SI rates Ricky as 9th best | Page 6 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

SI rates Ricky as 9th best

phinman1 said:
Wouldn't know a decent GM? Mueller himself said he thinks RS is doing a fine job, as did no less a source than Wolf. RS will prove to be a top GM in the NFL, we are lucky to have him. He's certainly better then the overrated and tired Donahoe, who continues to put nothing together in Buffalo.

TD has put some talent in Buffalo, his biggest mistake was picking Gregg Williams to be the head coach. Time will tell how good RS will be. Funny that you rip on TD when he is one of the most respected GMs in the NFL.
phinman1 said:
Wouldn't know a decent GM? Mueller himself said he thinks RS is doing a fine job, as did no less a source than Wolf. RS will prove to be a top GM in the NFL, we are lucky to have him. He's certainly better then the overrated and tired Donahoe, who continues to put nothing together in Buffalo.
:roflmao: :mrt: :googly: :crazy:
TKO said:
Face it, you show no love for TH because of the uniform he wears and not because of a lack of talent.

TH is a decent back, and yes he does belong in the top 10, just as Ricky belongs in the top 5.

Btw, you are indeed right about the "hating on Henry because of his uniform" from some of the dolfans here. But what do you expect, this is a Dolphins board :rolleyes:

I think TH is a good back, but he sure as hell is no Ricky Williams.
Prime Time said:
Portis should be in top 3. The man is amazing and he is so young. You can say it was Denver's O-line all you want, but wait until he tears it up in Washington this year. The man is a monster.
I was gonna mention that, why would you rank him in regard to Denver's line? If this is a preseason ranking then you'd want to look where he's heading: Washington of course, right? For 65 Million he'd better run like a top 10 halfback, if not the Skins would have to call his @rss to the carpet. :lol:
Dolphinizzle said:
TH is a decent back, and yes he does belong in the top 10, just as Ricky belongs in the top 5.

Btw, you are indeed right about the "hating on Henry because of his uniform" from some of the dolfans here. But what do you expect, this is a Dolphins board :rolleyes:

I think TH is a good back, but he sure as hell is no Ricky Williams.
Just like back in the day when Thurman was on the Bills, you all probably hated him. But when he signed with Miami, you probably loved him. Thats just how it works.
SpitOnSurtain80 said:
Just like back in the day when Thurman was on the Bills, you all probably hated him. But when he signed with Miami, you probably loved him. Thats just how it works.

Exactly. I bet when Ricky was a Saint most people around here thought he was crap. He puts on a dolphin uniform and he's god. I'd say if you look at Ricky over the course of his career. He's a top 10-15 back statistically. If you look at last year he may be lower. Taking into consideration the lack of talent he had around him in 1999....and the lack of OL last year, i'd still put him top 10....But not top 5. Deuce is highly underrated by most dolphin fans it seems. No real surprise there. The guy can do it all....he's only averaging 1,500 yards per season as a starter with a 4.5 career average. He's on pace for a Hall of Fame career and he's just getting started...Not even top 10 in the opinion of some people....please.

Top 10
1. Ladanian Tomlinson
2. Priest Holmes
3. Deuce McAllister
4. Jamal Lewis
5. Ahman Green
6. Clinton Portis
7. Ricky Williams
8. Stephen Davis
9. Fred Taylor
10. Shaun Alexander
PhinSoldia said:
So imagine what Ricky could do in a system like that. Point blank. there is a reason why the bills sqaundered the first round pick on a back that couldnt even play that year. and thats because the truth is my fat uncle steve can run for 1000 yards in the bills offense.
Where back to a finfan acting like he knows the reason why we got Willis. Squandered? Tell me all knowing finfan, has McGahee played yet that we all know whether we squandered that pick? What opinions do you have stating we squandered our pick? Let's see you argue your opinion. We've gone through this before but we'll see what you have to say.

Maybe we should've taken Eddie "one hit wonder " Moore. :rolleyes:
We picked Mcghahee because he was by far the best value still on the board. Our big need was DE. The next best available DE on the board at that time was Chris Kelsay, whom we drafted in the next round.
We picked Mcghahee because he was by far the best value still on the board. Our big need was DE. The next best available DE on the board at that time was Chris Kelsay, whom we drafted in the next round.
Oh , thanks. Now you gave him an answer.
So you guys agreed with the MaGahee pick? Try to answer rationally. Even as a dolfan I can say that I didn't agree with Eddie Moore pick from the beginning.
LIQUID24 said:
So you guys agreed with the MaGahee pick? Try to answer rationally. Even as a dolfan I can say that I didn't agree with Eddie Moore pick from the beginning.
I was in shock at first and after it was explained, it made sense. There was nobody else and no one knew Boldin would've panned out the way he did.
The Mcghahee pick was awful. They already had a good young back. Why draft one who just suffered a horrendous knee injury. Anyway, this topic has been beaten to death. I was sad to see him go down with such a bad injury. He'll never be what he could have been.
LIQUID24 said:
So you guys agreed with the MaGahee pick? Try to answer rationally. Even as a dolfan I can say that I didn't agree with Eddie Moore pick from the beginning.

You did not read my earlier post?

No we didn't need him but it was a value pick.
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