32 out of 32 passing D, We have been playing zone right | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

32 out of 32 passing D, We have been playing zone right


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With the addition of Sammy Knight and T-Buck. We should have the most talented secondary in the game. We still have the same coach. So, what has been happening? I know we were trying to work on our zone D. Obviously, we suck at zone D. When will they decide to call off this botched plan? An argument can be made that even though the opponents passing offense has been shredding us for yards, that they also aren't getting any points. My answer is who gives a ****? We need to play lights out press coverage against the Bills otherwise we are done for. We don't have the right athletes for zone these guys aren't that fast but they are physical enough to shut down the recievers at the line of scrimmage while Seau and Thomas disrupt the Qb's timing. What is everyones take on this.
As much as we have been giving up yrds in the passing game do to the zone I think we need to stay with the zone we will get better, and
we will start to look more like a tough team to score on. Two td's in eight quarters is not bad considering we give up so many yrds with the zone. I am not ready to give up on a plan that us as fans have been asking for for years now. We want our D to look different from years past then we need this change. We will be fine we have not gone from the third place D to the last because we are not good we are just trying to mesh. BTW the Jills are not as good as everyone says they are, just be patient they will not play this way all year. I still think their D is middle of the pack at best, and their O line is not that good you'll see.
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You guys have some of the fastest guys in the NFL in your secondary(minus T Buck). The Dolls should excel at the zone becuase of that. Usually slower teams play more zone because they have less talent. They need to mix it up a little more. I don't think they disguise the coverage enough.
Yeah our team will get better, and mby the end of the season we will be the best secondary team...
I agree with all three of these posts. I would like to add one thing. In years past the Fins employed a great bend but don't break defense. I remember like 3 or maybe 4 years ago we were the defense that allowed the fewest points for a while anyway. That's what I saw the last two games. I have no problem with that kind of defense even though it may be hard to stomach at times. If all our pass defense woes are due to adjusting to the zone defense and getting two new starters up to speed then I am very excited at the prospect of a much more versatile D. I just hope we survive the transition, we certainly have the talent to do it.

We have been playing way too much zone and it obviously hasn't been working. I think our defense is best when we play man. I don't mind zone every once in a while to confuse the offense, but we should be playing mostly man.
Originally posted by robeezy
You guys have some of the fastest guys in the NFL in your secondary(minus T Buck). The Dolls should excel at the zone becuase of that. Usually slower teams play more zone because they have less talent. They need to mix it up a little more. I don't think they disguise the coverage enough.

Astute observation. The players who have been particularly ineffective in zone are our safeties. If we play zone too often, Bledsoe willl pick us apart.
You guys have been asking for a New Wrinkle and now that you got it you want it gone. Get over yourselves. I would prefer us use Man-To-Man but let's not give up on Zone yet. What If tommorow we get 4 INTs etc. Then you all will say "Zone Rules"!
While it is a ugly transition, we need to keep the zone and perfect it..as the bill's poster noted, it has to be disgusted better. That will come with practice and game situations, we still need to be good at man to man, for that has kept us alive a long time. But against the bills man to man 75% to 25% zone I think is better.
Going through the growing pains of learning a new D will pay off late in the season. If we give up on zone and just go back to man full time then we will be the same D that has been so easy to figure out these last few years.
The effectiveness of a zone defense depends entirely on players knowing their assignments and sticking to the system. We see missed assignments by the corners often along the sidelines. If a reciever gets behind the corner it should be to the inside at which point he will be covered by a linbacker or safety. Zone defenses are usually vulnerable to an experienced QB who can exploit mismatches. Our defense has been particularly soft on plays underneath. The short crossing pattern in a zone is the responsibility of, who else, the nearest player, usually a linebacker. If the defense was not picking up the system quickly enough it should have been scrapped before the season started. Last year we seemed to have more of a problem with conditioning than the defensive system. We were getting more pressure on the QB last year because the press-coverage was working very well.
Let me get this straight... you guys have 2 All Pro Corners with great cover skills but average speed and you are asking them to play zone... Is your coaching staff trying to get fired? Last time I checked teams that play zone have secondaries that don't really cover well, but are fast as hell... like the Bucs secondary...

Let's be real for a second... Your man to man secondary shut down the #1 offense in the NFL last year. Now you move to zone and your D is dead last statistically after games against offensive juggernauts like the Texans and what's left of the Jets...

Uhhhhh all right... Ya keep playing zone... at least if the Raiders can get it together and get to the post season, we won't have to worry about avenging last year's loss to you guys... :rolleyes:
Originally posted by SoCalRaider
Let me get this straight... you guys have 2 All Pro Corners with great cover skills but average speed and you are asking them to play zone... Is your coaching staff trying to get fired? Last time I checked teams that play zone have secondaries that don't really cover well, but are fast as hell... like the Bucs secondary...

Let's be real for a second... Your man to man secondary shut down the #1 offense in the NFL last year. Now you move to zone and your D is dead last statistically after games against offensive juggernauts like the Texans and what's left of the Jets...

Uhhhhh all right... Ya keep playing zone... at least if the Raiders can get it together and get to the post season, we won't have to worry about avenging last year's loss to you guys... :rolleyes:

Owch... this wouldn't hurt so bad if it werent so true. :eek:
i agree that we need to be patient. But i also think we should be trying to get to a zone/press D to 50/50. i thought the whole point was to use zone then change up in the second half or something. that way you get interceptions by confusing the QB. This type of D would make Bledsoe get intercepted in teh second half like always. I havent seen much press at all but like i said before, if they come down the field and we hold em on the run game, then they probably dont score TD's, that means the clock gets used and as long as Ricky is controlling the clock and we are scoring in the red zone like we have, then it works. But as soon as Ricky gets stopped, or we get turnovers, we get screwed.
But on another point, teams are different in talent and scheme so week to week also plays into what kind of D you play. Always stop the run first no matter what! quick long scores often backfire on teams cus there defense gets worn down by ricky.
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