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Suns vs. Spurs

The Spurs will probably end up winning and its a real shame. The Suns are everything thats right in basketball, and Stern should be working overtime to convince the refs that every playoff game doesn't necessarily need to turn into a physical wrestling match. Its not that difficult....just call the games like you do in the regular season.

Noone except those pitifully small fanbases in San Antonio and Detroit want to see another rematch of those two teams in the finals. Thats almost unwatchable.
Oh wasnt it the Heat that got swept by the Bulls who should be swept against the Pistons?:shakeno: Thats whats so pitiful about this whole thing.Go tell it to somebody who cares.Fanbases,what a joke.If it were set up that way the Knicks would be in the finals every year.Get a clue.

If the Spurs are so boring why do you bother to watch?Hell I probably wouldnt watch if the Spurs werent in it anymore.And I damn sure aint thrilled about watching the Heat in it every year.The problem is marketing in the NBA..They should market the best teams in the NBA,not individual talent,thats step one.Thats why the average fan doesnt understand what it takes to actually win a championship.
Yes, everyone complains especially when there are legit bad calls...You should take heed of what you are saying the next time you guys decide to call us whiners...

Of course its legit when its against the Suns...It always is with you.Never legit against anybody else.Thats why this is an issue.And you guys do whine...Everybody knows that Suns fans whine more than the average fan.
Of course its legit when its against the Suns...It always is with you.Never legit against anybody else.Thats why this is an issue.And you guys do whine...Everybody knows that Suns fans whine more than the average fan.
Thats is bull****, plain and simple...You're being a total hypocrite here, its ok for you to ***** but not anyone else...The only reason you are even talking this smack is because you won, when the Mavs beat you guys i heard a lot of Spurs fans on this site bitching about bad calls last year...

We are both biased, fine, but you are ignoring the people that have no vested interest who are saying the refs were making bad call after bad call last night...

Look, I don't want to get in a pissing match, Ive said more than once that if the Suns lose its not due to the refs, I'm not using it as an excuse I just want a game thats called a) fair, and b) the same way it would get called all season...
They should market the best teams in the NBA,not individual talent,thats step one.Thats why the average fan doesnt understand what it takes to actually win a championship.
Even though the Suns haven't won a title, I would say this series is between the 2 best pure basketball teams...I love the fundamentals that both teams do so well, and they both are team first clubs, that are made up of (mostly) classy guys...
Thats is bull****, plain and simple...You're being a total hypocrite here, its ok for you to ***** but not anyone else...The only reason you are even talking this smack is because you won, when the Mavs beat you guys i heard a lot of Spurs fans on this site bitching about bad calls last year...

We are both biased, fine, but you are ignoring the people that have no vested interest who are saying the refs were making bad call after bad call last night...

Look, I don't want to get in a pissing match, Ive said more than once that if the Suns lose its not due to the refs, I'm not using it as an excuse I just want a game thats called a) fair, and b) the same way it would get called all season...

Im being a hypocrite?Do you even read my posts?Theyre waaay more objective than yours.Ive said the refs are making bad calls.What else do you want?You cant change anything about it now man or ever for that matter.Whens the last time an NBA game was called "fair".You talk like somebody who needs to learn the ropes.And where was I talking smack?I was trying to reason with you,but no you get all insecure and mad.Your whole argument is that the Suns are being cheapshotted on calls...Hey Im telling you both sides are.If I wanted to show bias,I would show bias.Youre never going to get exactly what you want from the referees.Thats what you need to understand.

And Im just as calm talking about this as I would be talking about my mother.No need to get upset about this seriously.These guys make more money than most peoples family trees,and Im sure they for the most part couldnt care less what we think.
And how many Spurs fans were HERE talking basketball last year.I know myself annnnd?Hmmm.You would have to got to the Spurs site to really see anybody complaining.And alot of the complaining is because alot of the Mavs fans thought the games were called fair,and it was obvious they werent.
Talking smack and being hypocritical is calling me a whiner because I say the game was officiated badly...You act like Im blaming the refs for the Suns losing and that is simply untrue...
And how many Spurs fans were HERE talking basketball last year.I know myself annnnd?Hmmm.You would have to got to the Spurs site to really see anybody complaining.And alot of the complaining is because alot of the Mavs fans thought the games were called fair,and it was obvious they werent.
See this is my point, when you lose then it "obviously wasn't called fair" but when I say the same thing I'm a whiner...:confused:

You cant have it both ways...
Talking smack and being hypocritical is calling me a whiner because I say the game was officiated badly...You act like Im blaming the refs for the Suns losing and that is simply untrue...

What Im saying is,is it doesnt do any good to complain about officiating.We ALL can complain about that EVERY single game.It wont mean a damn thing.If there was ever something that could be done about consistently bad officiating,I would do it.Im sure everybody else would too.The thing I think,and this is just my opinion,the Suns arent a physical team and are trying to be physical.BUT thats not there game.They want to get up and down the court,and the Spurs dont allow that.The Spurs rototations on D are the best in the league.Thats how they win championships.
My biggest gripe is that the calls are different in the playoffs, they allow more fouls to go uncalled in the post, which gives a distinct advantage to teams like the Spurs and Pistons...Teams like the Suns strive on spreading the floor and penetrating, most importantly they play with finesse...You cant call the fouls all season long, then when the playoffs start take away the way the finesse teams play and give an advantage to the more physical teams...This isnt saying the there is a bias against any certain teams, its just that when less fouls are called on both ends it allows physical teams to be more physical then allowed in the regular season, and changes the game of less physical teams...

It comes down to one thing, a foul is a foul whether its regular season or playoffs...They need to start calling the same calls consistently...
See this is my point, when you lose then it "obviously wasn't called fair" but when I say the same thing I'm a whiner...:confused:

You cant have it both ways...

Ok now w'ere getting somewhere...The thing about those Mavs fans is they werent being objective at all.Objective meaning every call they got was warranted,even tho it was obvious even in REPLAYS that they werent.They knew they were bad calls but would never be objective about them.

They want to win a title so bad they dont care how its done,wether fair or unfare.And then they were complete *******s about the whole thing.
My biggest gripe is that the calls are different in the playoffs, they allow more fouls to go uncalled in the post, which gives a distinct advantage to teams like the Spurs and Pistons...Teams like the Suns strive on spreading the floor and penetrating, most importantly they play with finesse...You cant call the fouls all season long, then when the playoffs start take away the way the finesse teams play and give an advantage to the more physical teams...This isnt saying the there is a bias against any certain teams, its just that when less fouls are called on both ends it allows physical teams to be more physical then allowed in the regular season, and changes the game of less physical teams...

It comes down to one thing, a foul is a foul whether its regular season or playoffs...They need to start calling the same calls consistently...

See thats just it.Playoff basketball is another level.The teams are playing on a completely different level.They have to call these games different.Then you have to think about what Stern wants with ratings and all that other political BS.Remember the NBA is a business.They are in it for the money.

The reason why the Pistons,Spurs,and any other team in this era wins,is predacated on defense.And thats what the average NBA fan doesnt understand,and thats why the ratings are so low for teams like SA and Det.Now if the NBA marketed that then it wouldnt all be about who can make the most layup,jumpshot etc....The days of Jordan,Bird,Magic are gone.
And hey the Suns are fun to watch.I like the Suns,but its those teams that play that lock down D that are usually there at the end of the season winning championships,not the ones who score the most.If boring,defensive minded basketball continues to win championships then I have no problem with it.

If things started changing,then Im sure youll start seeing the Spurs start becoming something more like the Suns.
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