MERGED4x: Virus alert/Trojans/Ads | Page 14 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

MERGED4x: Virus alert/Trojans/Ads

Use the AdBlock Plus for Firefox or AdBlock Pro for IE. Then download a spyware remover like MalwareBytes. That should fix your problem.

Thanks for the advice man, but my laptop is only 3 gigs and I cant download those at work.. I cant afford to download everything that slows down my computer just because this site has malware.. There are alternate dolfan sites that arent liabilities.. I definitely appreciate your advice though
I've seen malwarebytes recommended by several people so I'll give this a try, but could it really be our individual computers if we are all being redirected to the same China TV site, and only from visiting here?

No, its the site... The mods said they are working on it but this has been going on for over 3 months
I've seen malwarebytes recommended by several people so I'll give this a try, but could it really be our individual computers if we are all being redirected to the same China TV site, and only from visiting here?
That's what I can't seem to figure out. If you're only getting the redirects on FH and no other site, it doesn't sound like a Spyware Virus that's been installed on your computer. I do alot of downloading through Vuze so I've had my fair share of Spyware, and they usually redirect you no matter what site your on, or in most cases, open IE up themselves as well as slow down your computer alot. If this is just redirecting from Finheaven only, that seems a bit odd indeed.
it happens to me too from time to time, only when i come here...i dont have problems on other sites.
Just upgrade to VIP

I have been a long time reader, havent really posted much but I do enjoy reading and keeping up to date with everything FINS.

So what is 19.00 dollars for a year. That is cheaper than a half a tank of gas. Its even cheaper than most magazine subscriptions and if it helps keep FinHeaven and my reading pleasures alive its a no brainier. :crazy:

For all the people who are complaining I suggest just suck it up and become a VIP..

Thanks Again FinHeaven!
I have been a long time reader, havent really posted much but I do enjoy reading and keeping up to date with everything FINS.

So what is 19.00 dollars for a year. That is cheaper than a half a tank of gas. Its even cheaper than most magazine subscriptions and if it helps keep FinHeaven and my reading pleasures alive its a no brainier. :crazy:

For all the people who are complaining I suggest just suck it up and become a VIP..

Thanks Again FinHeaven!
Holy crap man, I wouldn't have a problem donating to the site because I have some spare money these days, but out of principle I'm not going to give money to the site because it's "free version" is giving users hell...
I just got a nasty virus at work by visiting this site and because of it I lost all my outlook data and my bosses were freaking pissed off. It is the site guys I would stay if you don't have all these spyware programs installed.
I just got a nasty virus at work by visiting this site and because of it I lost all my outlook data and my bosses were freaking pissed off. It is the site guys I would stay if you don't have all these spyware programs installed.
Damn man, sorry to hear that... I just hope this thread is getting the moderators' attention to keep trying to fix the site.
Tip to my Dolphin brothers ....

Install these 2 Freeware Programs (they both defend in different ways) & Update them weekly (the free versions have to be updated manually).

I've had great success with them for years. Just google up the free dloads.
I'm a techie & they were recommended to use together on several tech sites.

Spybot (Search and Destroy)
(If you don't have a virus program: use AVG free version .. one of the good ones)

I don't want to be preachy, but consider these facts & think!! ....
- Yes, I've seen alot of viruses, spyware, & crap on this site ... its inevitable where alot of people visit ... not necessarily the mods faults (like swine flu, you gonna blame Sears cause you caught it there!! lol)
- Remember, this is just a nuisance, what if they steal your personal info!!!!!
- If you're getting infected be thankful to finheaven they woke you up to a problem that's everywhere on the Web & you just learned you need to protect yourself ... you're NOT Protected!!
- There's alot of different good software (& more opinions) & all evolves over time getting better or worse. Good free stuff I find as good as pay. Never hurts to always learn & find new stuff, ask tech friends in the know ... i.e. I also use the mentioned AdBlock Plus for FireFox ... it appeared one day & I said HELLo YES!!, as FireFox wants to compete by having a good product.

Comment to the guy who said the virus pissed off his boss: What kind of a dumbaz co. is NOT protected by IT Dept.,that's a co. responsibility ... he should THANK you!!! The threats here are chicken-doody & there's bigger threats to co.s.

Made this a little long, but I'm a Silicon Valley dude who can go on for pages :chuckle:, who just wants to help my Dolphin Brothers!! Go Phins & wup some NuhUh-Leans Ain'ts:woot:
this site is loaded! I have a very tight machine and it rings like a fire alarm every time I come in here.
I may have to find another place to surf.. maybe that the whole
Just curious....what type of anti-virus are you running, what browser are you using, firewall etc.....
I got trojans and also some porn links put on my desktop from the ads on here. Not fun getting accused by the wife of surfing porn. Good times.

Come on man! Why not just fess up and tell your wife the truth? You KNOW that you were checking those porn sites out! :D JK
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