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3 Immediate Superbowl XLV Reactions As Relating To The Fins

Blessed situation? No pressure?

How about having to follow in a HOF'ers footsteps, in a town that worshipped Favre and hated how the GM/coach were pushing their hero out of town. For three years Rodgers heard nothing but how he wasn't close to the QB Favre still was... hearing it from fans in Favre jerseys yelling at him wherever he went that first preseason as the starter. And... I don't recall Favre exactly taking the guy under his wing to teach him anything. The two men weren't exactly fishing buddies (which a lot of Packers fans blamed Rodgers for at the time).

So what's the guy do? While Favre was getting all the attention in NYJ and Minn, he puts up around 4000 yards, 30 TD's, 64% completion percentage, 300 yards rushing and 4-5 rushing TD's all 3 seasons he's started. Then, he plays lights out in the playoffs, taking good (but not great) teams much further than they ever should've gone... winning a Superbowl MVP that Favre never did.

Keep telling yourself that it was some magical situation in Green Bay that made Rodgers successful. The rest of us see the truth. One of the most accurate QB's we've ever seen could've been similarly successful in Miami with Saban+Linehan... those two men just totally blew their evaluation of him.

This has to go down as right up there with Jamar Fletcher and Wayne's hiring of Cam as historically among the Fins' biggest blunders. Considering that in just 2 short seasons prior to his disgraceful exit, also passing on Brees,(although the docs may have been more culpable on that one), signing Culpecker and drafting Jason Allen also, Saban definitely deserves a special eternal resting place in Fins Hell.
Blessed situation? No pressure?

How about having to follow in a HOF'ers footsteps, in a town that worshipped Favre and hated how the GM/coach were pushing their hero out of town. For three years Rodgers heard nothing but how he wasn't close to the QB Favre still was... hearing it from fans in Favre jerseys yelling at him wherever he went that first preseason as the starter. And... I don't recall Favre exactly taking the guy under his wing to teach him anything. The two men weren't exactly fishing buddies (which a lot of Packers fans blamed Rodgers for at the time).

So what's the guy do? While Favre was getting all the attention in NYJ and Minn, he puts up around 4000 yards, 30 TD's, 64% completion percentage, 300 yards rushing and 4-5 rushing TD's all 3 seasons he's started. Then, he plays lights out in the playoffs, taking good (but not great) teams much further than they ever should've gone... winning a Superbowl MVP that Favre never did.

Keep telling yourself that it was some magical situation in Green Bay that made Rodgers successful. The rest of us see the truth. One of the most accurate QB's we've ever seen could've been similarly successful in Miami with Saban+Linehan... those two men just totally blew their evaluation of him.

Spot on! Hell I was in Greenbay 5 or 6 times this season and they had Farve jerseys for sale in the airport, but no Rodgers. Even after Farve swept them last year it just fueled the hate of getting rid of Farve for Rodgers.
Marino was selected 27th.. what's your point? Further, Mike Mayock, who championed Ryan 3 years later had Rodgers as the top QB in the draft and a top5 pick. Ditto Rich Gosselin. When you've got 2 morons like Saban with AJ Feeley and Gruden drafting 5th with Brian Griese as the preemptive starters, Rodgers should have been drafted where most of the gurus thought he'd appropriately go. Finally, I hope with your "wouldas and shouldas" you're not one of the ones pizzing and moaning about missing about on Ryan and ending up with Long as the consolation prize.

You probably want to do dig a little deeper Vaark.. Mike Mayock also predicted Aaron Rodgers slide on draft day.

Miami needed a franchise quarterback when they had the #1 overall pick in '08 too... but I don't remember you leading any Matt Ryan charge. In fact, I remember Matt Ryan being the most horrible QB prospect to ever come out of college according to you.

Listen... Anybody can go on ranting and raving about who Miami passed up AFTER it's obvious that they've turned out to be a franchise caliber player... If you want to prove that you have any idea what you're talking about, then go on record NOW with who Miami shouldn't pass up...

Are you going to wait until Pat Devlin turns out to be a very good NFL quarterback for somebody else and then ***** and complain that Miami should've taken him instead of whoever they passed him up for?

Aaron Rodgers has been in the league 6 years and finally just won his first playoff game this season... now he's a superbowl champion. Drew Brees was in the league 6 years before he won his first playoff game. Peyton Manning was in the league 6 years before he won his first playoff game... Matt Ryan is going to get his too...

Dom Capers got his superbowl ring last night... when he was in Miami he was "the idiot who didn't know how to use his personnel correctly"...

Come on Vaark... it's not Nick Saban's fault this franchise sucks so much a$$...

These morons could draft a "Hall of Fame" left tackle every year and it's not going to amount to a hill of beans. Whoever hits on the quarterback is going to be the regime that succeeds...period.

Passing up on Matt Ryan was worse than passing up on Drew Brees because they didn't learn anything. Passing up on Drew Brees was worse than passing up on Aaron Rodgers because they didn't learn anything.

The next FRANCHISE caliber quarterback that they pass up on is going to be worse than passing up on Matt Ryan because they still wouldn't have learned anything.
This franchise started to decay right after Don Shula retired and Dan Marino ended his distinguished career.

Every person from the top brass down that has had a hand in this team between the years of 1999 and 2008 caused a monumental collapse of a historically great franchise through misuse of free agent monies, talent evaluation, talent development and talent retention. There are only a handful of NFL franchises that have been managed worse over that time period then the Miami Dolphins.

This current regime has missed on some draft picks and in free agency but the one thing that it provided was a stable platform to build from, salary cap room and a stock pile of draft picks that brought in talent desperately needed to build a solid franchise. This team was so devoid of talent after the 2007 season it is a miracle that any coach could have went 27 and 25 over the past three seasons.

One of the glaring problems with the NFL today is the win now attitude, every single successful program that has ever produced a dynasty had stability from the top down and don't give me any bull**** about the Jets because the only thing they have done is mortgaged the farm for monumental collapse. It's a old overpaid team which is great for a short term answer but sucks if you are trying to build long term success.
You probably want to do dig a little deeper Vaark.. Mike Mayock also predicted Aaron Rodgers slide on draft day.

Miami needed a franchise quarterback when they had the #1 overall pick in '08 too... but I don't remember you leading any Matt Ryan charge. In fact, I remember Matt Ryan being the most horrible QB prospect to ever come out of college according to you.

Listen... Anybody can go on ranting and raving about who Miami passed up AFTER it's obvious that they've turned out to be a franchise caliber player... If you want to prove that you have any idea what you're talking about, then go on record NOW with who Miami shouldn't pass up...

Are you going to wait until Pat Devlin turns out to be a very good NFL quarterback for somebody else and then ***** and complain that Miami should've taken him instead of whoever they passed him up for?

Aaron Rodgers has been in the league 6 years and finally just won his first playoff game this season... now he's a superbowl champion. Matt Ryan is going to get his too...

Dom Capers got his superbowl ring last night... when he was in Miami he was "the idiot who didn't know how to use his personnel correctly"...

Come on Vaark... it's not Nick Saban's fault this franchise sucks so much a$$...

These morons could draft a "Hall of Fame" left tackle every year and it's not going to amount to a hill of beans. Whoever hits on the quarterback is going to be the regime that succeeds...period.

Passing up on Matt Ryan was worse than passing up on Drew Brees because they didn't learn anything. Passing up on Drew Brees was worse than passing up on Aaron Rodgers because they didn't learn anything.

The next FRANCHISE caliber quarterback that they pass up on is going to be worse than passing up on Matt Ryan because they still wouldn't have learned anything.

As always Ted you make some pertinent points... and then some clouded by your designated role as the unofficial Saban apologist. :)

I remember when you arrived on FH.. it's true you and I were at odds on Ryan. I never said he sucked, but like more than a few professional evaluators, said there were enough issues including interceptions and level of BC competition to make him a helluva deal in the mid teens (about where the Ravens traded down to take Flacco which turned out to be apples to apples) but not as a number 1 draft pick. Neither of us were here in 05; personally I was on a usenet fins group and, hating Feeley, was very vocal about drafting either Rodgers or Smith. The fact that Gosselin, Mayock, SI and others had Rodgers above Smith made him the more palatable choice AFAIWC. I wasn't pleased with drafting a part time SEC RB at #2, especially since one of the 2 highly thought of QBs was still available, but like a lot of others was caught up in the Saban as Savior hype and yielded to what I thought at that time (but now know a lot better) was his infinite football wisdom. Of course that was before Frerrotte, Culpecker, Jason Allen, Hagen, Daniels, etc.. and before Linehan left for the Rams HC job which in year 2 ended up revealing that "the emperor had no clothes."

As far as Mayock predicting Rodgers would fall, he obviously got wind that moron #1 Saban would go for the familiar and that moron #2, Gruden after winning 5games, was standing pat with Brian Griese. It had less to do with Rodgers perceived worth than reporting of the circumstances. The same can be said for Ryan: if Vick wasn't revealed as a detestable animal torturer and killer, Ryan would have fallen to the Ravens@ #8. If the Ravens who took a flier on Troy Smith 2 years before, saw enough to stand pat.. I doubt Ryan would have tumbled to the 56th Brian Brohm spot: instead just like the Packers did with Rodgers, someone probably would have opportunistically taken him somewhere in the latter part of the first round. Bottom Line: it's all circumstantially situational.

Unlike you and others, I'm both inexperienced, unschooled, and time-challenged in evaluating college players so aside from what I see personally (and the first time I saw Rivers before he was even a blip on the radar, I wanted him badly), I yield to experts I respect. So far I've read some nice things about Devlin but have not seen him, have read good things about the NV kid and read/observed Ponder a few times. All sound promising.. at least at this point. Yes, I agree it's easy to practice revisionist history- and that includes Ryan too since while he was considered best of breed, his breed was kind of pockmarked. Say what you will about Jake in the context of SB LT's as the consolation prize, but when's the last time an elite RB led his team to a SB, let alone a SB victory, so even more of an argument can be made against Ronnie, especially since RBs have the shortest shelf life and can be harvested throughout the draft and beyond.

Saban set this franchise back, created the presence of Cam and left us very little in the cupboard. A case can be made that things might have been different with the SB MVP who took a lot of **** off Favre and the GB fans and who just won 4 games on the road to get into the POs and ultimately win the golden chalice, in the POs throwing 9TDs to 2 Ints, ran for 2 TDs, had a 68% competion rating and 110QBR.

Comeon Teddy, admit that if Rodgers played for an SEC doomat like Kentucky or Vanderbilt, Saban needing a QB more than a dime a dozen RB, would have still predictably stayed in his vacuum visioned comfort zone but would have drafted Rodgers instead of Ronnie. :hump:
I still (mistakenly) believed in John Beck. I really liked Matt Ryan and rated him the #1 QB in his class, and even though I had a lot of Beck-ites behind me because I believed Beck deserved another chance, I flatly told them (to their chagrine) that Matt Ryan is a superior player and prospect.

I just didn't value the QB position then like I do now. Now I realize my mistake. If you like a guy and you don't have a QB, you just do not pass on him. I liked Aaron Rodgers, Miami didn't have a QB, and Miami passed on him. That means in my book, they made a mistake. I liked Matt Ryan, we didn't really have a QB, and Miami passed on him. That means they made a mistake.

Similarly, I like Cam Newton and Blaine Gabbert, Ryan Mallett to a lesser degree, Miami does NOT have a quarterback, and if they pass on any of those guys...it will be a mistake.

For some reason people are more afraid of guys becoming a bust at that position than other positions. It's like, Ronnie Brown can have the career he's had in Miami (which isn't honestly all that impressive) and that's ok...but if it's Vince Young and he has the dubious career he's had in Tennessee...or if it's Jason Campbell and he has the career he's had in Washington...it's like it's the end of the world.

I say screw being afraid of that anymore. Keep taking a guy until you have one you KNOW you can believe in.
1. Jealous the Pack won and we didn't
2. Jealous the Pack won and we didn't
3. Jealous the Pack won and we didn't

I mean damn, I wanna see all those championship hats and shirts on our players! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wu1Ny-HHn70
And I wanna watch a Dolphins Lombardi presentation in 2011, and I want to see a montage of our best players like the Pack did (Starting around 5:40 - awesome). But that won't happen until we get a serviceable quarterback, and until we get more explosive players, and I don't know if that'll happen with our current philosophy.
I notice no one brings up the fact that we passed up Quinn when everyone was in arms when Miami passed on him for Ted (I suck ***) Ginn Jr.

Some are winners, some are losers and some are Chad Henne.
As always Ted you make some pertinent points... and then some clouded by your designated role as the unofficial Saban apologist. :)

I remember when you arrived on FH.. it's true you and I were at odds on Ryan. I never said he sucked, but like more than a few professional evaluators, said there were enough issues including interceptions and level of BC competition to make him a helluva deal in the mid teens (about where the Ravens traded down to take Flacco which turned out to be apples to apples) but not as a number 1 draft pick. Neither of us were here in 05; personally I was on a usenet fins group and, hating Feeley, was very vocal about drafting either Rodgers or Smith. The fact that Gosselin, Mayock, SI and others had Rodgers above Smith made him the more palatable choice AFAIWC. I wasn't pleased with drafting a part time SEC RB at #2, especially since one of the 2 highly thought of QBs was still available, but like a lot of others was caught up in the Saban as Savior hype and yielded to what I thought at that time (but now know a lot better) was his infinite football wisdom. Of course that was before Frerrotte, Culpecker, Jason Allen, Hagen, Daniels, etc.. and before Linehan left for the Rams HC job which in year 2 ended up revealing that "the emperor had no clothes."

As far as Mayock predicting Rodgers would fall, he obviously got wind that moron #1 Saban would go for the familiar and that moron #2, Gruden after winning 5games, was standing pat with Brian Griese. It had less to do with Rodgers perceived worth than reporting of the circumstances. The same can be said for Ryan: if Vick wasn't revealed as a detestable animal torturer and killer, Ryan would have fallen to the Ravens@ #8. If the Ravens who took a flier on Troy Smith 2 years before, saw enough to stand pat.. I doubt Ryan would have tumbled to the 56th Brian Brohm spot: instead just like the Packers did with Rodgers, someone probably would have opportunistically taken him somewhere in the latter part of the first round. Bottom Line: it's all circumstantially situational.

Unlike you and others, I'm both inexperienced, unschooled, and time-challenged in evaluating college players so aside from what I see personally (and the first time I saw Rivers before he was even a blip on the radar, I wanted him badly), I yield to experts I respect. So far I've read some nice things about Devlin but have not seen him, have read good things about the NV kid and read/observed Ponder a few times. All sound promising.. at least at this point. Yes, I agree it's easy to practice revisionist history- and that includes Ryan too since while he was considered best of breed, his breed was kind of pockmarked. Say what you will about Jake in the context of SB LT's as the consolation prize, but when's the last time an elite RB led his team to a SB, let alone a SB victory, so even more of an argument can be made against Ronnie, especially since RBs have the shortest shelf life and can be harvested throughout the draft and beyond.

Saban set this franchise back, created the presence of Cam and left us very little in the cupboard. A case can be made that things might have been different with the SB MVP who took a lot of **** off Favre and the GB fans and who just won 4 games on the road to get into the POs and ultimately win the golden chalice, in the POs throwing 9TDs to 2 Ints, ran for 2 TDs, had a 68% competion rating and 110QBR.

Comeon Teddy, admit that if Rodgers played for an SEC doomat like Kentucky or Vanderbilt, Saban needing a QB more than a dime a dozen RB, would have still predictably stayed in his vacuum visioned comfort zone but would have drafted Rodgers instead of Ronnie. :hump:

Well, Nick Saban didn't hire Cam Cameron... Wayne Huizenga hired Cam Cameron. Wayne Huizenga hired Nick Saban. Saban doesn't shoulder any of the burden for the inept-ness of the Miami Dolphins previous to his arrival... and very, very, very little of any of it following his departure. A lot of Saban's players were obviously good enough for these "geniuses" to keep around, or go elsewhere and be productive players for somebody else.

I will say this about Cam Cameron though...and you have to look at it objectively. He only had one season. He was never able to see his vision of the team through... probably because he only won 1 game, and Bill Parcells needed to give all of his buddies a job.

I think Cam Cameron had the right IDEA, and understands what the NFL is about in the present times (as opposed to Parcells and his minions).... he understands the value of speed, how to utilize skill position players to their potential, and the importance of the QB position.

Cam Cameron's problem was that he chose the wrong players to do it with.

I think he would've taken Matt Ryan with the #1 overall pick had been allowed to stay another season... He was involved with the Ravens and Ozzie Newsome's aggressive pursuit of trading up to #2 overall ahead of Atlanta to select Matt Ryan.

Now, Aaron Rodgers may have been the perceived "best" QB by the talking heads, and it was in a much weaker overall QB class than the one Matt Ryan was the best of. Aaron Rodgers was following in the footsteps of a long line of Jeff Tedford quarterback busts, and it was apparent that Rodgers was best suited for a timing based offense such as the WCO.... those were the concerns with Rodgers... and they were accurate.

We can all make Jake Long as much of a "helluva consolation prize" as we want... but it still boils down to being left with the consolation prize.

Lastly, there's not a head coach or GM past or present in the NFL, that doesn't operate based on what's familiar to them. Whether that be in hiring coaches, or acquiring talent... look around.

That's not something that shows you don't know what you're doing... it shows that you know what fits your philosophy and what suits your vision.
I notice no one brings up the fact that we passed up Quinn when everyone was in arms when Miami passed on him for Ted (I suck ***) Ginn Jr.

Some are winners, some are losers and some are Chad Henne.

I think passing on Brady Quinn was a mistake. In retrospect, it was a mistake that would have been worth making. I liked him in that Draft, and Miami did not have a franchise guy at that position. Passing on him was a mistake.
I don't see anything in Aaron Rodgers' game that says he can't play in whatever system you want.
I don't see anything in Aaron Rodgers' game that says he can't play in whatever system you want.

Of course you don't now... nobody does, or ever did.

Peyton Manning becomes a better QB prospect coming out of Tennessee with every passing year... so does Tom Brady... and Drew Brees.

Why would Aaron Rodgers be any different.
I noticed how Rodgers didnt even give a peek to his intented receiver until he opened fire on them. Dang Henne, watch and learn!
I think passing on Brady Quinn was a mistake. In retrospect, it was a mistake that would have been worth making. I liked him in that Draft, and Miami did not have a franchise guy at that position. Passing on him was a mistake.

I Agree on Quinn whether he ever pans out or not. You just cant ignore qb or try to take like the 4th best prospect. Its been 20 something years since we took qb seriously
This is why I think we should take a shot at Cam Newton. Everyone is dawging his past and saying he's not an NFL type QB, and he's a thug, etc., but he just wins. We have NOTHING to lose.
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