Is Gase Being Taken Down By Nepotism? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Is Gase Being Taken Down By Nepotism?


The Intra-Dimensional Felinians R Coming 2 Save Us
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Apr 29, 2007
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Beam Me Up Outa Here!
Gase's decision-making seems to taken a turn for the worse since last season. One of the major changes between now and then has to be his hiring of his father in law Joe Vitt as a "consultant." Can there be any doubt that this old school coach is embedded deep in his ear?

As an interim head coach first replacing Marks with the Rams and then when Payton was suspended (after Vitt himself came back from HIS suspension), his record is 9-12. During his early tenure with NO, there's no denying he did share in The Saint's initial successes but then again, in a league where you're only as good as your last gig, he was the Asst HC over the final consecutive three 7-9 seasons before he was fired.

My concern is that now in the twilight of his football life, Vitt is using his impressionable youngish SIL as a surrogate for what he'd do and how he'd run the team if he were a true HC instead of taking over as an Interim. However is there any basis for believing that even with Drew Brees, he has a clue on what works in today's NFL?

Philbin had Sherman and by association Taylor as festering malignancies. IMO there are very few examples where nepotism didn't create more problems. Am I the only one who suspects that Gase is now yielding to Vitt's "consultant" input and that this hiring has not served the team well?
It would be really nice if we could just get an organization that focused on hiring competent individuals and held people accountable for their ability to fulfill their job.


Of course it is because we're the Dolphins.
It would be great if our fan base gave a coaching staff more than a year and a half before asking for their head all the time. All of these firing threads are just ridiculous. He has a winning record with our organization after 26 games, that deserves more time to me.

That winning record will be a losing record once the season is over FWIW.
I think losing Tannehill and the LB situation was a powerful kick to the nuts. Tough for any coach to overcome and it's really hard to put a gauge on Gase this year.
It would be great if our fan base gave a coaching staff more than a year and a half before asking for their head all the time. All of these firing threads are just ridiculous. He has a winning record with our organization after 26 games, that deserves more time to me.
I'm not calling for his firing, but really, can't you see a change for the worse in his decision-making and the way he hunkers down on certain issues?

What I'm merely contending is that from an attitudinal basis, the major change over the 2016 where the majority of us were happy with him and his thought processes seems to be the hiring of his old school, neer-do-well father in law who might well be putting a bug in his ear about a bunch of questionably-perceived issues including getting rid of Ajayi for disrespect.
I'm not calling for his firing, but really, can't you see a change for the worse in his decision-making and the way he hunkers down on certain issues?

I'm merely contending that the major change over the 2016 where the majority of us were happy with him and his thought processes seems to bes the hiring of his old school, neer-do-well father in law who might well be putting a bug in his ear about a bunch of questionably-perceived issues including getting rid of Ajayi for disrespect.
I see loss poor QB play severely limiting this offense and a few offensive players feeling the need to freelance way to much. His offense works and he is pissed because the players won't the the designed plays properly. This is what happens when your QB goes down. a look at Arizona and Greenbay without there starting qb
I think it's more by his being stubborn. He has a man crush on Tannehill and Cutler. He's also persistent about doing things his way, but they're not working. He likes "his guys" when they may not be better than other guys.

Edit: Landry is his guy and he does too much freelancing or doesn't know the plays and he gets a pass. Ajayi gets the boot for having a hunger to win.
I think it's more by his being stubborn. He has a man crush on Tannehill and Cutler. He's also persistent about doing things his way, but they're not working. He likes "his guys" when they may not be better than other guys.

Edit: Landry is his guy and he does too much freelancing or doesn't know the plays and he gets a pass. Ajayi gets the boot for having a hunger to win.
his offense is a pre snap read offense and Moore isn't good at pre snap reads. He has to play Cutler.
Both Ajayi and Landry were guilty of not doing their homework. Gase made Ajayi the example. All good except the team is lost without Ajayi, 2nd and 1, 3rd and 1 and finally 4th and 1. All stuffed. Lusaka Polite where are you?
Juicy theory!

I think its probably not the case, BUT....

It would certainly explain our jacked up linebacker corp and shitty secondary.

Maybe Vitt gave him the idea that interchangeable safeties were a good idea, because you know, the NFL isnt a passing league, it is all about stopping the run.
I see loss poor QB play severely limiting this offense and a few offensive players feeling the need to freelance way to much. His offense works and he is pissed because the players won't the the designed plays properly. This is what happens when your QB goes down. a look at Arizona and Greenbay without there starting qb

Yea, because when Aaron Rodgers went down Jordy Nelson and others started doing their own thing. Arizona? I guess I missed the part where Larry Fitzgerald forgot his routes and needed the offense dumbed down.
Yea, because when Aaron Rodgers went down Jordy Nelson and others started doing their own thing. Arizona? I guess I missed the part where Larry Fitzgerald forgot his routes and needed the offense dumbed down.
Green bay got shutout yesterday. both teams are losing is the point, Landry has freelances since his rookie year. The problem is Tannehil knew him and what he was doing and Cutler doesn't. Landry needed to adjust to the new QB and stick to his routes more and hasnt. I can't blame Cutler for that, he only gets blamed for the terrible throws. When you lose your QB your team loses unless you have an elite defense.
Juicy theory!

I think its probably not the case, BUT....

It would certainly explain our jacked up linebacker corp and ****ty secondary.

Maybe Vitt gave him the idea that interchangeable safeties were a good idea, because you know, the NFL isnt a passing league, it is all about stopping the run.
Let's not lose sight of the fact that Vitt aside from being Payton's Asst HC, was also the Saints' LB coach. The reality is that now he's cashing Ross's checks with no hierarchical responsibilities or accountability. He's being paid to be in Gase's ear. So what really qualifies him to be Adam's consigliere aside from the hold over AG through his daughter?
It's certainly not his body of work.
It's a similar analogy to the one I drew with Tannenbaum asking whether you would hire someone who left his last company in shambles and deep holes as your COO if you were in business? Of course not!

Likewise, If you're a Fortune 500 company Board Director, would you hire as a consultant someone whose hands-on influence with a competitor resulted in its last 3 years being unsuccessful and unprofitable?

It's one thing to hire a neer do well as a consultant to a position coach or whatever, but really when you consider that the consultant is an authority figure and Gase's wife's father, it's difficult to believe that Gase will stonewall his "sage" advice. Bottom Line: Vitt has nothing to offer aside from a family connection and Gase almost can be compromised to implement his suggestions or sleep on the couch IMO.
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