MERGED: PATS cheaters since 2000 | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED: PATS cheaters since 2000

I like to stay consistent when commenting on any subject, whether it's a division rival, our team, or any team.

With all the evidence in place, everything should be forfeited. Broken records, Super Bowl titles, Division titles, etc.

I'm not quite sure what type of punishment they deserve. They will have the first round pick by default and the NFL can't really do anything about it as that was a trade from San Francisco and San Francisco already used that pick on Joe Staley.

One thing though, an asterisk is not enough. The media pretty much wipes their *** with an asterisk. Look at all the fame Barry Bonds got when he stole Hank's record, despite all the evidence of him using steroids.

Most annoying part, that pisses me off the most is the media. They see that team dominating so they worship them, and start to disrespect people like Don Shula for making comments about an asterisk should be in place, and people like Terry Bradshaw gets annoyed by Shula and starts saying **** like "AH FORGET ABOUT HIM. I HOPE THE PATRIOTS WIN ALL THE GAMES AND WIN IT ALL THIS SEASON FOR THE 1972 TEAM CAN SHUT UP"-- that's how much the media cares about it untill more evidence is in place.

I will say, I still do not think the Patriots cheated after the Jets game, and I still believe they would have finished with a 15-1 record and gone to the Super Bowl if the refs had not blown it against the Ravens. It was a great supporting cast, a great team. Really, I do not think they need to cheat to be successful. Just look at all their players.

Now if there is more evidence of any other type of cheating, then I will back off from that. I would not be surprised if there is any other type of cheating found.
Sorry if this was already posted, appears to be no end to BB's deception.

One other note, the fact that Goddell did not release this information before he was investigated by Congress is discpicable. Ive lost all respect for the NFL brass.

I think it's time someone showed Goodell the door. If this is true then he is dishonest and needs to be canned. I hope Specter shows no mercy in lodging his boot in the Pat's and Goodell's arse.
I'm getting really sick and tired of the stinking government wasting tax dollars holding all these meetings about sports. Between the Clemens thing, and this, it's costing the American taxpayer tons of money. Worry about fixing the government before you worry about trying to "fix" professional sports.
I don't understand this. This isn't flag football on saturdays. These are legitimate businesses. So yes congress has every right to investigate them especially since oh I don't know millions of dollars are invested in them by gambling and other businesses.
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