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Official 2005 Yankees World Series Champion Thread


Sorry Junc, but a team that wins the ACC tourny, is top 10 in the nation, and was one of the top teams in the best conference in the country during the regular season (beat every team in the conference at least once) definitely has a chance to win a National Championship.

They lucked out in the ACC Tourney not having to play the 2 best teams in the Conf. Duke was a competitive team but there was no way they were going to make a FF w/ a thin team and w/ a choker like JJ as their go to guy. Solid squad but not Championship material.

As far as you being realistic about the Yankees, your not realistic at all. Anyone who's realistic knows that the Yankees have way to much talent to count them out in June and July when their like 6 games back (not now of course).

I didn't count them out, I never gave up I just said I thought the Sox would win the division.

With that said though I never thought or would say that the Red Sox are a forgone conclusion to win the AL East (like you have in earlier posts like a bandwagon Yankee fan).

bandwagon :lol: B/c I'm REALISTIC? If I said I wasn't wacthing them anymore that would make me a bandwagoner, what this has shown me is you are just a complete homer. We still have many unresolved issues, we have gone on big streaks only to go on long losing streaks. These are not the dynasty Yankees, this current team has never won a title so there are question marks.

A year ago Yankees fans would have never thrown a towel into Boston, now Boston wins ONE championship and jumps out to an early lead (like they've done in years past) and everyone's acting like they own us.

Homer: I never threw in the towel, I said I thought Boston would win. Stop acting like a 12 yr old.

Go throw the Ortiz jersey you got stashed in the closest on. Your a bandwagoner and if your not, you act like one big time. If you want to give divisions to people. Go become a Mets fan!

you are a complete moron, it's fans like you that make us look bad when you start rubbing it in when we were up 3-0 and then disappear when we blow it.
FaninPatsyLand said:
Yankee pitchers haven't gotten Red Sox hitters out on a consistent basis for a year and a half now. What makes you think they are all of a sudden going to turn it around now?

he's the World's biggest Yankee fan so he knows all, never mind what has gone on in the lst year and what we have done this year he knows we are the greatest w/o a doubt. How could I doubt this Yankee team, they have been so consistent all year long and they did a great job in the ALCS last year. :rolleyes: Give m a break, I never said we couldn't win it I said I didn't think we would but that I hoped to be wrong but that makes me bandwagoner :lol:

I think the problem is he wasn't around to watch the Yanks in the 80s and george has turned us back into the 80s Yanks. he's been lucky and has seen the postseason just about every year he rooted fot the team(I assume since it says he's 21 that he ahs been a fan since about '92 or '93) so he never saw the bad Yankees and doesn't know what George used to do which he has been doing lately. I still have hopes that we'll win it but I have long since lost my confidence that I hadduring the dynasty years before George screwed things up and turend our team into a fantasy team.
junc is right. It's about realism and objectivity and yanksfan was the first to HIDE when the sox came back and embarressed his team. I'm with junc because he's not a homer about his sports teams and neither am I. Yea there are times when we as fans get excited and overblow things sometimes but reality does set in after the adreniline wears off (for us. not the homers - homers are just blind and ignorant, the adrenline never wears off. THey believe they're homerism as fact). I really have no respect for non-objective homers and there are loads of them on this site, I guess it's just people being people. I'll never understand it though (ignorance). said:
junc is right. It's about realism and objectivity and yanksfan was the first to HIDE when the sox came back and embarressed his team.

:lol: at FinsNYanks signature when the Yankees were up 3-0 in the ALCS last year.
FaninPatsyLand said:
:lol: at FinsNYanks signature when the Yankees were up 3-0 in the ALCS last year.
I missed that...:( What did it say? said:
And you'll be back in fouth by July 31st. The stankees blow, it's time to understand that.

:rolleyes: We have 26 rings that say otherwise.
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