MERGED: Rumor/Report - Dolphins looking to trade Smiley | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED: Rumor/Report - Dolphins looking to trade Smiley

3rd rounder would be wonderful. 4th rounder would be ehhh. 5th rounder wouldn't be worth it.

This is all speculation on my part but Seattle does have a late 2nd round pick this year (they have SD's 2nd rounder). They also have 2 4th round picks (original and trade away Tapp). My wish would be late 2nd for Smiley but I don't think it would be possible. 2 4th round picks would also be great but again, not likely.
I'd even throw in Patrick Turner as well.

If not Smiley For Rogers and a pick... I was gonna say Smiley for Rogers and one of their players...

The Browns have a player on their team they picked up last year they got him on waivers....

He fits into our scheme pretty well..

Whats his name again???

I forgot..O yea..Matt Roth?

Just Kidding.....
I find it humorous that some people here are saying it's a good thing trading Smiley due to him being "injury prone"...Although he has missed 13 games in his 6 years in the NFL...WHILE Jake Grove has missed 30 games in his 6 year NFL career.

Who really is the "injury prone" player
Grove with 30 games missed or
Smiley with 13 games missed???

With that said I would be elated if we could swap
#1 picks with Seattle and send them Smiley then
draft Eric Berry
Parcells simply has a very low tolerence for players who cannot stay healthy.

Ronnie Brown is very lucky that he has the wildcat going for him, or he too could be shipped.

Props to the guy who originally reported/speculated on this
I am on the fence with this move, as I always prefer proven talent over drafted if the talent is under contract.

If we get that late second Seattle has or a quality player back, I don't think any of us would mind...but a 4th for Smiley? That's low asking price for a really quality guy.
I find it humorous that some people here are saying it's a good thing trading Smiley due to him being "injury prone"...Although he has missed 13 games in his 6 years in the NFL...WHILE Jake Grove has missed 30 games in his 6 year NFL career.

Who really is the "injury prone" player
Grove with 30 games missed or
Smiley with 13 games missed???

With that said I would be elated if we could swap
#1 picks with Seattle and send them Smiley then
draft Eric Berry

they both are injury prone...however only smiley is on the block as far as what we know...
I find it humorous that some people here are saying it's a good thing trading Smiley due to him being "injury prone"...Although he has missed 13 games in his 6 years in the NFL...WHILE Jake Grove has missed 30 games in his 6 year NFL career.

Who really is the "injury prone" player
Grove with 30 games missed or
Smiley with 13 games missed???

With that said I would be elated if we could swap
#1 picks with Seattle and send them Smiley then
draft Eric Berry

Best trade scenario hands down.
I think Trading Smiley is a good move..He did not play very well last year when he was in there..

Grove on the other hand was pretty good when he was healthy..

We have some depth and flexibity to move Smiley..

Good value to market and low to mid value to current team = Great trade bait...Kinda like JT was 2 years ago IMO
I find it humorous that some people here are saying it's a good thing trading Smiley due to him being "injury prone"...Although he has missed 13 games in his 6 years in the NFL...WHILE Jake Grove has missed 30 games in his 6 year NFL career.

Who really is the "injury prone" player
Grove with 30 games missed or
Smiley with 13 games missed???

With that said I would be elated if we could swap
#1 picks with Seattle and send them Smiley then
draft Eric Berry
They are both injury prone, but Grove is a better player than Smiley. Plus, we have more options at guard than center.
Could this happen swapping are 1st pick with seattle 1stA pick and give them Smiley and a 6th????

Then we can take Berry!!!!
We wont get anything higher than a 5th round pick for Smiley.Last year
the raiders gave us a 6th for Satele and Satele is a pretty good C.
We wont get anything higher than a 5th round pick for Smiley.Last year
the raiders gave us a 6th for Satele and Satele is a pretty good C.
Satele doesn't have the strength to take on nose tackles, we also swapped fourths, and Smiley is a better played than Satele.
imo, Smiley isn't worth anything better than a third and if I had to guess- I would say it will be a fourth round pick
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