Merged: Fight breaks out at Ted Ginn JR's Birthday Party! | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Merged: Fight breaks out at Ted Ginn JR's Birthday Party!

Ted Ginn really knows how to party. Sounds like it was a good one to me.
At least he was at the House of Blues with some good music, instead of getting lap dances at Dancer's Royale. Good boy Teddy.
At least he was at the House of Blues with some good music, instead of getting lap dances at Dancer's Royale. Good boy Teddy.

Guys who make that much money don't just get 'lap dances'...:d-day: :lol:
Everyone keeps making a big deal out of this, it was the guys birthday! If you had as much money as him and it was your birthday you would probably do the same thing. Is it really his fault that a fight or whatever broke out? It's like he's the dude that pulled the gun.
My bad. Can't understand why it is posted there though.

Well, lots of it is wording. That one had more of a thrust of bagging on Whitmer who thought it was a good idea to flex up on some cops...Which ended with him doing the flippin' chicken on the street after being tased.

He had a real "Hold mah beer an' watch this!" moment, as we say here in TX.
At least he was at the House of Blues with some good music, instead of getting lap dances at Dancer's Royale.

What's your point..

I love it. Ginn continues to screw over the Bills even after the season is over. So not only does he torch the Bills for 175 yards and then never have a game even remotely as successful as that again for the rest of the season, he throws a birthday bash and gets their best DB tasered and arrested. Nice. Way to go Teddy.
I love it. Ginn continues to screw over the Bills even after the season is over. So not only does he torch the Bills for 175 yards and then never have a game even remotely as successful as that again for the rest of the season, he throws a birthday bash and gets their best DB tasered and arrested. Nice. Way to go Teddy.

:lol2: The gift that keeps on giving.
Kudos for Ginn purposely setting up a Party and initiating a riot just to get a player from a Rival Team arrested and possibly suspended for a game or 2.

This is goes far and beyond, Thank You Ginn. What a faithful Miami Dolphin he is.
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