MERGED: Michael Sam to be First Openly Gay Player - Okay w/ Phins drafting him? | Page 25 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED: Michael Sam to be First Openly Gay Player - Okay w/ Phins drafting him?

I guess every church can be a little different but in the end, what's on the Bible is what really matters. At our church everyone is welcome but we preach and teach from the Bible. We're not trying to be politicaly correct. People like to spin and twist things as much as they can. They like to see how much they can "bend the thruth" but The Bible is very clear.BTW,I'm not hater. God said hate the sin but not the sinner. I'm not here to judge anyone but as a Christian when I see that people are trying to go around what the Bible say then I feel I can point to what The Bible really say........1 Corinthians 6:9 "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit he Kingdom of God? Do not be deceived:Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulteres nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders". People can try and spin things all day long but this is wht the Bible says. he fact I posted this doesn't make me a hater.I'd like to see everyone been saved. And no, being gay is not the only sin there is. We're all sinners but I don't have to agree with it. I don't hate gay people as I've know many over the years and some of the nicest peope I have met but the Bible say it's wrong. So why should we Christians be ok with it? You can't serve man and then serve God. We're here to serve God and love him first.

Ozzy rules!!

As a very young child I believed in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy... - then as I got a bit older I learned that it was all make believe. Maybe the guy who wrote Corinthians 6:9 was actually a bit prejudiced and not open to accepting differences in others. People like yourself have been brainwashed from an early age to believe that homosexuals are subhuman degenerates that need to be purged because they are inherently evil. But secretly you or your son or cousin may enjoy a little lesbian porn (but that is different).
Be open to the possibility that you are wrong. I find it amusing that you say that your church welcomes everyone and yet Michael Sam's display of honesty has good Christians foaming at the mouth because the world is moving towards becoming a bit more accepting and that is outrageous. Michael Sam is a great man for having the courage and strength of character to stand up and be completely honest. There are estimated to be over 50 other gay players in the NFL, but he is the first to be right up front and elect not to live his life in the closet. I hope that he gets drafted and I'd welcome him as Miami Dolphin. His decision to be honest and not lie to each of the 32 teams, is actually a bigger deal than many realize. Too many are forced to live their lives to fit with certain norms for appearances. If God is so offended by Michael Sam's honesty, then strike him down with a lightning strike or don't give him an opportunity to play (but what about the 49+ other players who remain in the closet).
Nice quote by Gilleslee :rolleyes2:

Dudes not even out of his diapers and asking what the world is coming to.. He should try to focus more on not sucking at his job than worrying about "what the world is coming too".. jack***
As a very young child I believed in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy... - then as I got a bit older I learned that it was all make believe. Maybe the guy who wrote Corinthians 6:9 was actually a bit prejudiced and not open to accepting differences in others. People like yourself have been brainwashed from an early age to believe that homosexuals are subhuman degenerates that need to be purged because they are inherently evil. But secretly you or your son or cousin may enjoy a little lesbian porn (but that is different).
Be open to the possibility that you are wrong. I find it amusing that you say that your church welcomes everyone and yet Michael Sam's display of honesty has good Christians foaming at the mouth because the world is moving towards becoming a bit more accepting and that is outrageous. Michael Sam is a great man for having the courage and strength of character to stand up and be completely honest. There are estimated to be over 50 other gay players in the NFL, but he is the first to be right up front and elect not to live his life in the closet. I hope that he gets drafted and I'd welcome him as Miami Dolphin. His decision to be honest and not lie to each of the 32 teams, is actually a bigger deal than many realize. Too many are forced to live their lives to fit with certain norms for appearances. If God is so offended by Michael Sam's honesty, then strike him down with a lightning strike or don't give him an opportunity to play (but what about the 49+ other players who remain in the closet).

Maybe the other 49 would rather let their play on the field define them as NFL players rather than sexual preference?

Maybe be the other 49 would rather keep their personal life, well... Personal?
It's good to see that the vast majority of names on this thread that I respect and can easily recognize,... are supportive or neutral. The ones who are not, I mostly don't recognize. I guess they haven't been real memorable for me. :lol:

In any case, the fact that there's only a few oddballs posting over and over about religion or very negative commentary, is probably a relief to all the finheaven lurkers who are gay, bi, questioning or have gay children or siblings. There are a lot of folks who read this blog but don't post.
IMHO i wouldnt care if he was Gay , ONLY PROBLEM , that i would have is when i would be in the shower , i wouldnt want him standing there looking at me like i was a women , and imaging /masterbating in there minds , that would be the only problem i would have ....
Meh... your feelings would be hurt if he didn't look at you at all.

And when he's cut from a team the media will pick it up that he was cut because he is gay. Dude set himself up to stay on a team for at least his rookie contract, even if his garbage cause no one is going to cut him due to the potential media backlash. That is if he gets signed.
So what you're saying is the same team that signs him KNOWING he's gay, is going to catch flak for cutting him because he's gay. I don't think you thought that one all the way through.

Why do men and women not shower together? After all, isn't it just a perfunctory task to wash the dirt and sweat off?
Because in this country we have a perverse view of human sexuality.

What I can't understand is people calling him "a hero".....hard to imagine that a gay man coming out of the closet is now call that....
To some young gay kid with a dream of playing in the NFL, this guy may very well be a hero. Because of what he's doing now, it will become easier for the next guy.
What is interesting in this entire debate is whether he can stick in the NFL ability-wise. I see a misfit that is too small for DE and struggled in Mobile as a LB. Maybe he can be undersized pass rusher. However, I am dating myself some, but all year he reminded me of Corey Moore from the late 90's at Virginia Tech…a demon in college, but too small and not quick enough to do much in the NFL.
Maybe the other 49 would rather let their play on the field define them as NFL players rather than sexual preference?

Maybe be the other 49 would rather keep their personal life, well... Personal?
Fair enough, if that is their choice. However, I wonder how many of them are forced to live their lives as a lie and be seen out with chicks just to keep up certain appearances. It is interesting that a good young player that few of us had heard of has shown the strength of character to come out like this and not be intimidated by the circumstances. At the end of the day he will be assessed on his football ability, but he gets high marks from me for refusing to accommodate the silence of a closet.
I firmly believe in live and let live, and I personally could not care less if a player is gay. I have a couple of gay friends and I think of them as "friends", not "gay friends". Having said that, with him being the first player to be open about it, I can imagine this being a huge distraction for a team that picks him up. And of course the media can be counted on to stir the pot and make it a much bigger deal than it needs to be. For this reason, if I were a GM, I would not pick him unless I felt sure he could be a GREAT player very soon. I get that this is unfair to him, holding him to a different standard, but one would have to think of what is best for the team.
What makes you so special that you think a gay guy masturbates in his mind by looking at you? Ever thought that you would not be his type anyways.
You act like gay guys are a bunch of guys who do have sex with any guy as long as a weener is involved.

And if you have that feeling of discomfort maybe next time you should reconsider masturbating in your mind before you look at a pretty woman.
If I noticed him looking at me in the shower I would probably be flattered and just laugh it off.
I wouldn't draft him because we have solid players at DE already...thats the only reason

now if the Dolphins feel comfortable weathering this particular storm post bullygate? when it shows that our locker room is Not as sympathizing as others so be it. thats on them, if he produces great but i wouldn't simply for the reason above. nothing else
There are some god awful idiotic comments here, unsurprisingly. To blanket all of them, nobody should have any say over how someone lives their lives if it isn't detrimental to anyone. Nobody should base their life on a fairy tale book. People should understand why it's a big deal he came out, because it's not accepted by a very poorly educated portion of the population and for that reason he's expected to live a lie. A straight athlete doesn't have to say it because there's no stigma that comes with it. Tweeting your girlfriend on twitter isn't going to get people's pitchforks out, tweeting your boyfriend is. It's embarrassing that some people still feel they should have any say over how a person lives their life, good for Sam. I don't care what his sexual preference is, everyone's entitled to live their life the way they choose and that's a fact, he's not hurting anyone and hopefully this inspires other gay athletes to open up and not be forced to live in darkness throughout their professional careers.

Let me also add, everyone's entitled to religion or spirituality, that's fine. There's good values in there, and if you need it to live a good accepting life more power to you. But don't use it to put down other people just because you don't agree with them.
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Just because the players are showering naked, doesn't make it a sexual event. It is a perfunctory task to wash the dirt and sweat off. It is not sexual. There is a 0% chance of it becoming a sexual event. If you played team sports you have probably had gay guys on your team in the showers and you never knew.
Time to grow up.

ok bro here is YOU AN EXAMPLE ,so your telling me if YOU was in a shower with 15-20 of the hotest women in the world , that your just going to keep on walking ?? or are you going to stand there saying , daaaaaaauuumn , this is a question for all you guys , IMHO i would stand there with my eye balls bugged out and looking as hard as i can look ....
ok bro here is YOU AN EXAMPLE ,so your telling me if YOU was in a shower with 15-20 of the hotest women in the world , that your just going to keep on walking ?? or are you going to stand there saying , daaaaaaauuumn , this is a question for all you guys , IMHO i would stand there with my eye balls bugged out and looking as hard as i can look ....

you can't compare the 2..apples to oranges.
What makes you so special that you think a gay guy masturbates in his mind by looking at you? Ever thought that you would not be his type anyways.
You act like gay guys are a bunch of guys who do have sex with any guy as long as a weener is involved.

And if you have that feeling of discomfort maybe next time you should reconsider masturbating in your mind before you look at a pretty woman.

Look , a gay person wont just be in there say with me , they will be 90 during training camp , i have friends that are gay , but anybody thats says that if you are stright and you was in a shower full of naked beatiful women you wouldnt stand there and look , and any body that says no , i would call them a damn lier , same gose with gay people , if they are in a room filled with 90 naked men in a shower they going to do the same thing i would if it was women , anybody says diffrent is a lier , i dont care who you are.....
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