Merged 2x: Prosecutor to Drop Rape Charge Against Kobe Bryant/Kobes Free | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged 2x: Prosecutor to Drop Rape Charge Against Kobe Bryant/Kobes Free

Not about finz-Kobe

Kobe's charges where all droped so his case is over with done finsihed. wat a joke :eek:
Just saw this on the news. What a joke you are right. The women was money hungry. You all have seen his wife. He is not desperate. Any women would sleep with him. That is a fact.
He should be sharing a cell with OJ and Ray Lewis.
Wow! Unbelievable! First OJ now Kobe! You can get away with anything in this country if you got the money/lawyers.
well according to the news the case was dropped because blondie refused to testify on the stand though her lawyers wanted her to. The Civil case is still moving foward though.
D-Fence said:
Wow! Unbelievable! First OJ now Kobe! You can get away with anything in this country if you got the money/lawyers.
Whatever! Girl wanted sex with Kobe. Can't tell me a young superstar had to force himself on her. She got some, then figured she'd go after the $$. Thus the reason she won't testify but is going for the $$ in a civil suit!
I cant believe people actually thought this girl went to his hotel room at 2 in the morining for anything but sex!
In a rape case, if the alleged victim refuses to testify, the case has absolutely no legs. No different here.

As for my opinion, she saw an opportunity to frame a rape and a chance to cash in on a rich man. She's also known to have been in questionable mental health, and no doubt this could have been part of it. This should serve as a warning to all men, rich or of more humble financial status, that you should be careful where to stick your unit. As for Kobe, he is a moron of morons for cheating on his wife for some insane one night stand (both the woman and the act itself).
have you seen this girl? pretty ugly compared to kobe's dime of a wife. i dont know why he did it MORON.
Kobes Free

man, anyone read the Kobe articles today in the paper?

his apology statement can easily be translated into "yea I raped her, my bad"

I cant believe he had his lawyer read that statement after the charges were dropped saying how he could see how she could view it as rape

Another sad OJ story. They should get together and write a book "How to get away with your crime(s)."
man, anyone read the Kobe articles today in the paper?

his apology statement can easily be translated into "yea I raped her, my bad":shakeno:

I cant believe he had his lawyer read that statement after the charges were dropped saying how he could see how she could view it as rape

Another sad OJ story. They should get together and write a book "How we got away with it.....MUAHAHA":roflmao:

I think the case was dropped because the girls credibility was going to be attacked and questioned. She and the prosecution knew she couldnt win.

Kobe basically said he did it in his statement.

I dont know why, his wife is superhot.
You are right that is what it seemed liked. Though the accuser did not drop the civil court case? Huh, just what I thought, was it for the money?
D-Fence said:
Wow! Unbelievable! First OJ now Kobe! You can get away with anything in this country if you got the money/lawyers.
only if you listen to them ;)
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