MERGED: I am growing tired of the O-Gun situation / Plaxico | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED: I am growing tired of the O-Gun situation / Plaxico

Noodle Arm said:
It doesn't??!! :eek:

Then why are we talking about Palxico...let's trade for Randy Moss!! :tongue:

:roflmao: :roflmao: That dream was rudely interrupted by the vikings FO awhile back ago.
I did meen KM, lol I just think a vet like KM would seriously have a great impact on our young WR's and come alot cheaper if he is cut by Tampa. I just have a bad feeling about Burres but hey if we do get him I will be behind him %100, still would rather have KM thought
finzfan4life said:
I was not dreaming and i don't lie. I am telling you what i heard on the radio on 1400 a.m. the fan from Ft.Lauderdale. Wheter its true or not is a different thing,

Whoa post wasn't directed towards you at all. I believed you from the beginning. I was actually responding to fint0xicated's post. Sorry for the confusion my fellow Phinfan :cooldude: Btw...I also like Plaxico Burress.
Noodle Arm said:
Whoa post wasn't directed towards you at all. I believed you from the beginning. I was actually responding to fint0xicated's post. Sorry for the confusion my fellow Phinfan :cooldude: Btw...I also like Plaxico Burress.
Sorry Noodle thought you were dirrecting it at me. I was hoping it might be true, but as i sit here wondering i see no more info. on it, why would a radio station lie like that though??
well Kennan M. isnt my fav color i like burress hes the man BTW u say he weights so much did u not c the guy hes like 6-7 and hes prety skinny not like hes huge or nuttin put your glasses on your talking like your wearing zebra stripes.
BSQX4 said:
Stats aren't too bad considering Pittsburgh is primarily a running team with "The Bus," etc.I still prefer McCardell.
You'd think that, but they have been passing a ****load these past two or three years. Their running games stinks.

And this guy is a problem child, got the skills but dosn't seem to have the motivation.

And to whoever said hes only 5 pounds lighter than boston, hes 4 inches taller! Thats no small amount, this guys lankey as hell!
Seriously guys, this guy is a young play maker. He is big, fast, physical, and will get bigger. The guy is a first round pick, who has been pretty consistent, through all the different QB situations there. He wants out, Hines Ward is the man there, on the running based team with a QB problem. They just signed Duce, and have the bus, and have Hines Ward, and they need defense. This guy is a steal IMO, anyway we get him, providing we don't give up a first, but I can't see us doing that. They guy is a playmaker, simple as that. He can get deep, and he would help this Offense. 6'5 4.40, are you kidding me.
Ward also wants out because he is under payed im in PA i kno these things :D
Mora Jr coaches Atlanta... Burress plays in Pittsburgh.. Mora Sr. is retired.
Plaxico All The Way

If RICK can make it happen he should..It has to be a sign and trade though cause we wouldn't wanna loose him next year. Imagine, 2005 CHAMBERS BURRESS BOSTON THOMPSON NEWSOWE, SHAUN ALEXANDER as a free agent and possibly 2 first rounds picks for RICKY pot head, talk about looking foward till "next year" Come on FEELY get your head out of you a**!!!!
I am growing tired of the O-Gun situation / Plaxico

A few weeks ago, I was 100% set on resigning O-gun. I thought he was more important than I posted on this board. As the days and weeks have past, I have changed my mind. He is a good, young, DE without question. However, JT has made a lot of "good" DE's look like, and become, all-stars. With JT, T-Bo, and Big Nasty Larry Ches(Ches)Chester......we can plug any decent DE in there and have good results, we have done it in the past. Its time for a change. With all of these happenings around the is surely time for a shake-up. As great as the D is, even the Surtains, J-Tay's, and Zacks of the world.....they all have to be doubting our chances of a serious run this year. We can't have doubt in our defense. With all reports from camp, we are going to have the best defense in NFL history to carry this offense into the post-season. We have to trade O-gun.

If we don't make a move on the O-Side of the ball (and Im NOT talking about a move such as signing freeman) we are not going to compete for the superbowl, simple as that. Our D is good, but not that good. It has the tendency to wear down anyway.....and with the burdon of knowing they have to hold the opposition to about 14 points a game every single week to have a CHANCE......we don't have just that. We have to trade Ogun for Plaxico Burress. I don't see how anyone can argue this point. I have heard it on these boards, and it is no secret Plaxico wants out of Pitt. He is probably better than Chris.....if not, just as good. Not to mention, more than ANYTHING else.....we need speed. Plaxico has speed, size, and freakish ability. With or without Ogun, our D is not going to be able to carry this offense as it sits now. If we trade of will ease the load on D, by giving the passing game a boost, and the running game as well, dis-allowing 8 men in the box. We must make the deal for a truly realistic shot.
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