MERGED: DETROIT, INDIANA NBA FIGHTS! | Page 8 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums


Dolphinizzle said:
Ok, but what about the random innocent fans Stephen Jackson and Artest were swinging on? If you come into the fan area and start hitting people, you better be prepared to have quite a few fans in on it hitting you too.

Who said anything about Jackson?? I don't know if the guy he KO'd was innocent or not. But I'm not down on him for defending his teammate. Not when there's a whole bunch of fans and one teammate in the bunch.

As for Artest, maybe he got the wrong guy. Maybe the dude heckled him. I don't know. But you're not gonna convince me that what Artest did was wrong. Somebody degrades me like that (and I'm guessing the edge of the cup stung a little...which can make you irate real quick), I'm gonna want to rip his head off. And the guys he encountered on the court were anything but innocent, as were the people cheap-shotting him in the stands.

Also, normally a hard foul is just a hard foul. But when a guy like Artest does it(knowing his history of blowing his lid) it escalates much quicker than it normally would. He's laid hard, and even flagrant fouls on numerous players in the league(including Eddie Jones of the Heat last year in the playoffs). and I'm sick of it. I'm sick of Ron Artest. He should be kicked out of the league. Artest is a complete headcase.

Sure it was a hard foul. But it seems like it was Ben Wallace who lost his cool and kept this thing going. He shoved Artest. Then he kept going after him. Then he kept after him some more. Then he kept after him even more. Where's the knock on Wallace??

The one fan that threw the cup at Artest was wrong. But it was even more wrong of the Pacers to jump into the stands hitting random people.

I don't think they were "random people". They had their hands on Artest. Once that happens, they're involved.
gators910 said:
o,neal cant be that tough he sucker punched that little guy with everything he had and the man got up,,must be a puss just like all the other sissy pacer players :)

That guy didn't seem too tough when had his hands up in a "mercy" position with O'Neal standing over him. :lol: This after he tried double-teaming Artest with his boy.

O'Neal tattoo'd that guy. :eek:
He wasnt innocent.
When Jackson goes up there to help Artest pound on the white boy he throws a cup of whatever on Stephen Jackson and Artest.
So Stephen had to get real ignorant up in the piece.
Fo' Sho'
Muck said:
Who said anything about Jackson?? I don't know if the guy he KO'd was innocent or not. But I'm not down on him for defending his teammate. Not when there's a whole bunch of fans and one teammate in the bunch.
tehMick said:
He wasnt innocent.
When Jackson goes up there to help Artest pound on the white boy he throws a cup of whatever on Stephen Jackson and Artest.
So Stephen had to get real ignorant up in the piece.
Fo' Sho'

I noticed the drink. But not where it came from. Now, it sure does look like that dude threw the drink in Artest's face. If that's the case, he just got......


I can seriously watch that punch all day.
The one Jermaine landed on that fat f*ck.
Its so beautiful in its brutality.
In the words of Edward Norton:

"I wanted to destroy something beautiful."

Same thing except that guy wasn't beautiful. And he wasn't innocent. Yeah.
Jermaine didn't just land a hellafied blow.....he freaking slid in from 5 yards out.


He's my new hero. Next time my old lady tries to order for me while I'm in the's JO time.
Thats what ive been telling everyone.
He came running in and slid into it and to make it worse( or better :chuckle: ) he lands it as the guy is getting up.
I mean, that is as perfect as a punch can get.
Muck said:
Jermaine didn't just land a hellafied blow.....he freaking slid in from 5 yards out.

FinFan84 said:
I cant believe people are defending that sub-human pile of ****, ron artest. Big deal he got hit with some water. That is no reason to charge in the stands. This guy is a classless animal with no sense of deceny. Artest should be banned for life.
your saying that if someone chuncked a big cup of beer(could have been some guys p!ss) in your face, you wouldn't do nothing to that guy? :roflmao: your sounding like you would rather run home and cry to mommy. Emotions and his adrenaline was probably going through the roof.

His body was in the "alarm phase" in which the body mobilizes to meet the immediate threat or any other stressor. this phase prepares to either attack or esacpe from danger.

If someone throws beer and chairs and popcorn and probably spits on you, you better do something about it. otherwise your weak, imo.
Its even sadder society when people think that by buying a ticket they have the right to take away other's humanity.
All I know is, after its all said and done, you don't go into the stands and hit fans. You are being just as classless as the fan who originally threw ****. How about you grow up Artest and let security take care of it?

As soon as Artest went into the stands and took a shot at a fan, he was fair game. Artest needs to just be happy that more than half the fans had emptied the building before the incident. If it hadn't, I'd think there would be a few injured pacer players.

I know if I was in the same situation at a Heat game, and I saw players jumping in the stands(especially Artest) like thugs hitting fellow fans, I'd be in on it too. Aside from that one fan, the Detroit fans had every right to attack. Not only were they defending themselves from a couple of 7 ft incredibly strong athletes, but they were defending eachother. I think that was the right thing to do.
Three things come out of this.......

1) Ron Artest is a jerk and should get a suspension that goes well into next year. He wasn't the ONLY guilty party, but he laying on the table is what started this mess.

2) NBA players on a whole are punks which the average fan can't relate too. When it was reported that at the Olympics that when the NBA players started mocking their USA teammates at the games, that the USA athletes banded together and rooted against the Mens USA hoops team.........that should tell you something. The people who play in the NBA (the majority, not all of course) are bad human beings.

3) This is why the NBA IS DEAD! Nobody cares about it. The league is ranked about 5th or 6th among all of the major sports behind Nascar and Golf now. It is a league of "gangsta's" and "thugs" which the average sports fan can't stomach to watch.

First off the average sports fan can't even attend an NBA game because of the prices of the tickets. And if you want a decent seat forget about you might as well take out a second mortage on your home. Then, what are you paying for? To watch a bunch of thugs and wanna-be gangsters who think they are all tough and bad because they got corn-rows and tattos play basketball badly?

The NBA is dead and as long as David Stern is going to let THUGS control his league like Ron Artest, Ben Wallace and these other high society types.......the fans aren't coming back.

MEMO TO DAVID STERN: You lost your NBC contract and now have all of your playoff games on cable except for the Finals. You are one step away from having the games tape delay like in the early 80's. The arena's are empty, fans don't care. Your sport is dying a FAST DEATH! Either clean up this joke of a league by throwing out the thugs and wanna-be badasses.....or be prepared to be the laughingstock of professional sports in America and be on the same par with Pro Wrestling and Roller Derby.
Dolphinizzle said:
All I know is, after its all said and done, you don't go into the stands and hit fans. You are being just as classless as the fan who originally threw ****. How about you grow up Artest and let security take care of it?

As soon as Artest went into the stands and took a shot at a fan, he was fair game. Artest needs to just be happy that more than half the fans had emptied the building before the incident. If it hadn't, I'd think there would be a few injured pacer players.

I know if I was in the same situation at a Heat game, and I saw players jumping in the stands(especially Artest) like thugs hitting fellow fans, I'd be in on it too. Aside from that one fan, the Detroit fans had every right to attack. Not only were they defending themselves from a couple of 7 ft incredibly strong athletes, but they were defending eachother. I think that was the right thing to do.

Well, what we can all agree on: it was a horrible sight, from ben wallace, to pacer players, to pistons fans :shakeno:

Everyone involved was in the wrong.....

(call me bias, but ben wallace/pistons should get much of the blame) (big ben started w/ the shove, and the pistons threw the objects)

but however, both parties, it was a disgusting and disgracefull sight, I really feel bad for that player's kid who was crying, that can really mess up a kid!

Man what is going on in sports??:confused: Clemson and s.carolina got into a big fight today too, then you have the oakland A's game when that chair hit the lady....and even miami and arizona got into a shouting match before the game 2 weeks ago! Something's really worng with this world:(
MikeO said:
3) This is why the NBA IS DEAD! Nobody cares about it. The league is ranked about 5th or 6th among all of the major sports behind Nascar and Golf now. It is a league of "gangsta's" and "thugs" which the average sports fan can't stomach to watch.


:roflmao: lmao! are you serious?!?!? or are those rankings what you think?

Even though with all this drama, I'd still put basketball at least 3rd, behind the nfl and college football
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