2024 NFL season: Ten biggest remaining roster holes | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

2024 NFL season: Ten biggest remaining roster holes

Oh the video. Well it's for personal reasons. I have read, by some poster/s, whom I respect on this site, thar McDaniel didn't appear like his normal happy self when Robinson was picked.

When I have an opinion, I actually attempt to research it to get all the information I can. At times, my opinion is wrong and I have no problem admitting when I am wrong.

We form opinions based on information we receive. It's possible my opinion is based on faulty information.

So, in this instance where I believe the FO is lying or McDaniel wasn't thrilled with the pick. Seeing video footage could help prove me wrong, or put me at ease with McDaniel in this instance.

Unlike others on here, I am willing to change my opinion or belief when information is provided.

So, therefore I asker for the video. The coach talking about how excited he is about the pick is not good information. I would hope there is not a coach alive that would have said, " the pick sucked, we needed and should have drafted an o linemen"

We should all be like that.

My biggest problem is identifying the reliability of a lot of the "information" presented here
All I did was ask you a question, like you did me. I didn't tell you to stop, I didn't tell you to ignore etc.

I asked why you care? If you wanted to know why I feel they are lying, I would happily explain. But you decided to indirectly called me a conspiracy theorist.

I mean.... it's true Goat. But you hurt my feelings bro lol

Pour some bourbon on it. It’ll get better.

That’s what I do when someone hurts my feeling. ;)
That’s fair, and it was justified in the pre-McDaniel era.

But in the McDaniel era, I don’t agree that OL has been our weakness. I think our weakness (on offense) last year was that we had absolutely no answers when Tyreek and Waddle were controlled — whether because they were hobbled or double teamed. Nobody else on the team could consistently run the right route, get open, and catch the ball. I think a lot of people believe Connor Williams going down was what screwed up our offense, but in reality, it was Tyreek getting rolled up on against Tennessee. He was not the same again after that, and combined with good defenses doubling him and Waddle on passing downs, we had no answers.

I also think a number of issues on defense—specifically our secondary, our inside linebackers, our physicality, and our depth—were all bigger problems than the OL.

Based on our offseason, I think the coaching staff and front office agree. I just don’t think they look at last year’s team and think interior OL was where things fell apart, as many fans on here believe.

IMO, on a lot of plays where it might look to the layman like the OL was the problem, the real issue was that (1) defenses didn’t respect (and didn’t have to respect) our secondary playmakers, (2) the playbook was limited because nobody can trust Ced Wilson and Durham Smythe and Braxton Berrios to get open or break a tackle, and (3) the ball wasn’t coming out when it should’ve because secondary targets weren’t getting open or weren’t running the right routes (looking at you, Claypool).
I like the premise but I have to shoot the biggest hole in with a simple response.... Then why didn't we just run the ball? Obviously we couldn't run all the time but we didn't run the at all ball effectively, late in the year after the starters were shelved. A 2nd and 4 or 5 is an offensive win, but we couldn't do that, we had to pass every play to have any chance. That's on the OL. Yes, the receivers let us down, but the whole offense was in disarray at that point.
That's because OG is the least important position in this organization. The offense runs off tack and misdirection vs a power offense, so we don't just run it up the gut much. Also, our pass game is designed on a quick release, so interior pressure shouldn't be much of an issue either.

Instead of building a roster with more even distribution of talent, Grier and Co. decided to stock up on positions that change the game, ie wide receiver, pass rushers, and speedy rbs
I like the premise but I have to shoot the biggest hole in with a simple response.... Then why didn't we just run the ball? Obviously we couldn't run all the time but we didn't run the at all ball effectively, late in the year after the starters were shelved. A 2nd and 4 or 5 is an offensive win, but we couldn't do that, we had to pass every play to have any chance. That's on the OL. Yes, the receivers let us down, but the whole offense was in disarray at that point.

Ask McDaniel!

A lot of posters here would probably like to know his answer to that.
Better yet, what is he going to do about it in regard to his play calling?
He, like a lot of other GM's put different values on certain positions, he cannot control who other teams pick with the exception of trades. Get used to it, leave, no one is holding you hostage, but you are shoveling chit against the Miami tide as long as Gier is here. If you can understand this, you understand how some of us get tired of the same worn out complaint.
can I get overreaction for $500?
Ask McDaniel!

A lot of posters here would probably like to know his answer to that.
Better yet, what is he going to do about it in regard to his play calling?
I agree Ray, but i was more referring to the OL play, or lack there of. Many of us have a problem with McD's late season play calling, but I think he realized that since we couldn't get a yard on 2nd, 3rd or even 4th down when we needed it, we were better off passing. He probably thought we had a better chance of getting the first down, with always a chance for the vaunted big play opportunity. The key here is 4 backups in play on the OL.
Ask McDaniel!

A lot of posters here would probably like to know his answer to that.
Better yet, what is he going to do about it in regard to his play calling?
Ray my good man, you are bordering on Lemming status with posts like these.

Not happy with coach?
Ray my good man, you are bordering on Lemming status with posts like these.

Not happy with coach?
I don’t see anything wrong with that post.

McDaniels playcalling is and has been far from perfect. We can say that and still state we really like him as our coach and want him to improve.
I don’t see anything wrong with that post.

McDaniels playcalling is and has been far from perfect. We can say that and still state we really like him as our coach and want him to improve.
Perfect? No, but pretty damn good.

There are situational calls I didn't like, but that is true of every coach we have had.
Perfect? No, but pretty damn good.

There are situational calls I didn't like, but that is true of every coach we have had.
Yeah, pretty good, he’s top 8 coach in the NFL.

Needs to run the ball more. He has room for improvement. Nothing wrong with stating things like that.

Also, if your baseline for judgment is Miami’s recent coaches then yeah, he is Gods gift to Miami and ya he’s about as perfect as it gets.

But outside of Miami, he has room for improvement.
Yeah, pretty good, he’s top 8 coach in the NFL.

Needs to run the ball more. He has room for improvement. Nothing wrong with stating things like that.
Our run/pass ratio is not really our of whack, so IDK that I agree with "run the ball more".

Again, situationally there's a case to be made at times.
Our run/pass ratio is not really our of whack, so IDK that I agree with "run the ball more".

Again, situationally there's a case to be made at times.
Threw the ball the 2nd most in 3rd and short.

We were middle of the pack in converting 3rd and short.

Mostert converted 8 out of 9 3rd and short

There was many times we could all recall in game that the play calling got too cute.

Again, are we arguing if he’s the best Miami has had or against the best the NFL has?

Winning the Super Bowl is really ****ing hard and we have to expect more if we want to even get there. It doesn’t mean he can’t get there and I don’t think anything about my (or ray’s post) insinuated otherwise. It just means we must get better.
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