****ing Farve Is Such A Drama Queen | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

****ing Farve Is Such A Drama Queen

Rrrright b/c the Vikings would have been in OT in the title game with anyone but Favre

Never said they wouldn't be. I simply said I enjoyed watching him **** up again in a critical situation when it counted most. I'm very aware that he got them that far. I just love the fact that no matter what kind of great regular season he has he still blows the game by making a stupid INT to seal his teams fate.

Not to mention the pleasure I took in watching him get the crap beat out of him all day....

Favre on the ground! Favre on the ground! Turf in his mouth, helmet turned sideways! Favre on the ground! Favre on the ground!
I'm so tired of hearing Tom Jackson calling him "Courageous" and he even slipped in a heroic in there. Are you freaking kidding me? I'll say he's tough, through all the drama, he did take a beating and kept on playing, but he did not show courage or heroism. Save that for the real heroes and people who are truly courageous. Firefighters, Police Officers, Soldiers/Sailors, Marines, Airmen, and Coasties. Bret, do me a favor, take a look at the film of your wife in agony in the stands while you were getting killed and then turn to a microphone and say, "THIS TIME IT'S FOR REAL", "I'm DONE"! Take your drama to Kiln and put it to rest once and for all.

LMAO @ hurriphin, Favre on the ground, favre on the ground.
Come on Favre haters, I may not want him to be our QB, but 5 fumbles don't count these days? I mean the whole thing was if you ask me a case of the jitters from both teams not having too much of the big championship game experience.
But I do agree Favre does like to draw in too much attention for my tastes, but seeing that game I can't lie to myself and say Brett Favre cost the Vikings. The Vikings should have been in position to run the clock out had they not fumbled so much. I'm blaming Adrian Peterson.
Well Favre's body isn't getting any younger.
The man has started how many games in the NFL? CONSECUTIVELY? Yeah, he's not tough is he lol?

Check these out...this is after the NFC Championship game. You guys are the drama queens...



Now, how many of you would have gotten up and gone to work in your little air-conditioned corner office the next day after being involved in something and this was the result?
The man has started how many games in the NFL? CONSECUTIVELY? Yeah, he's not tough is he lol?

Check these out...this is after the NFC Championship game. You guys are the drama queens...



Now, how many of you would have gotten up and gone to work in your little air-conditioned corner office the next day after being involved in something and this was the result?

That's football, the difference is most guys aren't posting pics to try to prove something.

OBVIOUSLY Favre is an incredibly tough guy, you have to be tough to be a QB and you have to be beyond tough to start as many games as he has BUT those pics are a joke. It's standard stuff, I hurt my ankle playing basketball recently and my ankle look much worse than that(I have pics at home and I'll post them) and I was playing again soon.
Never said they wouldn't be. I simply said I enjoyed watching him **** up again in a critical situation when it counted most. I'm very aware that he got them that far. I just love the fact that no matter what kind of great regular season he has he still blows the game by making a stupid INT to seal his teams fate.

Not to mention the pleasure I took in watching him get the crap beat out of him all day....

Favre on the ground! Favre on the ground! Turf in his mouth, helmet turned sideways! Favre on the ground! Favre on the ground!

Yeah, well at least he and his team got that far. What about us? Will we ever see the Phins in the AFC Title Game 35 yards away from winning it with a FG?
That's football, the difference is most guys aren't posting pics to try to prove something.

OBVIOUSLY Favre is an incredibly tough guy, you have to be tough to be a QB and you have to be beyond tough to start as many games as he has BUT those pics are a joke. It's standard stuff, I hurt my ankle playing basketball recently and my ankle look much worse than that(I have pics at home and I'll post them) and I was playing again soon.

Your ankle looked worse than it looking 3 times the size that it really should be? The difference here is that you don't get paid to play and aren't obligated to ever play again. Would you suit up next week if you had to?
Your ankle looked worse than it looking 3 times the size that it really should be? The difference here is that you don't get paid to play and aren't obligated to ever play again. Would you suit up next week if you had to?

I played basketball about a week later and I wasn't paid so yeah i'd suit up if I had to. I didn't bring that up to question favre's toughness, he is much tougher than any of us. I brought it up b/c those pics aren't that bad and they are trying to make him a hero b/c he played through those injuries. That's normal stuff for NFL players.
I played basketball about a week later and I wasn't paid so yeah i'd suit up if I had to. I didn't bring that up to question favre's toughness, he is much tougher than any of us. I brought it up b/c those pics aren't that bad and they are trying to make him a hero b/c he played through those injuries. That's normal stuff for NFL players.

So what exactly happened to your ankle?
So what exactly happened to your ankle?

I believe it was a bad sprain though I didn't get an MRI. I can still feel it from time to time but it's just a aprt of getting older. I am pretty sure I have a picture, it looks similar to that except much worse.
At the end of the 1985 season in a game against the Cowboys, Ronnie Lott, then in his glory days with the 49ers, mangled his left pinky in a brutal collision with running back Timmy Newsome. Bone fragments and parts of Lott's finger lay somewhere in the turf. Lott came out of the game briefly -- a game his team won to gain a wild-card berth in the NFC playoffs. He bore the agony of his dismembered member in the manner of all Top Guns and Terminators of sports. Enduring the pain was a religion -- or at least a line-item entry in the game's Iliad of make-believe war.
The next week, Lott had his fingers taped so he could play -- in a loss to the Giants. Over that winter, he remained in excruciating pain. He faced the next season with an awful choice: a complicated and delicate operation in which bone and skin grafting and the placement of pins in his hand might restore full use of his hand -- or, he could have the top of his finger amputated. Choice No. 1 meant missing playing time and risking reinjury. Choice No. 2 meant missing some finger but being ready -- like Arnold Schwarzenegger -- for more. Most football fans know how this came out. Lott chose to have the top of his finger chopped off and then went on to his third Pro Bowl season with the 49ers, leading the team to yet another playoff appearance.
One of the rare times I agree with Junk.

Ronnie Lott is a football player!. The Drama Queen is a guy who makes more in a few months than many people do in a lifetime and endures no worse than a lot of his fellow QBs...but makes it a point to set up his excuse talking points in advance when possible.

**** Favre, his "it's about ME" attitude and the bloated records he stayed around to limp into securing.

I believe it was a bad sprain though I didn't get an MRI. I can still feel it from time to time but it's just a aprt of getting older. I am pretty sure I have a picture, it looks similar to that except much worse.

You must have magical blood in you if you were able to play again on a bad sprain after just a week.
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