams at you H-Back, if his height dimensions didn't already scream that at you. He did some of his best work at Purdue from the backfield as an upback. He has the speed to put an entire defense behind him. I think Bill Parcells NORMALLY would like a guy that is big, 6'6" and like 260 or 270 pounds...but if you asked Dan Henning, he might say...give me Keller. I don't know. It's hard to say.

Brad Cottam is exactly what Parcells would want. Big country boy is 6'8" and 270 pounds, yet he ran a 4.63 in the 40 and can clear about 37 inches vertically. This is a big, athletic animal. As big and as athletic as they come. Soft hands, great strength to be a good blocker. He practiced for and played in the Senior Bowl and showed he could play with quality people. But, only one touchdown in his college career. The story on him is injury after injury kept him from reaching his potential at Tennessee. If a guy was injury prone in college you should never be surprised if he's injury prone in the pros. The upside is he could be the next Jason Witten. The downside is he could be the next Joe Toledo.

I've recently been watching more of Kellen Davis and I have to say he's a very underrated prospect. He's 6'7" and 262 pounds, ran a 4.59 in Indy, has a 34 inch vertical, can clear about 10 feet in a broad jump, and you look at his body and how it's built and he is very impressive. Many people think of him as an underachiever. For certain, prior to 2007 he really wasn't delivering on his talent level. However, in 2007...I believe he could have been a LOT better than he was if the coaching didn't get in the way. He caught for 500 yards and 6 TDs in 2007 but he could have done a lot better. The problem was, he's such a good athlete that Michigan State used him as a Defensive End on obvious passing downs. And you know what? He's damn good! When you watch him, you can't escape thinking of Jason Taylor. I know Gosder Cherilus had genuine problems with him in pass rush in the bowl game. Thing is, you can't have a single guy playing iron man football like this. It wears him down. He was taking nearly every snap on offense, probably 90%, and then taking like 30% of the snaps on defense...in that game against BC. And let me tell you playing DL will wear you out more quickly then TE. What you ended up with was a highly compelling athlete for the first 20 minutes of the game, then over the next 30 minutes you had a guy that just looked tired. Too tired to do the little things. He got back into that BC game during the last 10 minutes purely out of adrenaline because MSU made some big plays and got back in the game and made it tight. At some point you've got to pick a position for him. Is he going to be a DE? Or is he going to be a TE? Pick the position, and let him flourish. I think he will.

I don't have much to say about Rucker. He's a good athlete, good in the passing game, but not by any means an accomplished blocker. Jermichael Finley I have even less to say as I've rarely ever focused on watching him play.

Don't forget about John Carlson.
CK...Whats your thoughts on Dorsey....could he play at DE on a 3-4? And also what about Jacob Hester...could he remind Parcells of a player he had with the Giants...Ottis Anderson I believe was his name.
CK...Whats your thoughts on Dorsey....could he play at DE on a 3-4? And also what about Jacob Hester...could he remind Parcells of a player he had with the Giants...Ottis Anderson I believe was his name.

Dorsey is a rare player that can play wherever he wants to play. At 6'2" and 300 pounds, yes I believe he could play Vonnie's spot. He could also gain weight and play the nose. But, when the highest paid DT in the NFL gets $7.1 million a year over 7 years, the real question is are you ok with paying Glenn Dorsey $11 million a year over 6 years...a 50% pay raise over the highest paid player at his position in the NFL. I myself have to admit that argument is weak if Dorsey grades out as the best football player in the entire draft...but it's something to think about.

Jacob Hester is a third down back and I'm not sure he brings anything special to the table in that role that Lorenzo Booker and Reagan Mauia don't bring. In fact, I'll take the latter two over Hester.

The more I look at the tackle situation the more sure I am that John Greco will end up a Dolphin, possibly in the second round.
Dorsey is a rare player that can play wherever he wants to play. At 6'2" and 300 pounds, yes I believe he could play Vonnie's spot. He could also gain weight and play the nose. But, when the highest paid DT in the NFL gets $7.1 million a year over 7 years, the real question is are you ok with paying Glenn Dorsey $11 million a year over 6 years...a 50% pay raise over the highest paid player at his position in the NFL. I myself have to admit that argument is weak if Dorsey grades out as the best football player in the entire draft...but it's something to think about.

Jacob Hester is a third down back and I'm not sure he brings anything special to the table in that role that Lorenzo Booker and Reagan Mauia don't bring. In fact, I'll take the latter two over Hester.

The more I look at the tackle situation the more sure I am that John Greco will end up a Dolphin, possibly in the second round.

Thanks on Dorsey CK...The only problem I have is this...there's no real great player in this draft at any position worth the top money...frankly the money part has gone crazy for rookies...but if Dorsey test's out and he's medically cleared...you have to wonder if Parcells selects him over the need for a LT...or any other position. Except for a couple inches in height...he's Spears. With another rumor of Taylor going to the Jags...one has to wonder if he doesn't pull the trigger on Dorsey...and then looks into the second round or even the third round for a RT.
Thanks on Dorsey CK...The only problem I have is this...there's no real great player in this draft at any position worth the top money...frankly the money part has gone crazy for rookies...but if Dorsey test's out and he's medically cleared...you have to wonder if Parcells selects him over the need for a LT...or any other position. Except for a couple inches in height...he's Spears. With another rumor of Taylor going to the Jags...one has to wonder if he doesn't pull the trigger on Dorsey...and then looks into the second round or even the third round for a RT.

I have a soft spot for Dorsey. He and Chris Long are the two best players in the draft. If you're picking the best player in the draft, no matter what the money situation is, you can't have come out of it all that badly. I would be happier with Dorsey or Chris than with Jake Long, happier with Jake Long than Sedrick Ellis, happier with Sedrick Ellis than with Vernon Gholston, happier with Vernon Gholston than with Matt Ryan, happier with Matt Ryan than with Ryan Clady.
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