5 top 90 picks
03 Dion Jordan …….. 15g - 16t - 2sax ……………........ 21 tyler eifert …………….. 15g – 39r - - 445y –- 2td
54 Jamar Taylor …….. 8g - 1 tackle ………………......... 46 kiko alonso ……………. 15g – 81t - - 4 pix –- 2sax
77 Dallas Thomas ….. 6g ………………………………........ 61 eddie lacy ……………… 14g – 263c - 1112y – 10td
93 Will Davis ………….. 5g - 8 tackles …………….......... 74 terrance wms ………... 15g – 43r –-- 697y –- 5td
104 Jelani Jenkins …. 14g - 9tckles ……………….......... 76 keenan allen ………….. 14g – 66r –-- 957y –- 8td
106 Dion Sims ……….. 14g - 6r - 32y - 1td ………........ 85 jordan reed …………….. 9g – 45r –-- 499y –- 3td
turned to 3
DJ is nice but no 1 player is worth
Eifert at 12
Kiko at 42
Lacy at 54
we could have used 77 n 82 to move up a couple of spots for
terrance williams or keenan allen . . . . add those guys to
wallace hartline gibson and grimes and sign LT albert
instead of eifert take d-hop or patterson and then reed later
. . . . . either way this team would be crazy good right now
call it hindsight if you like, but it’s the lack of foresight and
the inability to identify elite talent that’s most troubling
Boatload of Draft Picks n Cash
and there’s not an offensive lineman in sight
no OL ,, no TE ,, no Run Game . . . a couple of 3-4 LBs playing
in a 4-3 ,,, a mismatched set of maxed-out receivers and
brent grimes is all we have to show for it all . . . . .
the ravens got Monroe for 4th n 5th round picks
. . . . . were we even aware he was available
i’m all for cats getting a shot but 2 years is more than enough
time to show and prove . . . . getting hosed by the raiders
and buddy nix and drafting cats like jonathan martin
and michael egnew is reason enough to move on
t'is the time to come anew . . . . . . . .
03 Dion Jordan …….. 15g - 16t - 2sax ……………........ 21 tyler eifert …………….. 15g – 39r - - 445y –- 2td
54 Jamar Taylor …….. 8g - 1 tackle ………………......... 46 kiko alonso ……………. 15g – 81t - - 4 pix –- 2sax
77 Dallas Thomas ….. 6g ………………………………........ 61 eddie lacy ……………… 14g – 263c - 1112y – 10td
93 Will Davis ………….. 5g - 8 tackles …………….......... 74 terrance wms ………... 15g – 43r –-- 697y –- 5td
104 Jelani Jenkins …. 14g - 9tckles ……………….......... 76 keenan allen ………….. 14g – 66r –-- 957y –- 8td
106 Dion Sims ……….. 14g - 6r - 32y - 1td ………........ 85 jordan reed …………….. 9g – 45r –-- 499y –- 3td
turned to 3
DJ is nice but no 1 player is worth
Eifert at 12
Kiko at 42
Lacy at 54
we could have used 77 n 82 to move up a couple of spots for
terrance williams or keenan allen . . . . add those guys to
wallace hartline gibson and grimes and sign LT albert
instead of eifert take d-hop or patterson and then reed later
. . . . . either way this team would be crazy good right now
call it hindsight if you like, but it’s the lack of foresight and
the inability to identify elite talent that’s most troubling
Boatload of Draft Picks n Cash
and there’s not an offensive lineman in sight
no OL ,, no TE ,, no Run Game . . . a couple of 3-4 LBs playing
in a 4-3 ,,, a mismatched set of maxed-out receivers and
brent grimes is all we have to show for it all . . . . .
the ravens got Monroe for 4th n 5th round picks
. . . . . were we even aware he was available
i’m all for cats getting a shot but 2 years is more than enough
time to show and prove . . . . getting hosed by the raiders
and buddy nix and drafting cats like jonathan martin
and michael egnew is reason enough to move on
t'is the time to come anew . . . . . . . .