Im from Atlanta. What do you guys think about Harrington. (Since our classy QB | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Im from Atlanta. What do you guys think about Harrington. (Since our classy QB

Dont expect him to win any games for you.He is a backup QB who can dump the ball off to your playmakers.If he throws long you need players who can come back to the ball and adjust.

He will avoid the sack by dumping off quickly and he is a gung-ho type of guy who can lead your team in a pinch.

You lost the QB you needed IMO .

Maybe you can get Culpepper if Green is signed by the Phins.

If you men Schaub, im with you. i really thought he was good. He is a prototypical QB, cant believe we let him go.
I personally think Joey is really good but if you watch his passes come out so fast that the revievers tend to drop them alot
By the way, I have a rescue pit-bull that was used for fighting and she was terribly abused.

But, she is the sweetest most loving dog I have ever had and anybody that is cruel and inhuman enough to fight dogs should be fed to a pack themselves.

Maybe God is actually whatever we mistreat during our lives and we all have to face judgment accordingly.

agreed 110%! my pit also was a rescue. he came from a house where they were raising and hosting fights. fortunately for tyson(thats where my screename comes from!) he was taken during the investigation when he wandered off the property at 6 weeks old, so he wasnt there long enough to be abused. they did however kill 15 dogs from the house at the conclusion of thier investigation(including his parents).

10 years later and im worried he wouldnt even protect me let alone bite someone! i have friends that stop by to visit him and could care less if they see me!:lol: my mother wanted to kill me for getting a pit, now he is a frequent visitor to the daycare that she runs.

sorry to get off topic:unsure:
I think Joey is a middle of the road QB. He's not a bad QB really. Inconsistent is the word that springs to mind. Not accurate all the time that's true. He needs to learn to take some velocity off of his passes on the short passes. He seems throw ALL his passes as hard as he can. He gets happy feet and seems to panic in the pocket. He might win a few big games for you and then turn around and embarrass you the next week. Never know what you're gonna get with Joey.

I think his first 5 years in Detroit messed with his mind or something. He got thrown into the fire too soon after college and the Lions fans were pretty brutal with their criticism and all that. I don't think Dolphins fans were too hard on him. He might have had a chance to come back to Miami this year if Saban was still the coach. You know how it is when a team gets a new coach ... they tend to bring in their own kind of people and clean house, etc. Off the field, he really is a good guy. I wouldn't mind hanging out with him at a sports bar or going golfing with him. The media will like him in Atlanta probably. Joey's a cool, down to earth guy. People might like that in Atlanta these days compared to Michael Vick ... a guy who hangs out with gang bangers and likes to watch dogs fight to the death. :rolleyes2
If you men Schaub, im with you. i really thought he was good. He is a prototypical QB, cant believe we let him go.

it was a good trade for the falcons, unfortunately its going to come back to haunt them. who else is on the falcons roster right now at QB? is it just vick and harrington? if so i think they are in trouble.
Its even worse if he didnt do it. I dont know weather to feel sorry for him for being accused, or want him gone for being stupid and being inviolved and hurting the team..

come to grips with reality.... innocent people don't bring this kind of heat on themselves. You're not dealing with the local popo, this is federal. THIS is serious doodoo.

Professional sports is in the Congressional cross hairs. Gambling, steroids and conduct in general are falling under intense scrutiny. Quite honestly, I'd expect the Attorney General's office to go head hunting on this one. Vick is a $100M trophy waiting to be stuffed and mounted.

This is the same QB who decided to flip his hometown fans the bird. You simply can't parade around like some sort of untouchable superstar and live without consequences.

There is a reason Peyton Manning and Jason Taylor are regarded as class acts and Vick is not. I'm sorry, I'm not hatin on the Falcons, but I for one will be glad when the Michael Vick experience has come to a close. Nothing irritates me more than disrespectful professional athletes that feel the rules do not apply to them.

Good luck with Harrington, I have feeling he might thrive in Petrino's offense. Not SuperBowls, but W's and production. And sorry for your loss in Shaub. I firmly believed Shaub had to be traded in order to get rid of Vick. I felt Shaub's presence only perpetuated Vick's tenure.

In this case, you had to sacrifice a good/great QB to get rid of a bad one. But, hey, look at the bright side, now you get to see what the rest of your offense can really do, :). That and you'll get your coach's favorite QB in next year's draft. :D
if joey is your qb, you can be assured of a very high pick in next year's draft and maybe pick the qb from louisville (to make up for your f__ck up of trading schaub).
he is the worst qb in league. Is what I think. I moved from Michigan and then had to watch his ****ty *** again down here.
I still think that it was a huge mistake for your team trading Matt Shaub. Vick should not be a quarterback in this league. He has absolutely no skill passing the ball. The only reason he is still a quarterback in this league is because of his running agility. Once he losses some of his speed, he will not be good anymore. I just do not understand why the Falcons kicked their better quarterback to the curb.

i disagree... thats the reason that they will probably draft Brian Brohm next year.. houston is gonna suck pretty bad.. so its like trading shaub for a top 3 pick.. excellent trade.. plus they also got a second...
Vick sucks, but in the ATL he is king because he apeals to the hip-hop culture oif the city. he can do no wrong in the ATL.

Joey Harrington may actually be better in Atlanta than he was with the Dolphins. He was not great in Miami, but he was not awful. Neither was he able to be here for more than a year. If he was given the opportunity to work under a good offensive coach, he might have more potential than we all know.

His stay in Miami was more of a confidence builder than anything. He proved to himself that that he could play in this league, and given the right tools and offensive weapons, he might be better than he himself knows. He just didn't have the tools he needed in Miami, nor did he have any offensive coaching that was worth anything.

Overall though, his downfall was his leadership. He would say that he can "lead" an offense. There is certainly a difference between being confident in your abilities, and expressing leadership amongst your teammates. He doesn't have a "killer" instinct, from a competitive point of view. To most of us, he is still "The Piano Man." He has excellent character though. I doubt he will have any problems with the dog-fighting circuit.

Off the field he is as good a guy as you can get. Super human being. NFL & Atlanta need more guys like him!

On th field? :sidelol:

Off the field he...
Harrington was off the mark a bit sometimes but the biggest issue I had with him is that our receivers dropped lots of his passes. Maybe he puts a spin on the ball. He's a great guy and is tough enough. He likes a system that tells him where to throw not the West Coast offense so if you are playing west coast you do not want him. Plummer is my pick of the FA QB litter.
Off the field he is as good a guy as you can get. Super human being. NFL & Atlanta need more guys like him!

On th field? :sidelol:

Off the field he...

I think behind a good O line, Harrington could be a decent QB in this league.
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