"SELLOUT CROWD FIRES UP PLAYERS"... is this how it begins? | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

"SELLOUT CROWD FIRES UP PLAYERS"... is this how it begins?

I'm very happy to see and hear about the fan turn out..especially since I'm one of those who complaint about the empty seats when I'm watching the games here in the DC area. Kudos to the fans today.
We need about 60,000 of these guys on sundays.


I saw that guy there today. He scared the crap out of some small children. And he did look a bit strange. But I thought. ..to each his own.
I believe if the Fins come home for the Home opener against the Falcons 2-0,That stadium will be full! Let's do this! IT'S OUR TIME!
I know when I played basketball and the crowd got rowdy at big games I played much better. Much more energy, its like youre on speed. I can only imagine on a stage that big with 70k plus screaming it would be huge. Not to mention how much harder it is for the opposing teams offense to communicate when its really loud. Its so huge for the team. I think just having a stadium full of FINS fans would win us a couple more games a year. I cant wait to see how the fan turnout is this season. This truly feels like the beginning of a new ear for our Fins. Awesome.
Watching Hard Knocks right now on NFLN and the stands were pretty empty at training camp. Nice to see that has changed this year.
I really hope first game in sunlife we have a full crowd but its really on the team to perform if they want the fans to show up. They get paid to be there they need to earn our hard earned dollars
To add, im close to giants staduim and when i go to there games..when all the giants fans are screaming and pumped up.its one of the greatest experience that i ever had.everytime my buddy with season tickets invite me, i go.im thinking with new players and if we get chemstery and we get people start packing house.people will continue to show up every week.
Sorry if anything is out place from my iphone and just getting down
No dude, we should stop going to games because we're all butthurt. We should make the team win games and then show up. We should make all kinds of excuses as to why we don't go to games. In short, let's be casual fairweather fans and make excuses for ourselves.

what a awesome experience that was by far the most people i have seen there in along time probably since the hiring of nick saban thats how long the line at 8am was around the building down the block thank god my friends and i got there early and got pretty good seats!!!!!!!!!!!!
the only bad thing was there was like 2700 fans and they only sent out like 6 guys to sign stuff last year i got jake long matt moore and mike pounceys sigs none this year!!!:confused:
the only bad thing was there was like 2700 fans and they only sent out like 6 guys to sign stuff last year i got jake long matt moore and mike pounceys sigs none this year!!!:confused:

I think it was said that only defensive players were signing today. The offense had to go in and lift weights.

Tomorrow the offense will sign and the defensive will lift weights.
who was that moron wearing the #40 jersey with D. Maniac in the back? what a clown!
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