Time To Move On - What about Pete Kendall? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Time To Move On - What about Pete Kendall?


Pro Bowler
Mar 15, 2004
Reaction score
Go get the full 8 million from Ricky, then move on.

Let's get Ogunleye and Chambers in the books and then let's take some of that extra money and make a run at some veteran linemen.

Pete Kendall was just released. He would be an outstanding back up at center and could push the guys at right guard.

Anybody have a good read on this guy? He was once a pro bowler as I recall.
miamirw said:
Go get the full 8 million from Ricky, then move on.

Let's get Ogunleye and Chambers in the books and then let's take some of that extra money and make a run at some veteran linemen.

Pete Kendall was just released. He would be an outstanding back up at center and could push the guys at right guard.

Anybody have a good read on this guy? He was once a pro bowler as I recall.
Word making the rounds this morning in circles is that he was cut because he turned Denny Green into the NFLPA. Not because his level of play has dropped off any. That is unconfirmed of course, but the word going around.

With Miami's o-line, I am for adding anyone at this point. I think our entire season hinges on the play of the 5 guys up front. I see the right side as a total mess right now. And I have big questions about McKinney and Wade Smith. If Kendall wasn't cut because of his quality of play, then Miami MUST sign him. (if he wants to come here of course)
Jamie Nails is still out there as well.

I think the big thing is to get whoever we sign in here right away so they can start competing and learning the offense.

Adding Kendall, assuming he's not injured goods, is a must.

I believe we can pick up a good back up running back after the first round of cuts in two weeks. Linemen need to be in camp early.
1) Jamie Nails was ripping his coaching staff and teammates in the press at the end of last year. He isn't coming back.

2) Jamie Nails just visited Carolina who told him he was too fat. They didn't offer him a contract.

For once and for all............JAMIE NAILS IS NOT COMING BACK! You can't say what he said about this organization and expect the organization to sign him!
Didn't see that. Thanks for the update.

Kendall should be brought in though. That guy can be plugged in right away at right guard and can back up McKinney at center in a pinch.
I'd be on the phone with Kendall's agent the moment he was released. At the very least it can't hurt to bring him in and give him a tryout.

He'd fit in well in Miami, based on his last name alone. :)
We should call Pete Kendall imediatley! Sign him and he could either back-up Seth or battle with Jerman and Whitley for the RG. I think our FO this week should lock up Ogun, sign Stacey Mack and Pete Kendall. Also, I don't think they will ever consider signing the human whale.
Nublar7 said:
Also, I don't think they will ever consider signing the human whale.
Isn't this him???

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